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Keybot 13 Results  www.kapsch.net
  Kapsch.net - Upravljanj...  
Avtomatski nadzor nad vozili, ki kršijo predpise o dostopu do okoljevarstvenih območij.
Automatic enforcement of vehicles that violate an environmental access regulation.
  Kapsch.net - ReÅ¡itve ITS  
Celovite rešitve, ki pokrivajo vse vrste upravljanja dostopa do posameznih ali celotnih mestnih območij, od zaračunavanja pristojbin v mestnih območjih z omejenim dostopom do okoljevarstvenih območij ali območij z nizkimi emisijami.
End-to-end solutions that cover all types of access management for single city zones up to entire urban areas starting from city tolling over zones with restricted access to environmental or low emission zones. The entire enforcement and back office infrastructure is an integral part of our urban solutions.
  Kapsch.net - Območja z...  
V mnogih primerih so območja z nizkimi izpusti najučinkovitejši ukrep, ki ga lahko mestne oblasti sprejmejo, da bi zmanjšale škodljive izpuste. Mestne oblasti prispevajo k doseganju tega cilja tako, da regulirajo dostop vozil, ki onesnažujejo, do mestnih območij glede na določene kriterije, kot so izpusti delcev snovi in razred vozila.
Urban air pollution has become a major issue for cities all over the world. In many cases, low emission zones are the most effective measure municipalities can take to reduce detrimental emissions. They contribute to this goal by regulating access of polluting vehicles to urban areas depending on certain criteria such as particle matter emission and vehicle class.
  Kapsch.net - Cestninjen...  
Kapsch Slovenia > ITS Solutions > Rešitve ITS > Cestninjenje > Cestninjenje območij
Kapsch Slovenia > ITS Solutions > ITS Solutions > Toll Collection > Area Tolling
  Kapsch.net - ReÅ¡itve ITS  
Celovite rešitve, ki pokrivajo vse vrste upravljanja dostopa do posameznih ali celotnih mestnih območij, od zaračunavanja pristojbin v mestnih območjih z omejenim dostopom do okoljevarstvenih območij ali območij z nizkimi emisijami.
End-to-end solutions that cover all types of access management for single city zones up to entire urban areas starting from city tolling over zones with restricted access to environmental or low emission zones. The entire enforcement and back office infrastructure is an integral part of our urban solutions.
  Kapsch.net - Cestninjen...  
Cestninjenje območij
Area Tolling
  Kapsch.net - Always one...  
Sistemi Kapsch TrafficCom svojim strankam ponujajo visoko donosnost naložbe prek vrhunske zmogljivosti transakcij in sistema varnosti, zahvaljujoč vrhunskim tehnologijam, več kot 2.700 predanim zaposlenim in večletnim izkušnjam.
Kapsch is always striving for excellence. The systems of Kapsch TrafficCom offer customers high return on investment through outstanding transaction performance and system security – all thanks to state-of-the-art technologies, more than 2700 dedicated employees and our many years of experience. Around the world, more than 70 million delivered on-board units and about 18000 equipped lanes provide for safe and reliable operation. We follow an integrated management system for health and safety, security, environment and quality (HSSEQ) whose processes are based on the standard according to ISO and are frequently audited.
  Kapsch.net - ReÅ¡itve ITS  
Celovite rešitve, ki pokrivajo vse vrste upravljanja dostopa do posameznih ali celotnih mestnih območij, od zaračunavanja pristojbin v mestnih območjih z omejenim dostopom do okoljevarstvenih območij ali območij z nizkimi emisijami.
End-to-end solutions that cover all types of access management for single city zones up to entire urban areas starting from city tolling over zones with restricted access to environmental or low emission zones. The entire enforcement and back office infrastructure is an integral part of our urban solutions.
  Kapsch.net - Upravljanj...  
Rešitve podjetja Kapsch za upravljanje dostopa v urbanih območjih predstavljajo celovito platformo za upravljanje urbanih območij, predvsem območij z nizkimi emisijami, aplikacij za omejevanje dostopa in shem za zaračunavanje.
Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions are an end-to-end platform for urban zone management, primarily for low emission zones, access restriction applications and charging schemes. Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions consist of roadside equipment and central applications for a variety of urban schemes: for managing urban access limitation which automatically detects vehicles not equipped with an access permit; for urban low emission zones, which automatically enforce vehicles that violate an environmental access regulation; for Urban Road User Charging on a single passage level; or for access to parking garages.
  Kapsch.net - ReÅ¡itve ITS  
Popolne rešitve na ključ, ki odgovarjajo vsem vrstam cestninskih shem, od cestninjenja avtocest in celotnih območij do konvencionalnega cestninjenja in cestninjenja prometnih pasov glede na njihovo zasedenost (angl. »HOT lane tolling«).
Complete turn-key solutions that address all types of tolling schemes from highway and area-wide tolling over conventional tolling to HOT lane tolling. In addition, we offer solutions for toll enforcement as an integral part of our tolling systems as well as the entire back office infrastructure.
  Kapsch.net - Upravljanj...  
Rešitve podjetja Kapsch za upravljanje dostopa v urbanih območjih predstavljajo celovito platformo za upravljanje urbanih območij, predvsem območij z nizkimi emisijami, aplikacij za omejevanje dostopa in shem za zaračunavanje.
Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions are an end-to-end platform for urban zone management, primarily for low emission zones, access restriction applications and charging schemes. Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions consist of roadside equipment and central applications for a variety of urban schemes: for managing urban access limitation which automatically detects vehicles not equipped with an access permit; for urban low emission zones, which automatically enforce vehicles that violate an environmental access regulation; for Urban Road User Charging on a single passage level; or for access to parking garages.
  Kapsch.net - Upravljanj...  
Rešitve podjetja Kapsch za upravljanje dostopa v urbanih območjih predstavljajo celovito platformo za upravljanje urbanih območij, predvsem območij z nizkimi emisijami, aplikacij za omejevanje dostopa in shem za zaračunavanje.
Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions are an end-to-end platform for urban zone management, primarily for low emission zones, access restriction applications and charging schemes. Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions consist of roadside equipment and central applications for a variety of urban schemes: for managing urban access limitation which automatically detects vehicles not equipped with an access permit; for urban low emission zones, which automatically enforce vehicles that violate an environmental access regulation; for Urban Road User Charging on a single passage level; or for access to parking garages.
  Kapsch.net - Upravljanj...  
Rešitve podjetja Kapsch za upravljanje dostopa v urbanih območjih predstavljajo celovito platformo za upravljanje urbanih območij, predvsem območij z nizkimi emisijami, aplikacij za omejevanje dostopa in shem za zaračunavanje.
Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions are an end-to-end platform for urban zone management, primarily for low emission zones, access restriction applications and charging schemes. Kapsch Urban Access Management solutions consist of roadside equipment and central applications for a variety of urban schemes: for managing urban access limitation which automatically detects vehicles not equipped with an access permit; for urban low emission zones, which automatically enforce vehicles that violate an environmental access regulation; for Urban Road User Charging on a single passage level; or for access to parking garages.