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I årene mellom 1901 og 2000 har mer enn 700 nobelpriser blitt delt ut. Mange berømte menn kan nevnes, men bare 30 kvinner. Den mest berømte av kvinnene er kanskje franske Marie Curie som har fått nobelprisen to ganger.
Between 1901 and 2000, more than seven hundred Nobel Prizes were awarded. Many famous men can be mentioned, but only thirty women. The most famous among the women is perhaps the Frenchwoman Marie Curie who received the Nobel Prize twice. Both prizes were awarded for her work with radioactivity and radioactive elements. That work led to her death, from leukemia, in 1934. Other famous women are found especially among the laureates in literature, e.g. the Swede Selma Lagerlöf (1909), the Norwegian Sigrid Undset (1928) and the American Toni Morrison (1993).
  Tyske eventyr  
I eventyrenes verden blir mange realistiske forventninger satt til side. Ikke bare kan dyr snakke, men speil kan det også, såvel som bein og bekker. I eventyr kan hekser gjøre heslige ting mot mennesker og mot ikke-mennesker. Små menn kan spinne strå til gull.
In the world of fairy tales, many realistic expectations are suspended. Not only can animals talk, but mirrors can too, and so can bones and brooks. In fairy tales, witches can do wicked things to people and non-people. Little men can spin straw into gold. Animals and even children can be made of gold. Human hair can grow to dizzying lengths, coins can appear out of the blue, and the dead can even be restored to life. Characters in fairy tales take all these supernatural things for granted; they are never surprised when they encounter a witch or a giant, when they are given a sack that forever fills itself, or when a passing animal strikes up a conversation with them.