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Keybot 8 Results  audacity.sourceforge.net
  Audacity: Entwickler  
Treten Sie der audacity-devel Mailingliste bei, um über aktuelle und zukünftige Entwicklung zu diskutieren oder um Hilfe beim Ändern des Audacity Quellcodes zu erhalten.
Rejoignez la liste de diffusion audacity-devel (lien et liste en anglais) pour discuter des développements actuels et futurs, ou pour aider à la modification du code source d'Audacity.
Sucríbase a la lista de correo audacity-devel para hablar sobre el desarrollo actual y futuro de Audacity o para obtener ayuda para compilar y modificar el código fuente del programa.
Iscrivetevi alla mailing list audacity-devel per discutere dello sviluppo attuale e futuro, o per ottenere un aiuto su come modificare il codice sorgente di Audacity.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Sluit u aan bij de audacity-ontwikkelaars-mailinglijst om huidige en toekomstige ontwikkeling te bespreken, of om hulp te krijgen bij het bouwen en wijzigen van de broncode van Audacity.
audacity-devel メーリングリストに参加ましょう。現在進行中のものや将来の開発について議論したりAudacityソースコードのビルドや変更についてのアドバイスをもらったりできます。
Pridružite se audacity-devel e-poštnom popisu kako biste raspravili o tekućim i budućim razvojima ili pomogli mijenjanju Audacityjeva koda.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Pridružite se dopisnemu seznamu audacity-devel za razpravo o trenutnem in nadaljnjem razvoju ter iskanje pomoči pri prevajanju in spreminjanju izvorne kode Audacity.
Güncel ve gelecekte yayınlanacak sürümlerin geliştirme çalışmaları hakkında fikir alışverişinde bulunmak ya da Audacity kaynak kodunda değişiklik yapmakla ilgili yardım almak için audacity-devel e-posta listesine katılın.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Join the audacity-devel mailing list to discuss current and future development, or to get help modifying the Audacity source code.
Batu audacity-garapena post@ zerrendara oraingo eta geroko garapena eztabaidatzeko, edo laguntza lortzeko Audacity iturburu kodea aldatzeko.
  Audacity: Unterstützen ...  
Geben Sie uns Vorschläge oder Fehlerberichte, treten Sie der Audacity Benutzergemeinschaft bei und helfen Sie anderen Benutzern.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Donnez nous des suggestions ou des rapports de bogue, rejoignez la communauté des utilisateurs d'Audacity et aidez les autres utilisateurs.
Envíe su opinión, errores y conviértase en parte de la comunidad de usuarios de Audacity.
Inviateci suggerimenti o resoconti di errori, unitevi alla comunità degli utenti Audacity e aiutate gli altri utenti.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Geef ons suggesties of bugrapporten, sluit u aan bij de gebruikersgemeenschap van Audacity en help andere gebruikers.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Dajte nam prijedlog ili prijavite kvar, pridružite se zajednici Audacityjevih korisnika i pomognite drugim korisnicima.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Pišite nam, poročajte o hroščih, postanite del uporabniške skupnosti Audacity in pomagajte drugim uporabnikom.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Öneri ve hata bildirimlerinde bulunabilir, Audacity kullanıcı topluluğuna katılarak diğer kullanıcılara yardımcı olabilirsiniz.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Give us suggestions or bug reports, join the Audacity user community and help other users.
Emaizkiguzu iradokizunak edo akats jakinarazpenak, batu Audacity erabiltzaile herkidegora eta lagundu beste laguntzaileak.
  Audacity: Wie erhält Au...  
Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sicher mit Paypal zu spenden (ein Paypal-Konto wird nicht benötigt). Sie können jeden Betrag spenden, indem Sie entweder Ihre Kreditkarte oder Ihr Paypal-Konto benutzen:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour effectuer un don sécurisé par Paypal (un compte Paypal n'est pas nécessaire). Vous pouvez envoyer le montant de votre choix, en utilisant votre carte de crédit ou votre compte Paypal :
También puede hacer clic en el siguiente botón para donar de forma segura a través de PayPal (no se requiere cuenta). Puede enviarnos cualquier cantidad, bien por tarjeta de crédito o con su saldo PayPal:
Fate clic sul pulsante al di sotto della donazione sicura mediante Paypal (non è necessario un account Paypal). È possibile inviare qualsiasi cifra, usando la carta di credito o l'account Paypal:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Klik op onderstaande knop om veilig te doneren via Paypal (een PayPal-account is niet vereist). U kunt elk bedrag zenden, door gebruik te maken van uw kredietkaart of uw PayPal-account:
Stisnite gumb ispod za sigurno darovanje PayPalom (račun PayPal nije potreban). Možete poslati koju god svotu rabeći ili kreditnu karticu ili PayPalov račun:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Kliknite spodnji gumb in varno darujte prek sistema PayPal (račun PayPal ni potreben). Nakažete lahko poljuben znesek, s kreditno kartico ali z računom PayPal:
Aşağıdaki Paypal düğmesini kullanarak güvenli bir şekilde bağış yapabilirsiniz (bir PayPal hesabınızın olması gerekir). Kredi kartınız ya da Paypal hesabınızı kullanarak dilediğiniz miktarda bağış yapabilirsiniz:
Click the button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount, using either your credit card or your PayPal account:
Klikatu beheko botoia dirulaguntza segurtasunez emateko PayPal-rekin (ez da beharrezkoa PayPal kontu bat). Edozein kopuru bidali dezakezu, bietako bat erabiliz, zure kreditu txartela edo zure PayPal kontua:
  Audacity: Entwickler  
Auf die SVN Paketquellen kann auch über GUI und IDE Clients oder Plugins zugegriffen werden. Wenn Sie GUI oder IDE Werkzeuge benutzen, nutzen Sie bitte die Befehle, die in der Werkzeugdokumentation aufgelistet sind.
Vous pouvez également accéder au dépôt SVN en utilisant des clients ou modules (lien en anglais) graphiques ou un IDE. Si vous utiliser un outil graphique ou un IDE, veuillez utiliser les commandes indiquées dans la documentation de cet outil.
El repositorio SVN también está accesible desde varios entornos de desarrollo clientes y plug-ins. Si usa una de estas herramientas consulte la documentación para ver cómo proceder.
È inoltre possibile accedere al SVN repository usando GUI e IDE client o plug-in. Se usate strumenti GUI o IDE, usate i comandi indicati nella documentazione degli strumenti.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
De SVN repository is ook toegankelijk door middel van GUI en IDE clients of plugins. Als u GUI of IDE tools gebruikt, gelieve de commando's te gebruiken die weergegeven worden in de documentatie van de toepassing.
Skladištu SVN možete prići rabeći GUI i IDE korisnici i utičnici. Pri porabi oruđa GUI ili IDE molimo rabiti naredbe pokazane u spisima (dokumentaciji) oruđa.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
SVN deposuna, birçok farklı GUI ve IDE istemci ve eklentisi kullanılarak erişilebilir. GUI ya da IDE araçları kullanıyorsanız, lütfen aracın belgelerinde belirtilen komutları kullanın.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
SVN biltegira EIG (Erabiltzaile Interfaze Grafika) eta GIB (Garapen Inguru Barneratua) erabiliz sartu daiteke bezeroak edo plug-inak. EIG edo GIB tresnak erabiltzen badituzu, mesedez erabili tresnaren agiritzan adierazitako aginduak.
  Audacity: Entwickler  
Auf die SVN Paketquellen kann auch über GUI und IDE Clients oder Plugins zugegriffen werden. Wenn Sie GUI oder IDE Werkzeuge benutzen, nutzen Sie bitte die Befehle, die in der Werkzeugdokumentation aufgelistet sind.
Vous pouvez également accéder au dépôt SVN en utilisant des clients ou modules (lien en anglais) graphiques ou un IDE. Si vous utiliser un outil graphique ou un IDE, veuillez utiliser les commandes indiquées dans la documentation de cet outil.
El repositorio SVN también está accesible desde varios entornos de desarrollo clientes y plug-ins. Si usa una de estas herramientas consulte la documentación para ver cómo proceder.
È inoltre possibile accedere al SVN repository usando GUI e IDE client o plug-in. Se usate strumenti GUI o IDE, usate i comandi indicati nella documentazione degli strumenti.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
De SVN repository is ook toegankelijk door middel van GUI en IDE clients of plugins. Als u GUI of IDE tools gebruikt, gelieve de commando's te gebruiken die weergegeven worden in de documentatie van de toepassing.
Skladištu SVN možete prići rabeći GUI i IDE korisnici i utičnici. Pri porabi oruđa GUI ili IDE molimo rabiti naredbe pokazane u spisima (dokumentaciji) oruđa.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
SVN deposuna, birçok farklı GUI ve IDE istemci ve eklentisi kullanılarak erişilebilir. GUI ya da IDE araçları kullanıyorsanız, lütfen aracın belgelerinde belirtilen komutları kullanın.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
The SVN repository may also be accessed using GUI and IDE clients or plug-ins. If using GUI or IDE tools, please use the commands indicated in the tool's documentation.
SVN biltegira EIG (Erabiltzaile Interfaze Grafika) eta GIB (Garapen Inguru Barneratua) erabiliz sartu daiteke bezeroak edo plug-inak. EIG edo GIB tresnak erabiltzen badituzu, mesedez erabili tresnaren agiritzan adierazitako aginduak.
  Audacity: Wie erhält Au...  
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir keine anderen Zahlungsformen wie Schecks oder Banktransfers akzeptieren können. Spenden an Audacity können in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nicht einkommensteuermindernd geltend gemacht werden.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons accepter d'autres formes de paiement comme des chèques ou des transferts bancaires. D'autre part, les dons à Audacity ne sont pas déductibles des impôts aux États Unis d'Amérique du Nord.
Tenga en cuenta que no podemos aceptar otro tipo de pagos como cheques o transferencias bancarias. Además, las donaciones a Audacity no pueden ser empleadas para deducir impuestos en los Estados Unidos de America.
Si fa presente che non è possibile accettare altre forme di pagamento come assegni o bonifici bancari. Inoltre, le donazioni ad Audacity non sono deducibili per le imposte sul reddito negli Stati Uniti d'America.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Merk op dat we geen andere vormen van betaling zoals cheques of overschrijvingen kunnen accepteren. Donaties aan Audacity zijn ook niet af te trekken van de inkomstenbeslastingen in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika.
Napominjemo da ne možemo prihvatiti druge načine plaćanja kao čekove ili bankovne prijenose. Također, darovanja Audacityju ne plaćaju porez na dohodak u SAD-u.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Upoštevajte, da ne moremo prejeti drugih oblik plačila, kot so čeki ali bančna nakazila. Prav tako donacije projektu Audacity se sodijo med davčne olajšave v ZDA.
Çek ya da banka havalesi gibi diğer ödeme şekillerini kabul edemediğimizi unutmayın. Ayrıca Audacity için yapılan bağışlar, ABD içinde gelir vergisinden düşülemez.
Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Audacity are not deductible for income taxes in the United States of America.
Mesedez ohartu ezin ditugula onartu txekeak edo banketxe eskualdaketak ez diren bestelako formak. Baita ere, Audacity-ri emaniko dirulaguntzak ez dira zerga kenkari Amerikako Estatu Batuetan.
  Audacity: Mailinglisten  
Für Entwickler, die mit dem Audacity Quellcode und der Dokumentation arbeiten und andere, die daran interessiert sind, unserem Entwicklungsfortschritt zu folgen oder etwas über das Kompilieren oder Entwickeln unseres Codes erfahren möchten.
Pour les développeurs qui travaillent avec le code source et la documentation d'Audacity, et les autres qui sont intéressés par nos procédés de développement, ou qui veulent apprendre ce qui concerne la compilation ou le développement de notre code. Vous devez vous inscrire pour envoyez des courriels à cette liste.
Para los desarrolladores que trabajan con el código fuente y la documentación de Audacity y terceros interesados en seguir el desarrollo del proyecto o en aprender cómo compilar o programar el código fuente. Para poder enviar mensajes a la lista debe suscribirse primero.
Per gli sviluppatori che lavorano con il codice sorgente e la documentazione di Audacity, e gli altri interessati a seguire il nostro processo di sviluppo, o a imparare come compilare o sviluppare il nostro codice. Per inviare messaggi a questa lista dovete prima iscrivervi.
Para desenvolvedores trabalhando com o código-fonte e documentação do Audacity, e para outras pessoas interessadas em seguir o processo de desenvolvimento do programa, ou aprender como compilar e desenvolver com base em nosso código-fonte. É necessário se inscrever para enviar mensagens para a lista.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Πρέπει να γίνεις συνδρομητής για να στείλεις μηνύματα σε αυτή τη λίστα.
Voor ontwikkelaars die werken met de Audacity-broncode en -documentatie, en alle anderen die geïnteresseerd zijn in het volgen van ons ontwikkelingsproces, of in het leren van het compileren of ontwikkelen van onze code. U moet zich abonneren om berichten naar deze lijst te kunnen sturen.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. このリストにメッセージを送るには、署名をしなければなりません。
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. U moet inteken om boodskappe na hierdie lys te kan stuur.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Sinun täytyy olla tilaaja voidaksesi lähettää viestejä tälle listalle.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. You must subscribe to send messages to this list.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. You must subscribe to send messages to this list.
Dla deweloperów pracujących nad kodem źródłowym oraz dokumentacją Audacity, jak również dla innych zainteresowanych procesem tworzenia oraz uczenia się jak kompilować i rozwijać kod. Musisz subskrybować listę aby wysyłać do niej wiadomości.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Trebuie sa va inregistrati pentru a putea trimite mesaje celor din lista.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Вам необходимо подписаться на список для отправки сообщений.
Pre vývojárov pracujúcich na Audacity zdrojovom kóde a dokumentácii, a ďalších ľudí zainteresovaných v našom rozvojovom procese, alebo učení o kompilácii alebo rozvoji Audacity zdrojového kódu. Prihlásiť sa musíš poslaním správy do tejto konferencie.
Za razvijalce, ki uporabljajo izvorno kodo Audacity in dokumentacijo, in druge, ki jih zanima naš razvoj ali se želijo naučiti prevajati ali razvijati izvorno kodo Audacity. Za pošiljanje sporočil na ta seznam se morate nanj naročiti.
För utvecklare som arbetare med källkoden till och dokumentation av Audacity, och andra som är intresserade av att följa utvecklingsprocessen, eller vill lära sig om att kompilera eller utveckla vår kod. Du måste prenumerera för att kunna skicka meddelanden till denna lista.
Audacity kaynak kodu ve belgeleriyle çalışan, geliştirme süreciyle ilgilenen ve kodu geliştirip derlemeyi öğrenen geliştiriciler içindir. Bu listeye ileti gönderebilmek için abone olmalısınız.
Dành cho các nhà phát triển làm việc với mã nguồn và tư liệu Audacity, và những người khác thích theo dõi quy trình phát triển của chúng tôi, hoặc tìm hiểu về việc dịch và phát triển mã nguồn của chúng tôi. Bạn phải đăng ký nhận tin để gửi tin nhắn đến danh sách này.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. You must subscribe to send messages to this list.
Audacity-ren iturburu kodearekin eta agiritzarekin lanean ari diren Garatzaileak eta gure garapen aurrerabidea jarraitzean edo gure kodea nola bildu edo garatun interesaturiko bestelakoentzat. Harpidetu egin behar zara zerrendara mezuak bidali ahal izateko.
  Audacity: Mailinglisten  
Für Entwickler, die mit dem Audacity Quellcode und der Dokumentation arbeiten und andere, die daran interessiert sind, unserem Entwicklungsfortschritt zu folgen oder etwas über das Kompilieren oder Entwickeln unseres Codes erfahren möchten.
Pour les développeurs qui travaillent avec le code source et la documentation d'Audacity, et les autres qui sont intéressés par nos procédés de développement, ou qui veulent apprendre ce qui concerne la compilation ou le développement de notre code. Vous devez vous inscrire pour envoyez des courriels à cette liste.
Para los desarrolladores que trabajan con el código fuente y la documentación de Audacity y terceros interesados en seguir el desarrollo del proyecto o en aprender cómo compilar o programar el código fuente. Para poder enviar mensajes a la lista debe suscribirse primero.
Per gli sviluppatori che lavorano con il codice sorgente e la documentazione di Audacity, e gli altri interessati a seguire il nostro processo di sviluppo, o a imparare come compilare o sviluppare il nostro codice. Per inviare messaggi a questa lista dovete prima iscrivervi.
Para desenvolvedores trabalhando com o código-fonte e documentação do Audacity, e para outras pessoas interessadas em seguir o processo de desenvolvimento do programa, ou aprender como compilar e desenvolver com base em nosso código-fonte. É necessário se inscrever para enviar mensagens para a lista.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Πρέπει να γίνεις συνδρομητής για να στείλεις μηνύματα σε αυτή τη λίστα.
Voor ontwikkelaars die werken met de Audacity-broncode en -documentatie, en alle anderen die geïnteresseerd zijn in het volgen van ons ontwikkelingsproces, of in het leren van het compileren of ontwikkelen van onze code. U moet zich abonneren om berichten naar deze lijst te kunnen sturen.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. このリストにメッセージを送るには、署名をしなければなりません。
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. U moet inteken om boodskappe na hierdie lys te kan stuur.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Sinun täytyy olla tilaaja voidaksesi lähettää viestejä tälle listalle.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. You must subscribe to send messages to this list.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. You must subscribe to send messages to this list.
Dla deweloperów pracujących nad kodem źródłowym oraz dokumentacją Audacity, jak również dla innych zainteresowanych procesem tworzenia oraz uczenia się jak kompilować i rozwijać kod. Musisz subskrybować listę aby wysyłać do niej wiadomości.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Trebuie sa va inregistrati pentru a putea trimite mesaje celor din lista.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. Вам необходимо подписаться на список для отправки сообщений.
Pre vývojárov pracujúcich na Audacity zdrojovom kóde a dokumentácii, a ďalších ľudí zainteresovaných v našom rozvojovom procese, alebo učení o kompilácii alebo rozvoji Audacity zdrojového kódu. Prihlásiť sa musíš poslaním správy do tejto konferencie.
Za razvijalce, ki uporabljajo izvorno kodo Audacity in dokumentacijo, in druge, ki jih zanima naš razvoj ali se želijo naučiti prevajati ali razvijati izvorno kodo Audacity. Za pošiljanje sporočil na ta seznam se morate nanj naročiti.
För utvecklare som arbetare med källkoden till och dokumentation av Audacity, och andra som är intresserade av att följa utvecklingsprocessen, eller vill lära sig om att kompilera eller utveckla vår kod. Du måste prenumerera för att kunna skicka meddelanden till denna lista.
Audacity kaynak kodu ve belgeleriyle çalışan, geliştirme süreciyle ilgilenen ve kodu geliştirip derlemeyi öğrenen geliştiriciler içindir. Bu listeye ileti gönderebilmek için abone olmalısınız.
Dành cho các nhà phát triển làm việc với mã nguồn và tư liệu Audacity, và những người khác thích theo dõi quy trình phát triển của chúng tôi, hoặc tìm hiểu về việc dịch và phát triển mã nguồn của chúng tôi. Bạn phải đăng ký nhận tin để gửi tin nhắn đến danh sách này.
For developers working with the Audacity source code and documentation, and others interested in following our development process, or learning about compiling or developing our code. You must subscribe to send messages to this list.
Audacity-ren iturburu kodearekin eta agiritzarekin lanean ari diren Garatzaileak eta gure garapen aurrerabidea jarraitzean edo gure kodea nola bildu edo garatun interesaturiko bestelakoentzat. Harpidetu egin behar zara zerrendara mezuak bidali ahal izateko.