oie – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 3 Results  www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca
  CRSNG - Howard-Alper - ...  
Il évalue l'évolution du processus de transport de l'oxygène et le rendement du muscle squelettique et détermine les gènes responsables de ce processus, afin de savoir s'ils se comparent à l'un des mécanismes découverts chez l'oie à tête barrée.
Now, Dr. Scott is continuing his research by studying how evolution influences the relationship between genotype and phenotype; its physical expression. He is assessing the evolution of oxygen transport and performance in skeletal muscle, and is uncovering the genes important for this process, to see if they compare to any of the mechanisms found in bar-headed geese.
  CRSNG - Howard-Alper - ...  
Il a étudié l'oie à tête barrée – l'un des oiseaux qui volent le plus haut – pour tenter de mieux comprendre comment elle peut accomplir une tâche aussi exigeante que celle de voler à des altitudes où l'oxygène est rare.
Dr. Scott is on a mission to better understand how oxygen is delivered to support cellular respiration in humans and other animals. He has studied bar-headed geese - among the highest-flying birds in the sky - to try to better understand how they are able to perform a task as demanding as flight at altitudes where oxygen is scarce. His results have determined that, through the evolutionary process of physiological adaptation, the geese developed exceptional mechanisms for supplying oxygen to their bodies during exercise.