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Amaç: Nöroloji Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde, 2006 yılında, invaziv alet kullanım oranı ve alet ilişkili hastane infeksiyon hızları araştırılmıştır.
Objectives: The invasive device utilization ratios and device related health care infection rates were analyzed in the 2006 year at neurology intensive care unit.
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Bulgular: Öğrencilerin sigara içme oranı %63.4, kampanyaya katılım oranı %45.1, başarı oranı %14.3’tür. Kampanyaya katılan öğrencilerin ortalama; yaşı 25.9 ± 1.3, günde içtikleri sigara sayısı 15.7 ± 5.3, sigara içtikleri süre 7.6 ± 2.7 yıl ve bırakmayı deneme sayısı 2.7 ± 3.1’dir.
Results: Smoking rate of students, participation to the campaign and success rate were 63.4%, 45.1% and 14.3%, respectively. Mean age of participants was 25.9 ± 1.3 year. Average number of cigarettes smoked per day, smoking period and number of attemps to quit smoking were 15.7 ± 5.3 cigarette / day; 7.6 ± 2.7 year and 2.7 ± 3.1 times, respectively. The rate of success during campaign was 26.3% in 1-4 year smokers, 6.7% in 5-9 year smokers, 17.6% in 10+ year smokers before campaign. Success rate of participants who never intended quiting smoking was 0% where as it was 21.1% in smokers who tried to quit at least 5 times.
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Bulgular: Gebelik oranı çalışma grubunda 43.7% , kontrol grubunda ise 10% olarak bulundu (p=0.007, X2 test, RR=4, %95 CI=1.3-13). Sekonder infertilite vakalarında Lipiodol daha etkili bulundu ve gebelik oranı çalışma grubunda %55 kontrol grubunda ise %5 olarak bulundu (p=0.001, X2 test, RR=11, %95 CI=1.5-77).
Results: Rate of pregnancy was found to be 43.7% in study group whereas 10% in control group (p=0.007, X2 test, RR=4, %95 CI=1.3-13). Lipiodol is more efficacious in secondary infertility cases and pregnancy rate was 55% in comparison to 5% (p=0.001, X2test, RR=11, %95 CI=1.5-77). No complication (vasovagal reaction, seizure, anaphylaxis, intravasation, embolus) was encountered during hysterosalpyngography. One secondary infertile case who was excluded from the study due to the failure of bilateral tubal passage during lipiodol hysterosalpingograpy; therefore not considered as an unexplained case .
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Geriye kalan 38 (%59) hasta patolojik hidronefroz olarak değerlendirildi. Böbrek fonksiyon parametrelerinden idrar protein/idrar kreatinin oranı patolojik hidronefroz olgularında fizyolojik hidronefroz olgularına göre daha yüksekti.
Results: 46 of cases were males (%70,8) and 19 (%29,2) were females. 44 of patients had (%67,7) unilateral hydronephrosis and 21 of patients (%32,3) had bilateral hydronephrosis. It was assessed as physiological hydronephrosis the cases which hydronephrosis regressed in terms of USG in the monitoring and VUR was not detected in the VCUG. There were 27 (%41) patients in physiological hydronephrosis group. The rest of 38 patients (%59) were assessed as pathological hydronephrosis. In terms of renal functions, the rate of urine protein / urine creatine was higher in cases with pathological hydronephrosis according to the cases with physiological hydronephrosis.
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Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 46.48+47.93 ay olup erkek/ kız oranı 1.2 idi. İçilen koroziv maddelerin çoğunluğunu alkaliler oluşturmakta ve bunların büyük kısmı da markasız çamaşır sularıydı. Endoskopik değerlendirmede %46.8’inde gastrointestinal sistemde herhangi bir patoloji saptanmazken geriye kalan olguların büyük çoğunluğunu evre-1 ve 2a özofajitli olgular oluşturmaktaydı.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 46.48 ±47.93 months and male/female ratio was 1.2. Majority of ingested corrosive substances were alkalis and mostly of them were unbranded bleaches. According to endoscopical evaluation no pathology was detected in 46.8% of patients, and the majority of remaining cases had grade 1 and 2a esophagitis. 17.4% of patients had grade 2b and higher grades of esophagitis. It is observed that corrosive substances such as lime-solve, oil-solve, hydrochloric acid were more caustic on mucous membranes.
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Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya sağlıklı 52 erkek birey alındı. Tüm olguların kan basıncı, ayak-kol basınç indeksi ve bel/kalça oranı standart protokole göre ölçüldü. Viseral yağ kitlesi, total vücut yağ kitlesi, bazal metabolizma hızı, metabolik yaş ve beden kitle indeksini içeren vücut kompozisyon parametreleri Tanita BC-418 vücut kompozisyon analizörü ile biyoelektriksel empedans yöntemiyle ölçüldü.
Material and Method: 52 healthy males were included in the study. In all participants, blood pressure, ankle-brachial pressure index, and waist/hip ratio were measured according to standard protocol. Several body composition parameters were calculated by bioelectrical impedance analysis using Tanita BC-418 segmental body composition analyzer. To evaluate arterial stiffness, arterial age, pulse wave velocity (PWV), and augmentation index, were calculated by tensioMedTM Arteriograph.
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Başka bir nedensel faktör yok ise, sitogenetik analizler herhangi bir eşte dengeli bir yapısal düzenlenme ortaya koyabilir. İki veya daha fazla spontan abortusa sahip çiftlerde ise eşlerden biri %3-5 oranında dengeli bir kromozomal yeniden düzenlenmeye sahiptir.
Aim: Most of the cases with fetal loss are not associated with chromosomal abnormalities. If there is no another causative factor, cytogenetic analysis may reveal a balanced structural chromosomal rearrangement in any partner. In 3-5% of couples with at least 2 spontaneous abortions, one partner carries a balanced chromosomal rearrangement. The aim of this study is to investigate the balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements and serve the genetic counselling to the family about following gestation.
  Fyrat Typ Dergisi  
Bulgular: Öğrencilerin sigara içme oranı %63.4, kampanyaya katılım oranı %45.1, başarı oranı %14.3’tür. Kampanyaya katılan öğrencilerin ortalama; yaşı 25.9 ± 1.3, günde içtikleri sigara sayısı 15.7 ± 5.3, sigara içtikleri süre 7.6 ± 2.7 yıl ve bırakmayı deneme sayısı 2.7 ± 3.1’dir.
Results: Smoking rate of students, participation to the campaign and success rate were 63.4%, 45.1% and 14.3%, respectively. Mean age of participants was 25.9 ± 1.3 year. Average number of cigarettes smoked per day, smoking period and number of attemps to quit smoking were 15.7 ± 5.3 cigarette / day; 7.6 ± 2.7 year and 2.7 ± 3.1 times, respectively. The rate of success during campaign was 26.3% in 1-4 year smokers, 6.7% in 5-9 year smokers, 17.6% in 10+ year smokers before campaign. Success rate of participants who never intended quiting smoking was 0% where as it was 21.1% in smokers who tried to quit at least 5 times.
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Bulgular: Ortalama 38 ay (18-44) izlem süresi sırasında hastaların 7’sinde (%16) ölüm meydana gelirken kümülatif sağkalım oranı %77 olarak hesaplandı. Univariate analizlerde yaş, cinsiyet, hemoglobin, kan grubu ve tümör yerleşiminin sağkalım olasılığını önemli oranda etkilemediği, tümör boyutu, sayısı, pT evre, PD ve takipte progresyon gözlenmesinin tüm sağkalımı etkilediği, ancak tümör görünümü ve takipte rekürens saptanmasının sınırda bir önemle sağkalımı etkilediği saptandı.
Results: A total of 7 deaths occur in a mean followup of 38 months (18-44). Cumulative survival rate was 77%. In univariate analysis age, gender, hemoglobin level, O blood group of patients, localization of the tumor were ineffective; size of the tumor, multiplicity, pT stage, PD and progression in followup were highly effective on overall survival; Tumor appearance and recurrence in followup had borderline importance. In multivariate analysis the most significant prognostic factor was PD.
  Fyrat Typ Dergisi  
Başarı oranı % 86, ortalama kan kaybı 1850 ml, intraoperatif ortalama hemoglobin değeri 6,6 mg/dl, ortalama kan transfüzyonu 4 ünite, ortalama ameliyat süresi 70 dakika, balona verilen ortalama sıvı 250 ml, balonun çıkarılma süresi ortalama 30 saat idi.
Results: Thirty cases managed with intrauterine Bakri balloon tamponade (BBT) with or without B-Lynch compression suture. Our success rate was 86 %. Median estimated blood loss was 1850 ml, intraoperative median hemoglobin was 6.6 mg/dl, median amount of blood transfused was four units, median operation duration was 70 minutes, median volume infused into balloon was 250 ml, balloon was in place for a median duration of 30 hours. In 4 cases Bakri balloon tamponade with or without B-Lynch compression sutures failed to stop hemorrhage and hysterectomy required. In one patient Asherman’s syndrome and infertility developed. In cases which BBT was successful PI values of bilateral uterine artery doppler was similar to control group. There wasn’t maternal mortality.
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Hastaların 66 (%51,6)'sı aspirin kullanmaktaydı. Varfarin başlandığı halde tedaviyi bırakma oranı %10,2 bulundu. Retrospektif olarak incelenen İNR değerleri, hastaların %71,1'inde terapotik hedefinin sağlandığı görüldü.
Results: In the year of 2012 among 2303 patients who were admitted to cardiology outpatient clinic, 137 (6.2%) patients were diagnosed with AF. Of 128 patients that were recruited to study, 83 (64.8%) were women. Mean age was 67,5±10,9 years. Mean CHA2DS2-VASC score was found 3,36±1,77. Among 108 patients whose CHA2DS2-VASC was ≥2 and who have to use anticoagulant therapy, 71 (65.7%) patients were using warfarine and 1 (0.9%) was using rivoraxaban. Sixty six patients (51.6 %) were using acetylsalicilic acid. Even though warfarine was initiated, discontinuation rate of treatment was 10.2%. According to retrospective evaluation of INR levels, it was seen that in 71.1% of patients theraupetic targets were established.
  Fyrat Typ Dergisi  
Hesaplamalarda; invaziv alet kullanım oranı = invaziv girişim gün sayısı/hasta yatış gün sayısı, alet ilişkili hastane infeksiyon hızı = İnvaziv aletle ilişkili infeksiyon sayısı/İnvaziv alet girişim gün sayısı x 1000 formülleri kullanıldı.
Materials and Methods: Device related health care infections, in the neurology intensive care unit, were followed up by a resident and an academic staff with active surveillance prospectively. In the calculations, invasive device utilization ratio = invasive procedure-day /patient hospitalization-day, device related health care infection rate = invasive device related infection/invasive device procedure day x 1000 formulas were used. The patients were defined by using Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) definitions.
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"Anne isteğine bağlı sezaryenin yasaklanması sizce doğru mudur?" sorusuna katılımcıların %53.2'si "evet" yanıtını verdi. Bu soruya doğum yapmamış olanların %37'si “hayır” cevabını verirken bu oran vajinal doğum yapanlarda ve sezaryen ile doğum yapanlarda sırasıyla %28.5 ve %23.9 olarak saptandı (p
Results: When we asked the question \"What do you think about cesarean delivery on maternal request?\", most of participants (69.6%) answered as \"It must be done in the case of medical necessity\", 22.8% of participants answered \"It may be done on maternal request\" and 7.6% \"unstable\". To the question \"In the absence of medical necessity, would you prefer delivery by cesarean section?\" 11.4% of respondents answered as \"yes\", and the most common reason choosing cesarean delivery on maternal request was \"vaginal birth fear\" (42.2%). To the question “Do you think banning cesarean on mother request is true?\" 53.2% of participants answered as \"yes\". To this question, 37% of women who have never had a delivery answered as “no” and this rate was determined 28.5% and 23.9% in the group who have at least one vaginal and cesarean delivery, respectively (p
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Bulgular: Bu sistematik inceleme sonunda acil serviste çalışan hemşirelere uygulanan şiddet oranlarının ülke ve bölgelere göre değişmekle birlikte genel olarak yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin en yüksek oranda sözel şiddete (%91.6) maruz kaldıkları, şiddetin en fazla hasta yakınları (%84.9) tarafından uygulandığı belirlenmiştir.
Results: At the end of this systematic review, it has been found out that although amount of the violence against emergency department nurses varies as per country and region, it is still high. It has been determined that nurses are exposed to mostly to verbal violence (91.6 %) and violence is mostly applied by patient’s family members (84.9 %). They have stated that they did not report violence because they do not believe that reporting would help (77.4%), and that reports are not processed (60%). Duration of waiting has been stated as the 19.5% reason of violence. Nurses who were exposed to violence, mostly felt anger (59.4%), generally did not react, and the ratio of ignoring the violence is 9.2%.
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Öğrencilerin BDÖ puan ortalaması 10.46±8.87'dir (min:0, max:49). BDÖ kesme noktasına göre toplam puanı 17'nin üzerinde olan öğrencilerin oranı %18.3'tür. BDÖ puan ortalaması; okulunu isteyerek tercih edenlerde istemeyenlere, üniversite başlangıcında barınma sorunu yaşamayanlarda böyle bir sorun yaşayanlara, anne ve babası hayatta olanlarda anne ve/veya babası ölmüş olanlara, annesi lise ve üzeri eğitim düzeyine sahip olanlarda ilköğretim ve altı eğitimlilere, kendi sağlık durumunu iyi ve orta olarak değerlendirenlerde kötü olarak değerlendirenlere, düzenli beslendiğini ifade edenlerde düzenli beslenmeyenlere göre daha düşüktür (p
Results: Students included in the study consisted of 77.4% female and 22.6% male students with an avarage age of 20.74±1.79. Avarage BDI score of students was 10.46±8.87'dir (min:0, max:49). According to BDI cutting off point, ratio of students who have total points higher than 17 is 18.3%. Avarage BDI score was lower in students who chose the school willingly, who do not have any shelter problems and have a mother and a father, whose mother is educated in high school or university, and who expressed their health condition as good or normal, who has regular food supply compared to opposite groups (p
  Fyrat Typ Dergisi  
Bulgular: Bu sistematik inceleme sonunda acil serviste çalışan hemşirelere uygulanan şiddet oranlarının ülke ve bölgelere göre değişmekle birlikte genel olarak yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin en yüksek oranda sözel şiddete (%91.6) maruz kaldıkları, şiddetin en fazla hasta yakınları (%84.9) tarafından uygulandığı belirlenmiştir.
Results: At the end of this systematic review, it has been found out that although amount of the violence against emergency department nurses varies as per country and region, it is still high. It has been determined that nurses are exposed to mostly to verbal violence (91.6 %) and violence is mostly applied by patient’s family members (84.9 %). They have stated that they did not report violence because they do not believe that reporting would help (77.4%), and that reports are not processed (60%). Duration of waiting has been stated as the 19.5% reason of violence. Nurses who were exposed to violence, mostly felt anger (59.4%), generally did not react, and the ratio of ignoring the violence is 9.2%.
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Bütün vakalarda yenidoğanın akut fizyolojik skoru (YAFS) başlangıçta bir kez; Töllner sepsis skoru, tam kan sayımı, mutlak nötrofil sayısı (MNS), lenfosit, monosit ve eozinofil sayıları ve immatür/total nötrofil (I/T) oranı 0-5, 7, 10, 14.
Material and Method: The prospective, double-blind, randomized and placebo controlled trial was performed on 31 neutropenic neonates with candidial sepsis administered G-CSF in 16 infants (group I) or placebo in 15 infants (group II). G-CSF therapy (5 µ g/kg/day, for 5 days) or placebo was administered as soon as the initial sepsis findings appeared. Liposomal-amphotericin B (L-AMB) treatment was started when candida determined in blood culture. Score for neonatal acute physiology (SNAP) was calculated at the beginning of the study. Töllner’s sepsis score, complete blood counts, absolute neutrophil count (ANC), lymphocyte, monocyte and eosinophil counts, immature to total neutrophil ratio (I/T) were performed or calculated on the 0 to to 5, 7, 10, 14, 21th days.
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İstatistiksel analizde yandaş yaralanma varlığının, MEWS skorunun 9'dan yüksek olmasının ve hastaneye ulaşma süresinin 1 saatten fazla olmasının mortalite oranıyla korelasyon gösterdiği tespit edildi.
Results: The average age was 26±6,7. There were 6 patients in group one, 20 patients in group two. Penetrating injuries were found in 20 of the patients, and blunt trauma was identified in 2. Statistically, correlation was found between mortality and the presence of concomitant injuries, time to arrival at hospital over one hour and MEWS scoring values >9.
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Sonuç: Her ne kadar ülkemiz koşullarına göre yüksek bir oran olmasa da, kreşe devam eden çocuklarda %8.4 oranında bağırsak paraziti saptanması, parazit hastalıklarıyla savaşta alınan mesafenin yeterli olmadığını göstermektedir.
Conclusion: The incidence of 8.4% of parasites, observed in our study groups, show that the struggle against the intestinal parasites is not in satisfactory level. Thus, we believe that, in addition family and primary school, nursery centre which gives preschool education has great importance for increasing general health knowledge and gaining personal hygiene habit.
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Sonuç: Yaş ve hastalık derecesi artışı ile E/K oranı artmaktaydı. Olguların % 68’inde klinik tablonun gelişiminden bir ay öncesinde geçirilmiş enfeksiyon öyküsü vardı. GBS görülme sıklığı ilkbahar ve sonbahar mevsimlerinde daha fazlaydı.
Conculasion: We found that the most significant onset symptoms in our patient group were nonspecific sensory symptoms which were followed by generalised weakness. A past history of infectious disease was noted in 68% of patients and GBS was mostly seen in spring and autumn. Aging and increase in severity of the disease correlated directly with the increase of the male/female ratio of the patients. The local literature needs more population-based, multi-centered studies to evaluate clinical and epidemiological data regarding GBS. ©2007, Firat University, Medical Faculty
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Sonuç: Olgularımızdan 16 tanesi kaybedilmiştir (mortalite oranı %19.2). Kaybedilen hastaların bir kısmı SE'un durdurulamaması nedeniyle SE komplikasyonları sebebiyle ölmüştür. Diğer hastalarda ise SE durdurulmuş ancak daha sonraki günlerde altta yatan esas hastalığa bağlı nedenlerle bu hastalar kaybedilmiştir.
Conclusion: 16 of our patients died (mortality rate is 19.2%). Some of these patients died due to SE complications because SE couldn't be stopped. In other patients SE were stopped, however these patients died due to reasons related to the fundamental disease beneath. In mortality in SE, it was noted that the age of the patient, the etiologic cause beneath and the beginning time of SE treatment. ©2008, Firat University, Medical Faculty.
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Sonuç: RİRC’in, seçilmiş çocuk hastalarda başarı şansı yüksek, hastanede kalış süresi kısa, komplikasyon oranı düşük bir endoüroloji seçeneği olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.
Conclusion: We believe that RIRS is a reliable endourologic option with a high achievement rate, shorter hospitalization period and low complication rate in selected childhood patients.
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Sonuç: Benign bir tiroid hastalığı için yapılacak cerrahi işlem düşük komplikasyon ve nüks oranına sahip olmalıdır. Total tiroidektomi diğer cerrahi prosedürlere göre benzer komplikasyon ve düşük nüks oranına sahip olması nedeniyle tercih edilebilir bir yöntemdir.
Conclusion: The surgical procedure to be performed for the treatment of benign thyroid diseases hould have low complication and recurrence rates. Total thyroidectomy can be the treatment of choice due to similar complication rates with lower recurrence rates compared to the other type of surgical procedures.
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Sonuç: Benign bir tiroid hastalığı için yapılacak cerrahi işlem düşük komplikasyon ve nüks oranına sahip olmalıdır. Total tiroidektomi diğer cerrahi prosedürlere göre benzer komplikasyon ve düşük nüks oranına sahip olması nedeniyle tercih edilebilir bir yöntemdir.
Conclusion: The surgical procedure to be performed for the treatment of benign thyroid diseases hould have low complication and recurrence rates. Total thyroidectomy can be the treatment of choice due to similar complication rates with lower recurrence rates compared to the other type of surgical procedures.
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Sonuç: Ülkemizde hayvansal kaynaklı yaralanmaların önlenmesi önem taşımaktadır. AS’de az görülmesine rağmen yüksek ölüm oranıyla dikkat çekmektedir. Ülkemizde hayvanlara bağlı yaralanmalar açısından yeterli epidemiyolojik veri olmadığını düşünmekteyiz.
Conclusion: It is important in Turkey to prevent animal related injuries. They are met very rarely in ED but cause high mortality. We think that there is not enough epidemiological data about animal related injuries.
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Bulgular: Sonuçlara bakıldığında; TOS ve MOS grup1'de en düşük, grup 2'de orta ve grup 3'te en yüksek sayıda gözlendi. Gruplar arasında kullanılan toplam gonadotropin dozu, fertilizasyon oranı, implantasyon ve gebelik oranları açısından istatistiki anlamlı bir fark görülmedi.
Results: The NOR and NMO were the lowest in group 1, intermediate in group 2, and the highest in group 3 respectively. There is no statistically significant difference between the groups in regard to total gonadotrophins used, fertilization, implantation or pregnancy rates. The pregnancy rates per ET and cycle were 37.9% and 31.8%, respectively.
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Sonuç: Sonuç olarak; araştırmamızda, öğrenciler arasında nargile içme oranı oldukça yüksek bulunmuş olup özellikle sigara kullanan kişilerde nargile içme oranının daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Öğrencilerin nargile içme sebepleri arasında, aromanın tadından hoşlanılması ve sosyal ortama uyum çabası dikkat çekmektedir.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the rate of waterpipe smoking was considerably high among university students; and the rate was significantly higher among those who are also cigarette smokers. The study pointed out that the reasons to start waterpipe smoking were adaptation to social atmosphere and desire for the taste of the aroma in the waterpipes. Therefore, there is a need to have relevant interventions to stop further spread of waterpipe smoking.
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Sonuç: Pediatrik yaş gurubunda femur boyun kırıkları, tedavi prensipleri özellik arz eden, yüksek komplikasyon oranına sahip ciddi yaralanmalardır. Hastaların hızlı şekilde değerlendirilerek tedavi planlamasının yapılması, tedavi sonrası karşılaşılabilecek komplikasyonların ve bu komplikasyonların tedavisinin bilinmesi gerekmektedir.
Conclusion: Femur neck fractures in pediatric patients are serious injuries with high complication rates and specific treatment principles. It is necessary for patients to be assessed rapidly and planned for treatment, the complications that may be encountered after treatment, and the treatment of these cmplications.
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Araştırmamızda kadınların %45.9’u, erkeklerin ise %48.8’i nargile içmektedir. Tıp Fakültesinde okuyan öğrencilerin %34.0’ı nargile içerken, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesinde okuyanların nargile içme oranı %67.7’dir (p
Results: Of the total participants, 52.6% were men; the age range was between 18 and 34 and the average age was 23.84±2.60. Fourty-five point nine percent of women and 48.8% of men were waterpipe smokers. While the rate of waterpipe smoking among medical students was 34%, among the fine art students it was 67.7% (p
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Sonuç: İnfertilite vakalarında yağda çözünür kontrast maddelerle yapılan histerosalpingografi sonrası gebelik oranı suda çözünür maddelerle yapılanlara göre oldukça fazla tespit edildi. Bu etki özellikle sekonder infertilite vakalarında gözükmektedir.
Conclusion: Liposoluble contrast media used in infertility cases during hysterosalpyngography increase the rate of pregnancy significantly in respect to water soluble agents. This effect is much obvious particularly in secondary infertility cases. Use of liposoluble media can be proposed in unexplained cases.
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