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  Senwes | MySenwes  
Landbou-hulpmiddels (Senwes Landboudienste het verskeie nutsmodelle ontwikkel om produsente by te staan in terme van besluitneming op die plaas en om waarde tot hul dienspakket toe te voeg.)
Agricultural tools (Senwes Agricultural Services has several utility models developed to assist producers in terms of decision making on the farm and to add value to their service package.)
Doelspesifieke plaas- en gebiedskaarte met GPS-koördinate in groottes A4 tot A0 - lamineer op aanvraag
Customised maps and A4 to A0 - laminating of maps as requested
  Senwes | Artikels  
Die 13de jaarlikse Senwes Spinners kriekettoernooi vind vanaf 15 tot 17 Maart 2019 plaas met die finaal wat by Senwes Park in Potchefstroom plaasvind.
The 13th annual Senwes Spinners cricket tournament takes place from 15 March – 17 March 2019 with the final taking place at Senwes Park in Potchefstroom.
Aanvullend tot agronomiese dienste, lewer Senwes Landboudienste ook grondkartering- en grondmonsternemingsdienste wat van strategiese belang is vir effektiewe bestuur en besluitneming op die plaas.
In addition to the agronomic services Senwes Agricultural services also provide a soil surveying and soil sampling services, which are of strategic importance for the effective management and decision-making on the farm.
Die kartografiese diens behels die lewering van akkurate, hoë gehalte tematiese plaas- en gebiedskaarte teen mededingende pryse. Kaarte is in verskeie groottes (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) en formate (gedruk, geraam, gelamineer, elektronies) beskikbaar.
The cartographic service entails the production of accurate, high quality thematic, farm and area maps at competitive prices. Maps are available in various sizes (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) and formats (printed, framed, laminated, electronic).
  Senwes | Toerusting & I...  
‘n Heelwerktuigbemarker in jou streek staan reg met goeie raad en uitstekende diens. Laat Senwes Equipment se bemarkers jou bystaan met goeie diens op trekkers, implemente en verskeie ander boerderytoerusting wat op die plaas benodig mag word.
A whole goods marketer is available to assist you with good service and advice. Let Senwes Equipment’s marketers support you with good service on tractors, implements and various other farming equipment that you might need on the farm.
Hulpbronopnames is van strategiese belang vir die produsent vir effektiewe bestuur en besluitneming op die plaas. Senwes Landboudienste lewer die volgende hulpbronopname-dienste aan die produsent ten einde risiko te voorkom en waarde toe te voeg tot die produsent se onderneming:
Resource evaluations are of strategic importance to the producer for effective management and decision-making on the farm. Senwes Agricultural Services provides the following resource services to the producer in order to eliminate risks and add value to the producer’s enterprise: