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Keybot 10 Results  www.molnar-banyai.hu
  meinJBL - Blog  
Viel Laub am Boden, halb verottetes Holz als Wurzeln, die den Eindruck vermitteln, dass sie in das Aquarium ragen und ein paar Nymphea-Pflanzen am Rand.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
  meinJBL - Blog  
Viel Laub am Boden, halb verottetes Holz als Wurzeln, die den Eindruck vermitteln, dass sie in das Aquarium ragen und ein paar Nymphea-Pflanzen am Rand.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
  meinJBL - Blog  
Viel Laub am Boden, halb verottetes Holz als Wurzeln, die den Eindruck vermitteln, dass sie in das Aquarium ragen und ein paar Nymphea-Pflanzen am Rand.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
  meinJBL - Blog  
Viel Laub am Boden, halb verottetes Holz als Wurzeln, die den Eindruck vermitteln, dass sie in das Aquarium ragen und ein paar Nymphea-Pflanzen am Rand.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
Lots of leaves on the ground, some half rotten wood as roots, which look like they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side.
  ADM Team 4: Plug & Play...  
Die Grundidee des Layouts ist ein klassisches Natur Aquarium. Bei diesem ragen die Wurzeln aus einer Pflanzeninsel nach oben heraus. Im Vordergrund befindet sich eine „Sandbank“ aus JBL Sansibar ORANGE .
The basic layout is that of a classic nature aquarium. The roots protrude upwards out of a plant island. In the foreground there is a “sandbank”, made of JBL Sansibar ORANGE .
The basic layout is that of a classic nature aquarium. The roots protrude upwards out of a plant island. In the foreground there is a “sandbank”, made of JBL Sansibar ORANGE .
  Jungle of Sierra Leone ...  
Irgendwo im Urwald von Sierra Leone an einem kleinen Wasserloch tummeln sich viele kleine Insekten auf der Wasseroberfläche – ein perfekter Platz für kleine Jäger, die Unterwasser auf ihre Beute lauern. Das Wasser ist durch eingefallenes Laub leicht eingefärbt, dennoch kristallklar. Baumstümpfe ragen aus dem Wasser.
At a small waterhole, somewhere in the virgin forests of Sierra Leone, a lot of small insects are bustling about on the water surface. It’s a perfect place for small predators, lurking under water for their prey. The sunken leaves have made the water slightly coloured but it is still clear. Tree stumps rise above the water.
  Biotopaquaristik Teil 3...  
Aber wie beim Aquarium aus Südamerika, das den ersten Platz in der Weltmeisterschaft BADC ( Biotopaquaristik Teil 1: Südamerika, ein Nebenfluss des Rio Negro nahe Barcelos ) belegte, ist auch dieses Aquarium unglaublich naturnah aufgebaut: Viel Laub am Boden, halb verottetes Holz als Wurzeln, die den Eindruck vermitteln, dass sie in das Aquarium ragen und ein paar Nymphea-Pflanzen am Rand.
But as with the aquarium from South America, which was awarded the first place in the world championship BADC ( Biotope Aquatics Part 1: South America, a Tributary of the Rio Negro near Barcelos ) , this aquarium is also incredibly close to nature: lots of leaves on the ground, half rotten wood as roots, giving the impression that they are jutting into the aquarium and a few nymphaea plants on one side. The wood he used comes from Melaleuca trees, which, according to Google, are not found in Vietnam. But since the designer of the aquarium comes from Vietnam, it is very likely that he has also used wood from that region and didn’t have Melaleuca wood from New Zealand flown in.
  JBL | Themenwelt  
Gibt es Holz in dem Lebensraum? Welche Art Holz? Liegt es auf dem Boden wie Treibgut oder sind es Baumwurzeln, die in das Wasser ragen? Wachsen Pflanzen auf dem Holz? Wie wachsen die Pflanzen auf dem Holz?
¿Hay madera en el hábitat? ¿Qué tipo de madera? ¿Está tirada por el fondo como llevada por la corriente, o son raíces de árboles que llegan hasta el agua? ¿Crecen plantas sobre la madera? ¿Cómo crecen las plantas sobre la madera? Si algún elemento del biotopo no estuviese disponible (p. ej., un tipo determinado de madera), ¿qué cosa se le parece mucho?
Nel biotopo c’è del legno? Che tipo di legno? Giace sul fondale, come un relitto o si tratta di radici che affondano in acqua? Crescono delle piante sul legno? Se alcune parti del biotopo non sono disponibili (ad es. un tipo specifico di legno), a che cosa assomigliano?
Is there wood in the biotope? What kind of wood? Does it lie on the ground, such as driftwood or are there tree roots which protrude into the water? Do plants grow on the wood? How do the plants grow on the wood? If parts of the biotope are not available (e.g. a specific type of wood), what looks similar?
Есть ли коряги в этой местности? Какого дерева? Они лежат на грунте, или это корни деревьев, которые свисают в воду с берега? На корягах растут растения? Как растения растут на коряге? Если материалы из биотопа не купить (например, определённый тип древесины), что очень похоже?
Is there wood in the biotope? What kind of wood? Does it lie on the ground, such as driftwood or are there tree roots which protrude into the water? Do plants grow on the wood? How do the plants grow on the wood? If parts of the biotope are not available (e.g. a specific type of wood), what looks similar?