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  Solid Engineering assis...  
L’èxit d’aquest esdeveniment creix any rere any, i enguany s’ha celebrat el 25è aniversari del Fòrum ETSEIB.
The success of this event continues to grow year after year, so much so that in 2015 the ETSEIB Forum has celebrated its 25th anniversary.
  Between llança el seu p...  
que pretén millorar any rere any l’empresa gràcies a les opinions i peticions dels betweeners.
initiative, whose goal is to continuously improve the company thanks to the opinions and suggestions of Betweeners.
  BETWEEN & You | BETWEEN...  
Estic a gust treballant a BETWEEN, no solament per l’oportunitat de treballar amb clients que són grans empreses, sinó per la constant formació que em permet créixer professionalment any rere any. Me n’adono que aposten per mi!
I’m comfortable working at BETWEEN and not only for the opportunity to work with clients that are large corporations, but also for the ongoing training that helps me grow professionally year after year. I feel they are committed to me!
  BETWEEN, present en el ...  
El Induforum, en el qual també estaven presents empreses com Accenture,Amazon, ICEX, Ferrrovial, CLH, Dynatic, Vodafone, HP, EY, Segula o Thales, entre unes altres, és una de les moltes accions de captació de talent que fem anualment i que pretenem seguir augmentant any rere any.
Induforum, where participating companies also included Accenture, Amazon, ICEX, Ferrrovial, CLH, Dynatic, Vodafone, HP, EY, Segula and Thales, among others, is one of the many talent recruitment initiatives that we carry out every year, and which we intend to continue expanding year after year.
  Un mes de març a la rec...  
Ja fa anys que l’empresa participa en diversos esdeveniments d’aquest tipus –a molts dels quals acudeix any rere any, com és el cas del Fòrum ETSEIB, del que aquest any ha estat empresa patrocinadora- perquè aposta per la gent jove que pugui aportar als equips idees fresques, il·lusió i ganes de treballar, alhora que es nodreix de l’experiència dels sèniors.
Between is a company committed to the talent of young students. It has been taking part in several of these events for years -participating in some of them year after year, as for example the ETSEIB Forum, which Between has been sponsoring this year– since it has a big pull for young people who can contribute to their teams with fresh ideas, thrill, passion and eagerness for working, while they gain vital skills alongside their senior co-workers. Between believes this is a symbiosis all companies should experience.