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Keybot 7 Results
  La demanda d'habitatges...  
La recuperació del mercat immobiliari es consolida mes rere mes. Una mostra d'això és que, el 2015, les compraven­­des d'habitatges es van incrementar l'11,1% en relació amb el 2014. A més a més, tot suggereix que els diferents factors que donen suport a la recuperació del sector es re­­forçaran en els pròxims trimestres.
The recovery in the real estate market is getting stronger month by month. One sign of this is that, in 2015, house sales increased by 11.1% compared with 2014. Moreover, all the evidence suggests that the different factors supporting the sector's recovery will consolidate over the next few quarters.
  Salaris i cicle econòmi...  
Ara que la recuperació espanyola guanya intensitat, l'evolució dels salaris ha tornat al centre del debat econòmic. La raó principal és que, tot i que és cert que la millora del mercat de treball es va consolidant mes rere mes, també ho és que la taxa d'atur continua sent molt elevada.
The trend in wages is once again at the heart of economic debate now that Spain's recovery is gaining momentum. The main reason is that, although the labour market is improving month by month, the unemployment rate is still very high. This Focus looks at the historical relationship between wages1 and unemployment (known as the Phillips curve)2 in the Spanish economy to determine the most likely trend in wages over the coming quarters.
  Els bancs centrals recu...  
El mercat de renda fixa privada, rere les passes. Les ampliacions al llarg dels últims mesos han estat generalitzades i significatives en els spreads dels bons corporatius (en especial, al segment de grau especulatiu).
The private bond market is following in the wake of the stock markets. Over the last few months there have been widespread and significant increases in corporate bond spreads (particularly in sub-investment grade bonds). Of note is the leading role played by bonds issued to finance the growing activity in mergers and acquisitions. The number of mega-operations (above 10 billion dollars) since the beginning of 2015 is now higher than the figure recorded for the whole of 2007.
  Índia, l'estrella emerg...  
Doncs bé, què hi ha rere aquestes brillantors? Què permet sostenir el creixement al mateix temps que es redueix el perfil de risc que perceben els inversors? Aquesta bona trajectòria és el resultat de dos factors.
So what lies behind India's brilliant light? How can it sustain growth whilst also reducing the risk profile perceived by investors? The country's good performance is the result of two factors. Firstly, the beneficial effect of the shock of falling commodity prices in an economy which is a strong commodity importer (especially of oil and its derivatives, of which India is the world's fourth largest consumer and whose net imports account for almost 6% of Indian GDP, approximately).2
  La perifèria europea de...  
A Espanya, la reducció, generació rere generació, del ritme al qual s'ha millorat el nivell de vida del país és, fins i tot, més accelerada, ja que la generació dels actuals jubilats, en partir d'un nivell molt baix, va assolir millores enormes.
Such long-term growth prospects have serious social and political implications. On the one hand these underlying phenomena help to explain the social tensions and political radicalism observed in many developed countries. Economic stagnation leads to tension as it makes policies of redistribution and social assistance much more difficult to implement.
  S'està japonitzant la z...  
La recuperació de l'economia espanyola es confirma mes rere mes. Les dades avançades del PIB del 1T 2015 indiquen una taxa intertrimestral del 0,8%, per damunt de les expectatives, i situen la velocitat de creuer de l'economia al voltant del 3%.
Spain's economic recovery is being confirmed month by month. The flash GDP figures for 2015 Q1 indicate a quarter-on-quarter growth rate of 0.8%, higher than expected, placing the economy's cruising speed at close to 3%. In fact some analysts are already predicting that average growth for the year will be around this figure. At "la Caixa" Research we have kept our forecast at 2.5% this month, although the dynamism seen in the last few weeks is likely to result in an upward revision.
  La demanda domèstica im...  
El PIB va mantenir un creixement interanual de l'1,6% en el 3T, malgrat la contribució negativa de la demanda externa. Rere el bon comportament de la demanda interna hi ha l'avanç del consum, tant públic com privat.
Domestic demand fuels the economy in Q3. GDP continued to grow by 1.6% year-on-year in Q3 in spite of the negative contribution by foreign demand. Behind the good performance of domestic demand lies the growth in consumption, both public and private. At the country level we can see a similar dichotomy between the performance by foreign and domestic demand. Aggregate consumption (private and public) improved its year-on-year growth in Germany (2.3%), Spain (3.3%) and Italy (0.9%), while it slowed up slightly in France (1.4%). Yet, growth in investment slowed up in the euro area (2.2%), although it continued to accelerate in Germany (2.2%), Spain (6.5%) and Italy (0.9%) and stopped hindering growth in France (0.0%). Exports deducted from year-on-year growth although this was due to a larger rise in imports (exports still grew), a natural consequence of the positive tone in domestic demand which is clearly driving the recovery.