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Die Bernwardsäule ist in der Kunstgeschichte in dieser Form einzigartig. Sie ist eines der größten plastischen Kunstwerke, das in der Romanik entstanden ist. Vorbild und Vorläufer ist die antike Trajans-Säule im Rom.
Bernward’s column is unique in the history of art. It’s one of the greatest plastic masterpieces, which originated in the Romanesque art. Inspiring example and prototype is the antique Trajan’s Column in Rome. Bishop Bernward ordered it to be cast as triumphal column in conscious imitation of the emperor’s columns. There are pictured the good deeds of the emperors in an upwardly spiral picturefrieze, at Bernward’s Column there are 24 scenes from Jesus’ life, initiation the launching ceremony in river Jordan and ceasing with the triumphal procession into the city of Jerusalem. Aside from the largeness the halfplastic worked out physiques are the jutting characteristics of Bernward’s Column. Orginally it was coronated by a triumphal rood, but was melted down to a cannon in the course of reformation in 1544.
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Schatten viermotoriger Bomber ziehen über die Stadt an der Innerste, wenig später steht der Hildesheimer Dom, ein Meisterwerk der Romanik, in hellen Flammen: jene Zerstörung im Zweiten Weltkrieg war nur einer der dramatischen Höhepunkte in der langen Baugeschichte des Hildesheimer Doms.
The shadows of four-engine bombers fall over the city centre; a few moments later and Hildesheim Cathedral, a masterwork of the Romanesque period, is engulfed in blazing flames: this destruction during the Second World War was only one of the dramatic highpoints in the long building history of Hildesheim Cathedral. The graphics experts of the Hildesheim company X, who created the video on behalf of the Hildesheim Cathedral Chapter, used all tools at their disposal to depict this fateful day in the year 1945, but also other important milestones of the past twelve centuries, in a spectacular way. Using animation, they compressed the complicated building history of the cathedral so that lay people can easily understand it: from the founding chapel of Louis the Pious in the year 815, via the first cathedral church and the imposing “castles of god” by the bishops of the Middle Ages, to the cathedral as we know it today.