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  Program - KosmoramaKosm...  
utmerket seg i programmet. Sterkt under årets festival, står trøndersk film og lokale filmskapere som har gjort det stort i bransjen rundt om i verden. Vi glemmer likevel ikke at vi er en internasjonal filmfestival, og sikret mye god film fra flere kontinenter for å bringe verden til trønderne i kinomørket på Prinsen Kinosenter.
. Film from the region and local filmmakers are strongly represented in the 2018 program. Nevertheless, we won’t forget that we’re an international film festival, and we have secured a lot of great film from several continents, in order to bring the world to Trondheim and Prinsen Cinema.
  TIFF - Festivalen over ...  
Noen historier kunne vœre vanskelig å følge hvis man ikke hadde nok kunnskap om temaet fra før, mens andre traff mer universielle fenomener. Den Franske filmen BMP gjorde et sterkt inntrykk på meg. Den handlet om aktivister i Frankrike på åttitallet og deres arbeid for å skape mer bevissthet omkring HIV.
Another interesting aspect of this years edition of the festival is the many films with stories told from the viewpoint of a minority e.g gender, ethnical or political. Some stories are difficult to follow if you don’t know enough about the context, while the best ones hit a more universal chord. I was quite taken by the French film BPM, set in France in the early 80’s when activists worked hard to raise awareness about the HIV-virus and urged the politicians to do more to stop the epidemia and give more resources to research to find better medicines.
  Iran-symposium - Kosmor...  
Den iranske filmregissøren Mohsen Makhmalbaf er æresgjest under årets Kosmorama. Festivalens program er sterkt preget av iransk film og filmer om Iran. Iran er en kulturnasjon og har vært en betydelig leverandør av nye, store talenter og flotte filmer helt siden tiden før revolusjonen, men mest imponerende er det at iranske filmskapere har funnet en måte å lage sterke samfunnskritiske filmer på innenfor det statskontrollerte muslimske presteskapet som har regjert Iran siden revolusjonen i 1979.
The Iranian film director Mohsen Makhmalbaf is our guest of honour during this year’s Kosmorama. The festival program is heavily marked by Iranian films and films about Iran. Iran is a cultural nation and has been an important providor of new, big talents and great films all since the revolution, and that Iranian film makers have found a way to make strong society critical films within the state controlled muslim clergy since 1979. Since his debut early in the 1980’s Mohsen Makhmalfbaf has been a pioneer and an inspiration for the wave of film makers coming from Iran from 1990 and till today. His films have explored the tension in the relations between the individual and a bigger social and political context. Henceforth his films have often been viewed as a comment to the development of the Iranian state and its people.