sterkt – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Streik ved UB fra 23. m...  
Hvis streiken iverksettes, vil tjenestene ved UB bli sterkt redusert. UBs avdelinger vil enten bli helt stengt eller ha sterkt reduserte åpningstider. De avdelingene som kan ha åpent, vil hovedsakelig ha åpent etter ordinær kontorarbeidstid.
If the strike takes effect, the library services will be reduced to a minimum. The branch libraries will either be completely closed or run very short opening hours, primarily after ordinary working hours. There will be no postal or delivery services between the branch libraries, so that books and article copies etc can not be obtained from other libraries. Interlibrary loan services to and from the University of Bergen library will also be closed down during the strike. Vi regret any inconvenience this may have for our users.
  Streik ved UB fra 23. m...  
Hvis streiken iverksettes, vil tjenestene ved UB bli sterkt redusert. UBs avdelinger vil enten bli helt stengt eller ha sterkt reduserte åpningstider. De avdelingene som kan ha åpent, vil hovedsakelig ha åpent etter ordinær kontorarbeidstid.
If the strike takes effect, the library services will be reduced to a minimum. The branch libraries will either be completely closed or run very short opening hours, primarily after ordinary working hours. There will be no postal or delivery services between the branch libraries, so that books and article copies etc can not be obtained from other libraries. Interlibrary loan services to and from the University of Bergen library will also be closed down during the strike. Vi regret any inconvenience this may have for our users.