thair – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 5 Résultats
  Beth i’w wneud ynglÅ·n ...  
y gwnaethoch symud allan fwy na thair blynedd yn ôl
you moved out more than three years ago
  Awgrymiadau os ydych ch...  
rydych yn byw yn y DU ers llai na thair blynedd.
you’ve lived in the UK for less than three years.
  Awgrymiadau os ydych ch...  
Os ydych chi'n byw yn y DU ers llai na thair blynedd
If you’ve lived in the UK for less than three years
  Ail forgeisi neu forgei...  
Mae gan John a Claire forgais o £200,000 ar gyfradd sefydlog am bum mlynedd a thair blynedd i fynd cyn diwedd cyfnod y gyfradd sefydlog. Mae gwerth eu cartref wedi codi ers iddynt gymryd y morgais.
John and Claire have a £200,000 five year fixed rate mortgage with three years to run until the fixed rate deal ends. The value of their home has risen since they took out the mortgage.
  Cyfraddau llogau morgei...  
Bydd y gyfradd ddisgownt ar gynnig am gyfnod cyflwyniadol yn unig – fel arfer rhwng dwy a thair blynedd. Pan fydd y cyfnod hwnnw’n dod i ben, bydd y morgais yn mynd yn ôl i’r gyfradd amrywiol safonol lawn.
The discount rate will only be on offer for an introductory period – usually between two and five years. When that period ends, your mortgage will revert to the full standard variable rate. However, you can sometimes be tied in to the mortgage for a few years longer than the discount period. Either way, you may have to pay an early repayment charge if you want to leave before the end of the tied-in period.