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Keybot 4 Results
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Sonuç: Üriner sistem taşı olan çocuklarda belirlenen metabolik nedene uygun tedavi planlanması ile hem cerrahi yöntemlere ihtiyaç göstermeden medikal tedavi ile başarı sağlanabilmekte hem de yeni taş oluşumu önlenebilmektedir.
Conclusion: By planning appropriate treatment for the metabolic abnormalities determined in children with urolithiasis, success can be achieved in many patients by medical treatments without the need of surgical methods.
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Bulgular: Kadmiyum uygulanan grupta germinalepitelde düzensizlik, epitel hücreleri arasında vakuol oluşumu ve yer yer nekrotik tübüller gözlendi. Kadmiyum uygulanan grupta seminifertübül çapları, Johnsen'intübüler biyopsi skoru ve doku MDA düzeylerinin kontrol ile karşılaştırıldığında anlamlı derecede azaldığı, apoptotik hücre sayısının ise anlamlı derecede arttığı belirlendi.
Results: Germinal epithelium irregularities, epithelial cell loss in lumen, formation of the vacuoles between epithelial cells and necrotic tubules were observed in the cadmium applied group. The diameters of seminiferous tubules, tubular biopsy score of Johnsen and tissue MDA levels significantly decreased and apoptotic cell numbers significantly increased compared to control group. It was observed that ethyl pyruvate has only shown improvement in the number of apoptotic cells.
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Bulgular: Katılımcılara yöneltilen "Anne isteğine bağlı sezaryen yapılması hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?" sorusuna kadınların %69.6'sı "tıbbi zorunluluk durumunda yapılmalı" yanıtını verirken %22.8'i "anne isteğine bağlı yapılabilmeli" ve %7.6'sı "kararsızım" cevabını verdi.
Results: When we asked the question \"What do you think about cesarean delivery on maternal request?\", most of participants (69.6%) answered as \"It must be done in the case of medical necessity\", 22.8% of participants answered \"It may be done on maternal request\" and 7.6% \"unstable\". To the question \"In the absence of medical necessity, would you prefer delivery by cesarean section?\" 11.4% of respondents answered as \"yes\", and the most common reason choosing cesarean delivery on maternal request was \"vaginal birth fear\" (42.2%). To the question “Do you think banning cesarean on mother request is true?\" 53.2% of participants answered as \"yes\". To this question, 37% of women who have never had a delivery answered as “no” and this rate was determined 28.5% and 23.9% in the group who have at least one vaginal and cesarean delivery, respectively (p
  Fyrat Typ Dergisi  
Bulgular: Katılımcılara yöneltilen "Anne isteğine bağlı sezaryen yapılması hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?" sorusuna kadınların %69.6'sı "tıbbi zorunluluk durumunda yapılmalı" yanıtını verirken %22.8'i "anne isteğine bağlı yapılabilmeli" ve %7.6'sı "kararsızım" cevabını verdi.
Results: When we asked the question \"What do you think about cesarean delivery on maternal request?\", most of participants (69.6%) answered as \"It must be done in the case of medical necessity\", 22.8% of participants answered \"It may be done on maternal request\" and 7.6% \"unstable\". To the question \"In the absence of medical necessity, would you prefer delivery by cesarean section?\" 11.4% of respondents answered as \"yes\", and the most common reason choosing cesarean delivery on maternal request was \"vaginal birth fear\" (42.2%). To the question “Do you think banning cesarean on mother request is true?\" 53.2% of participants answered as \"yes\". To this question, 37% of women who have never had a delivery answered as “no” and this rate was determined 28.5% and 23.9% in the group who have at least one vaginal and cesarean delivery, respectively (p