urbain – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results  vision.gel.ulaval.ca
  Interface homme-machine...  
Applications: Les applications militaires en milieu urbain ou les applications de recherche et de sauvetage sont des exemples concrets d'applications de la plate-forme de marche avec interface réseau.
Applications: Military applications in urban environments or applications in search and rescue operations are concrete examples of the possible applications for a walking platform with an interface network. Moreover, the locomotion interface could be used in readaptation applications since it offers therapists a perfectly controlled environment which they can use to plan walking exercises adapted to their patients.
  Exploitation de données...  
Approche: Une solution de plus en plus courante pour appuyer les forces militaires déployées en milieu urbain consiste à utiliser des plates-formes robotisées pour la réalisation des tâches présentant un niveau de risque important.
Approach: An increasingly common solution to support military forces in urbain environments consists in using robotic platforms to carry out high risk tasks. Within this context, this research project has enabled the development of a system using a 3D volumetric sensor to model urbain environments and efficiently explore these environments with the help of an autonomous mobile platform. An important aspect of this project is that the 3D model of the environment is preserved in the form of a multiresolution octree throughout the process. Thus the cartographic, exploration and navigation modules which compose the mobile platform can access the 3D model at all times so as to complete their respective tasks. From the results obtained for tests conducted in simulation and in a real environment, it was possible to validate that the system developed allows the exploration of an environment in an autonomous fashion while simultaneously generating a complete 3D model of the explored environment.