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Prije ulaska u Konzularni ured, sve posjetitelje pregledavaju djelatnici iz osiguranja.
All visitors to the Consular Section are screened by security personnel prior to entry.
Ako želite vidjeti procjenu toga koliko ćete dugo trebati čekati da biste dobili termin razgovora, posjetite internetski alat Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Sjedinjenih Država na https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/wait-times.html. Pomoću tog internetskog alata saznat ćete koliko će vremena biti potrebno da Konzularni ured obradi vašu vizu nakon što službenik za konzularne poslove donese odluku o izdavanju vize.
If you wish to view the estimate on how long you will have to wait to get an interview appointment, please visit the U.S Department of State online tool at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/wait-times.html. This online tool will also tell you how long it will take for your visa to be processed at the Consular Section, after a decision is made by a Consular Officer to issue the Visa. Please note that the processing time does not include any time required for administrative processing.
Općenito, samo podnositelji zahtjeva za vizu sa zakazanim terminama smiju ući u Konzularni ured. Roditelji ili pravni skrbnici smiju pratiti maloljetnju djecu. Posebne upute koje se odnose na prevoditelje ili njegovatelje ili za obraćanje Konzularnom uredu za više podataka, posjetite internet stranicu Konzularnog ureda.
In general, only Visa applicants with scheduled appointments are allowed to enter the Consular Section. Parents or legal guardians are allowed to accompany minor children. For special instructions concerning translators or caregivers or to contact the consular section for more information, visit the consular section website.
Ured za programe razmjene na polju obrazovanja i kulture
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Exchange Programs
Napomena: Na internet stranici i povezanim službama pozivnog centra ne može se dobiti status ili informacije koje se odnose na obradu zahtjeva koju vrši USCIS, NVC, KCC ili Konzularni ured SAD-.
Disclaimer: This website and associated call center services does not provide status or information concerning the processing at the USCIS, NVC, KCC, or the U.S. Consular Section.
Ako podnositelj zahtjeva je putnik koji putuje kako bi došao na brod na kojemu će raditi, također će mu trebati tranzitna viza (C1) te treba donijeti pismo od svog poslodavca ili zastupnika poslodavca kojim se potvrđuje da je tranzit potreban. Konzularni ured obično će izdati kombiniranu C1/D vizu, ako to dopušta plan reciprociteta u zemlji čije državljanstvo ima podnositelj zahtjeva.
If an applicant is a passenger traveling to meet the vessel on which the applicant will work, the applicant will also need a Transit (C1) Visa and should bring a letter from their employer or the employer's agent to confirm that transit is required. The Consular section will typically issue a combination C1/D visa if the reciprocity schedule for the applicant's country of citizenship allows. View the country reciprocity schedules for more information at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html
Praćenje povrata vaših dokumenata započet će kada Konzularni ured SAD-a proslijedi dokumente kurirskoj službi. Primit ćete poruku e-pošte kada broj otpreme bude dodijeljen vašim dokumentima
The tracking of your document return will begin when the U.S. Consular Section passes the documents to the courier. You will get an email alerting you when the shipping number has been assigned to your documents.
Napomena: Svaki je zahtjev za vizu SAD jedinstven. U ovu uslugu nisu uključene informacije o tome koliko je dug proces odlučivanja Konzularnog ureda SAD-a. Kada Konzularni ured SAD-a preda dokumente za vizu kurirskoj službi, potrebna su 3 radna dana da dokumenti budu spremni za preuzimanje ili dostavu.
Note: Each application for a U.S. visa is unique. Information regarding how long the U.S. Consular Section adjudication process cannot be provided by this service. Once the U.S. Consular Section turns over the Visa documents to the courier, it takes up to 3 business days for the documents to be ready for pick up or delivery.
NVC, KCC ili Konzularni ured SAD-a pružit će obavijesti i upute za daljnje radnje i datume razgovora.
The NVC, KCC, or U.S. Consular Section will provide notification and instructions of further actions and interview date(s).
Korak 4 – Dođite na razgovor u Konzularni ured
Step 4 – Attend the Consular Section Appointment
Što će se dogoditi s mojim internetskim obrascem DS-160 ako odaberem Konzularni ured SAD gdje ću podnijeti zahtjev za vizu, ali u konačnici zakažem sastanak u drugom Konzularnom uredu SAD?
What happens to my online Form DS-160 if I select a U.S. Consular Section where I will be applying for my visa, but end up making an interview appointment instead to another U.S. Consular Section?
U slučaju zahtjeva za vizu za koje nije potrebno osobno pojavljivanje na razgovoru u Konzularnom uredu, podnositelji zahtjeva moraju sve tražene dokumente koje će Konzularni ured pregledati staviti u paket za prijavu koji će podnositelj zahtjeva predati.
For Visa applicants that do not require an in-person interview at the Consular Section, applicants must include all required documents for Consular Section review in the application package to be submitted by the applicant.
Ne. Jednom kada Konzularni ured proslijedi dokumente kurirskoj službi, potrebno je 1 do 3 dana da se dostava izvrši.
No. Once the Consular Section passes the document(s) to the courier, the shipment may take 1-3 business days for delivery.
Kako mogu pratiti dokumente koje sam poslao/la u Konzularni ured?
How do I track my documents that I have sent to the Consular Section?
Praćenje povrata vaših dokumenata započet će kada Konzularni ured SAD-a proslijedi dokumente kurirskoj službi. Dodatne informacije o kurirskoj službi potražite na Kurirske usluge za dokumente za vizu.
The tracking of your document return will begin when the U.S. Consular Section passes the documents to the courier. For additional information on the courier please see Visa Document Courier Services.
Konzularni ured može zaključiti da morate pružiti dodatne informacije prije nego što se može donijeti odluka o vašem zahtjevu
Consular Section may find that you need to provide further information before a decision can be made on your application
Konzularni ured može podnosiocu zahtjeva dopustiti da prisustvuje razgovoru i da plati za drugu vrstu vize tijekom zakazanog razgovora za prvu vrstu vizu.
The Consular Section may allow the applicant to interview and pay for a second visa type during the scheduled appointment for the first visa type.
Nacionalni centar za vize (NVC), KCC ili Konzularni ured slat će obavijest o datumu, vremenu i lokaciji razgovora vama, vašem podnositelju molbe i vašem odvjetniku nakon zakazivanja sastanka.
The National Visa Center (NVC), KCC, or Consular Section will send notification of the date, time, and location of your interview to you, your petitioner, and your attorney when the interview is scheduled.
Mogu li poslati dokumente za zahtjev za vizu u Konzularni ured poštom?
Can I submit my visa application documents to the Consular Section by mail?
Vrijeme potrebno da Konzularni ured obradi vaš zahtjev za vizu razlikuje se ovisno o:
The time it will take for the Consular Section to process your visa application can vary depending on:
Ako vam te lokacije za dostavu ne odgovaraju, možete odabrati kurirsku službu koja vam odgovara i o vlastitom trošku poslati dokumente u Konzularni ured.
If these document drop-off locations are not convenient, you may use a courier of choice and at your expense to send the documents to the Consular Section.
Sve putovnice koje se ne preuzmu u roku od 30 dana bit će vraćene u Konzularni ured iz kojeg su bile poslane.
Any passports not retrieved within 30 days will be returned to the originating Consular Section.
Dođite na sastanak u Konzularni ured.
Attend the Consular Section appointment.
Podnositeljima prijave nije dopušten dolazak u Konzularni ured bez zakazanog termina.
Applicants are not permitted into the Consular Section without a scheduled appointment.
Useljenička viza koju izdaje Konzularni ured SAD-a omogućuje vam da otputujete u Sjedinjene Države za prijam u svojstvu zakonskog rezidenta (LPR). Jednom kada vas se primi, imate pravo trajno živjeti i raditi u Sjedinjenim Državama.
Foreign citizens wishing to immigrate and live permanently in the U.S. must follow specific procedures in order to apply for an Immigrant Visa. The Immigrant Visa issued by the U.S. Consular Section allows you to travel to the United States for admission as a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR). Once admitted you will have the right to live and work in the United States permanently. Further information can be found at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
(L) Radnici na premještaju unutar iste tvrtke - Ova viza namijenjena je podnositeljima zahtjeva koji, su unutar tri prethodne godine bili zaposleni izvan svoje države u neprekidnom trajanju od jedne godine, i koji će biti zaposleni u područnom, središnjem uredu, filijali ili podružnici istog poslodavca iz Sjedinjenih Država, na radnom mjestu menadžera, izvršnog direktora ili kao stručnjak specijalist u određenom području.
(L) Intracompany Transferee – This visa is for applicants who, within the three preceding years, have been employed abroad continuously for one year, and who will be employed by a branch, parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of that same employer in the United States in a managerial, executive, or specialized knowledge capacity. The L Visa enables a U.S. employer to transfer an executive or manager from one of its affiliated foreign offices to one of its offices in the United States. This visa also enables a foreign company that does not yet have an affiliated U.S. office to send an executive or manager to the United States with the purpose of establishing one.