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  BM Temsilcisi: Silahlı ...  
Çocuklar, Asker Değil kampanyasını uygulayan üye devletlerin faaliyet planlarını tam olarak uygulamak üzere çabalarını 2 kata çıkarmaları
Encouraging Member States concerned by the “Children, not Soldiers” campaign to redouble their efforts to fully implement their Action Plan;
  António Guterres barış,...  
Guterres, insanları korumak amacıyla BM bayrağı altında görev yaparken cinsel şiddet uygulayan ve istismarda bulunanlara karşı daha iyi önlem alınması gerektiğini vurguladı.
“This must involve leadership, coordination, delivery and accountability. We will build on the outcome of the recent discussions among Member States,” he said, underlining the need to bring humanitarian and development spheres closer together from the very beginning of a crisis.
  Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tüt...  
5) tütün reklamı, tanıtımı ve sponsorluğunun yasaklanması, 6) tütünde vergilerin arttırılması başlıklarının yer aldığı altı MPOWER önleme paketinin tamamını en üst düzeyde uygulayan ilk ülke olmuştur.
Furthermore, the tobacco company Phillip Morris International announced last September its support to ‘The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World’, aiming at funding several research programs around the world. WHO regards this tobacco industry-funded initiative as a clear attempt to breach the WHO FCTC by interfering in public policies in many countries, damaging the implementation of the Treaty and the progresses made so far to regulate nicotine through public policy. It is important that Turkey continues the path previously marked, following the great achievements made in the implementation of WHO FCTC -introducing smoke-free environments in restaurants, bars and cafes, gradually increasing taxes on tobacco products and including graphic health warnings on cigarette packages. In fact, this sustained political commitment to tobacco control turned Turkey into a global reference and remarkable example of WHO FCTC implementation. In fact, Turkey has been the first country to attain the highest level of achievement in all six MPOWER measures: (1) Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies, (2) Protecting people from tobacco smoke, (3) Offering help to quit tobacco, (4) Warning about the dangers of tobacco, (5) Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship and (6) Raising taxes on tobacco.