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  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
achtergrond Jan Wier (1515-1588) was een opmerkelijke persoonlijkheid, bij velen bekend als een voortrekker in de strijd tegen heksenvervolging. Breder wordt hij ook beschouwd als een vroege verdediger van de mensenrechten en als nauwkeurig observator van psychiatrische ziektebeelden.
background Jan Wier was a remarkable person, well known to many as a leader of the fight against the persecution of witches. In a broader sense, he is regarded as one of the earlier defenders of human rights and as a acute observant of psychiatric disorders.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
Omgevingen waarin kinderen leven zijn niet bij voorbaat goed of slecht. Toch beschouwen velen instituties als slecht en gezinnen als goed wat betreft verzorging, opvoeding en behandeling. In dit artikel staat deze aanname ter discussie.
Nowadays, a number of people consider institutions for child care and child treatment as bad, while on the contrary families are considered to be good at all times. In this paper, this assumption has been discussed. The development of residential child and adolescent psychiatry as a sort of institutional treatment is described. The actual possibilities are mentioned. A clinical lesson illustrates that in times of economical prosperity financial, professional and social principles can be transformed into good care and treatment, while in periods of economical decline tension arises between these principles. In the last decades governments of the United States and of Great Britain have made radical choices. In other countries, like the Netherlands, there is a search for a middle course. In the Netherlands, residential child and adolescent psychiatry is one of the most intensive and specialized forms of child treatment. A limited capacity for about 1,400 patients requires a selective use of it. Differentiating clinical functions as well as differentiating needs for care and treatment of infants, children and adolescents offers a model for this selective use.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
Onderzoek naar wie gebruik maken van de acute dienst van de RIAGG s, toont het volgende beeld. Het betreft een relatief jonge populatie van wie velen alleenstaand zijn en ongehuwd. Een klein deel beschikt niet over een vaste verblijfplaats.
A survey of the people who make use of the emergency services of the Regional Ambulatory Services for Mental Health (RIAGG s) in The Netherlands shows that they are mainly young, unmarried people who live alone. A small percentage of them has no fixed address. Few of them are employed. Remarkably many of them report support from their acquaintances, conflicts with them notwithstanding. Symptoms and a high assessment of danger and trouble demonstrate manifest psychopathology. Psychiatric events in the past are very frequent. Life-events are reported as being related to the crisis in about one half of the cases. Obviously, the emergency services of the RIAGG s fill a need, mainly for people with long-time psychiatric and social problems. Surprisingly, the total number of psychiatric admissions has risen considerably since the start of these services in 1984. This raises the question wether the efforts of so many people (both ambulatory and intramural) is not in contradiction with the need for continuity of care for this targetgroup.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
Onderzoek naar wie gebruik maken van de acute dienst van de RIAGG s, toont het volgende beeld. Het betreft een relatief jonge populatie van wie velen alleenstaand zijn en ongehuwd. Een klein deel beschikt niet over een vaste verblijfplaats.
A survey of the people who make use of the emergency services of the Regional Ambulatory Services for Mental Health (RIAGG s) in The Netherlands shows that they are mainly young, unmarried people who live alone. A small percentage of them has no fixed address. Few of them are employed. Remarkably many of them report support from their acquaintances, conflicts with them notwithstanding. Symptoms and a high assessment of danger and trouble demonstrate manifest psychopathology. Psychiatric events in the past are very frequent. Life-events are reported as being related to the crisis in about one half of the cases. Obviously, the emergency services of the RIAGG s fill a need, mainly for people with long-time psychiatric and social problems. Surprisingly, the total number of psychiatric admissions has risen considerably since the start of these services in 1984. This raises the question wether the efforts of so many people (both ambulatory and intramural) is not in contradiction with the need for continuity of care for this targetgroup.