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  Europees Sociaal Fonds ...  
Nederlandse school voor praktijkonderwijs wint vertrouwen en krijgt meer financiële middelen
Une école néerlandaise de formation professionnelle décroche un vote de confiance et des fonds supplémentaires
Eine niederländische Berufsschule erhält einen Vertrauensbeweis und weitere Finanzmittel
Dutch vocational training school gets vote of confidence and more funding
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Onze kennis van de taal en cultuur van onze buitenlandse markten heeft ons geholpen om sneller dan we ooit hadden verwacht vertrouwen te creëren tussen ons en onze klanten.
Our knowledge of the language and culture of our foreign markets has helped us generate trust between us and our clients faster than we ever expected.
Notre connaissance de la langue et de la culture de nos marchés étrangers nous a permis d’instaurer une relation de confiance avec nos clients plus vite que nous l’espérions.
Dank der Kenntnis von Sprache und Kultur unserer ausländischen Märkte konnten wir zwischen uns und unseren Kunden schneller als erwartet eine Vertrauensbasis schaffen.
El conocimiento del idioma y la cultura de nuestros mercados extranjeros nos ha permitido generar confianza entre los clientes mucho antes de lo previsto.
La conoscenza della lingua e della cultura dei nostri mercati esteri ci ha aiutato a generare fiducia tra noi e i nostri clienti più velocemente di quanto credessimo.
O nossoconhecimento da língua e da cultura dos nossosmercadosexternosajudou-nos a criarumarelação de confiançacomosnossosclientesmaisrapidamente do queesperávamos.
Η γνώση της γλώσσας και του πολιτισμού των ξένων αγορών στις οποίες δραστηριοποιούμαστε, μας έχει βοηθήσει να δημιουργήσουμε κλίμα εμπιστοσύνης με τους πελάτες μας ταχύτερα από ό,τι αναμέναμε ποτέ.
Познаването от наша страна на езика и културата на чуждестранните пазари ни помогна да изградим доверие между компанията и нейните клиенти по-бързо отколкото очаквахме
Díky znalostem jazyka a kultury na našich zahraničních trzích se nám podařilo mezi námi a našimi klienty vytvořit důvěru rychleji, než jsme kdy očekávali.
Vores viden om sprog og kultur på vores udenlandske markeder har hjulpet os med at skabe tillid mellem os og kunderne langt hurtigere, end vi havde forventet.
Oma välisturgude keele ja kultuuri tundmine on aidanud meil luua usaldust enda ja oma klientide vahel kiiremini, kui oleksime osanud seda eales oodata.
Tietämyksemme ulkomarkkinoidemme kielistä ja kulttuureista on auttanut meitä kasvattamaan luottamusta meidän ja asiakkaamme välillä nopeammin kuin osasimme odottaa.
A külföldi piacok nyelvének és kultúrájának ismerete révén gyorsabban sikerült megalapozni a bizalmat önmagunk és az ügyfeleink között, mint azt valaha reméltük.
Znajomość języka i kultury pomogła nam wypracować zaufanie między nami a klientami na zagranicznych rynkach szybciej niż się spodziewaliśmy
Cunoştinţele noastre privind limba şi cultura pieţelor noastre străine ne-au ajutat să generăm încredere între noi şi clienţii noştri într-un timp mai scurt decât ne-am aşteptat vreodată.
Poznanie jazyka a kultúry našich zahraničných trhov nám pomáha vytvárať dôveru medzi nami a našimi klientmi rýchlejšie, než sme čakali.
Poznavanje jezika in kulture naših tujih trgov nam je pomagalo ustvariti zaupanje med nami in strankami hitreje, kot smo pričakovali.
Vår kunskap om de utländska marknadernas språk och kultur har skapat förtroende mellan oss och kunderna snabbare än vi föreställt oss.
Valodu prasmes un kultūras zināšanas par ārzemju tirgiem, kuros darbojamies, palīdzēja mums gūt klientu uzticību daudz ātrāk nekā spējām iedomāties.
L-għarfien tagħna tal-lingwa u l-kultura tas-swieq barranin tagħna għenna niġġeneraw fiduċja bejna u l-klijenti tagħna b’aktar ħeffa milli konna nistennew.
  Europees Sociaal Fonds ...  
Het project ‘Duurzame beweging’ werd gelanceerd om nieuwe bottom-upbenaderingen te vinden om een werkomgeving te creëren die is gebaseerd op wederzijds vertrouwen, flexibiliteit en het zelfvertrouwen om nieuwe ideeën uit te proberen.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.
The ‘Sustaining movement’ project set out to find new, bottom-up approaches for cultivating a working environment based around mutual trust, flexibility and the confidence to try out new ideas.