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  Lex Frisionum NL Inleid...  
De bedragen in de Lex Frisionum zijn verwarrend. Soms wordt een vergrijp tweemaal genoemd, met twee verschillende boetebedragen. Op enkele plaatsen staat dat de boetes met drie vermenigvuldigd moeten worden, maar het is vaak onduidelijk op welke artikelen dat precies betrekking heeft.
The amounts of money in the Lex Frisionum are confusing. Sometimes an offence is mentioned twice, with two different fines. At several instances it is stated that the fines must be tripled, but often it is unclear to which articles this applies precisely.
  Lex Frisionum NL Inleid...  
De aantallen eedhelpers zijn op het eerste gezicht nogal verwarrend: het zijn vaak priemgetallen (5, 11, 17, 23), waar geen enkel systeem in lijkt te zitten. Echter, men moet bedenken dat de verdachte zelf ook meegeteld moet worden.
At first sight, the numbers of oath-helpers may seem confusing: often prime numbers (5, 11, 17, 23), and lacking any system. However, the suspect himself should also be counted. With the suspect included, the numbers are always neat multiples of 4 or 6. It appears, that the oath of a man always equals 1/12 of the fine for killing that man (wergeld plus kin's share).
  Lex Frisionum NL Toelic...  
De boetebedragen in de Lex Frisionum zijn op het eerste gezicht verwarrend. Zo is er een artikel dat zegt dat het afslaan van de neus (van een vrije man) met 24 solidi wordt beboet (Titel XXII: 10), terwijl een ander artikel op hetzelfde vergrijp een boete van meer dan 60 solidi zet (Add. III: 10).
At first sight, the fine amounts in the Lex Frisionum are confusing. For example, there is an article that specifies a fine of 24 solidi for chopping off a freeman's nose (XXII: 10), while another article fines the same offence with over 60 solidi (Add. III: 10). The latter amount is higher than the weregeld of a freeman (50 or 53 solidi, see Title I).
  Lex Frisionum NL Inleid...  
Siems' formulering 'in samenhang met de Rijksdag' is wat verwarrend, en zou gelezen kunnen worden als 'tijdens de Rijksdag' (zoals in Halbertsma, 2000, p. 165, en ook de eerdere versie van deze website, zie Versies).
Siems's wording 'in association with the Reichstag' is somewhat confusing, since it could be read as 'during the Reichstag' (as in Halbertsma, 2000, p 165, and also in an earlier version of this web page, see Versions). However, Henstra noted that the actual collection of the Frisian rules (that, up till than, had only been transmitted verbally) and putting them into writing, would have been a long and labour-intensive process. It probably started several years before the Reichstag. Indeed, Charlemagne was already busy recording the various Germanic customary laws by the end of 780's, with the intention of formalising them later (Henstra, p 51 and 71 and pers. comm.). Henstra suggests that in the case of Lex Frisionum, the drafting must have ended some 10 years before the Reichstag. This is based on the amounts of money mentioned in the Lex. At several places, the Lex speaks of 'new money' or 'old money'. In the 8th century, two money reforms took place, by order of the Frankish rulers: in 754/755 (under Pippin the Short) and in 793/794 (under Charlemagne). The amount of silver that a coin should contain was re-assessed. The question is, whether the distinction old/new in the Lex refers to the first or to the second reform. Henstra calculated that it must have been the first reform. Ergo, the Lex must have been drafted before the second reform of 793. And after 785. That means an origination around the year 790.