voordelen – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 6 Results  ec.europa.eu
, alsook over de voordelen van diversiteit;
and also of the benefits of diversity;
, mais aussi aux avantages de la diversité;
und durch Aufklärung über den Nutzen von Vielfalt;
, y también sobre las ventajas de la diversidad.
e anche sui vantaggi della diversità;
, mas também para os benefícios da diversidade;
του, αλλά και για τα οφέλη της ποικιλομορφίας·
и предимствата на многообразието;
kao prednostima koje proizlaze iz razlika među ljudima;
a také o výhodách rozmanitosti;
og om fordelene ved mangfoldighed
ning samuti mitmekesisuse eelistest;
sekä moninaisuuden eduista,
, valamint a sokszínűség előnyeire;
obywateli, jak też korzyści płynących z różnorodności;
oamenilor, precum şi beneficiile diversităţii;
, ako aj o prínosoch rozmanitosti,
ter o koristih raznolikosti;
samt fördelarna med mångfald,
un arī par ieguvumiem no daudzveidības;
tagħha u anki dwar il-benefiċċju tad-diversità;
, comhpháirtithe sóisialta
  JESSICA : Joint Europea...  
Wat zijn de voordelen van JESSICA?
Quels avantages peut procurer JESSICA?
Welche Vorteile bietet die Anwendung von JESSICA?
Que vantagens oferece?
Ποια τα οφέλη από τη χρήση του JESSICA;
Hvilke fordele er der ved at benytte sig af JESSICA?
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Jakie korzyści wypływają z korzystania z JESSICA?
Ce avantaje oferă JESSICA?
Aké výhody má používanie nástroja JESSICA?
Kakšne so prednosti pobude JESSICA?
Vad finns det för fördelar med att använda Jessica?
X'inhuma l-vantaġġi tal-użu ta' JESSICA?
  Mobiliteit - Europese C...  
Dit biedt niet alleen persoonlijke voordelen, het kan ook landen helpen die in bepaalde beroepen te veel of te weinig arbeidskrachten hebben.
Aside from the benefits for the individuals concerned, this can help rectify imbalances between countries that have too many or too few professionals in a given field.
La mobilité présente des avantages pour les personnes concernées et contribue également à corriger les déséquilibres entre les pays qui comptent trop ou trop peu de professionnels dans un secteur donné.
Abgesehen von den Vorteilen für die jeweiligen Personen kann dies Ungleichgewichte zwischen den Ländern ausgleichen helfen, in denen es zu viele oder zu wenige Fachleute in einem bestimmten Feld gibt.
Esta movilidad no solo tiene ventajas para los interesados: también puede ayudar a corregir los desequilibrios entre países con exceso o falta de profesionales en un campo determinado.
Oltre a portare vantaggi alle persone interessate, questa tendenza può contribuire a rettificare gli squilibri tra i paesi con carenza o esuberi di professionisti in un determinato settore.
Além das muitas vantagens que representa para os profissionais de saúde, esta mobilidade também contribui para a correção dos desequilíbrios entre países com excesso ou falta de profissionais num determinado setor.
Εκτός από τα οφέλη για τα ίδια τα άτομα, κάτι τέτοιο μπορεί να συμβάλει στην αποκατάσταση τυχόν ανισορροπιών μεταξύ χωρών που διαθέτουν πάρα πολλούς ή πολύ λίγους επαγγελματίες σε συγκεκριμένους επιμέρους κλάδους.
Освен че това е добре лично за тях, то може да помогне и за коригиране на дисбалансите между страни, в които има твърде малко или твърде много работещи в дадена област.
Kromě výhod, které pobytem v zahraničí pracovníci získají z hlediska profesního i osobního vývoje, tím napomohou vyrovnat rozdíly mezi poptávkou a nabídkou míst pro odbornou pracovní sílu v daném oboru v různých zemích.
Ud over at være en fordel for den enkelte ansatte kan dette også hjælpe med at udligne forskellen mellem lande med for mange eller for få ansatte inden for et givet område.
Lisaks kasule, mida saavad need inimesed isiklikult, võib see tasakaalustada riikidevahelisi erinevusi, sest mõnes riigis on konkreetses valdkonnas liiga palju või liiga vähe töötajaid.
Tämä voi edistää heidän uraansa, mutta lisäksi muuttoliike voi tasapainottaa tilannetta sellaisten maiden välillä, joissa on liikaa tai liian vähän jonkin tietyn alan ammattilaisia.
Ez a jelenség nem csupán az érintettek javát szolgálja, hanem hozzájárulhat ahhoz is, hogy kiegyenlítődjenek a különbségek azon országok között, ahol bizonyos területeken vagy túl kevés, vagy túl sok egészségügyi szakember dolgozik.
Taka decyzja może nie tylko przynieść korzyści samym zainteresowanym, lecz również wyrównać różnice między krajami UE pod względem liczby pracowników tego sektora.
Este o tendinţă pozitivă, întrucât prezintă beneficii atât pentru persoanele în cauză, cât şi pentru sistemele de sănătate care în unele domenii numără prea mult sau prea puţin personal.
Okrem výhod pre jednotlivých pracovníkov môže tento trend prispieť k napraveniu nerovnováhy medzi krajinami, ktoré majú nadbytok odborného zdravotníckeho personálu, a krajinami, ktoré trpia jeho nedostatkom.
Poleg koristi, ki jih imajo posamezniki, se tako lahko odpravijo neravnovesja med državami, ki imajo preveč ali premalo zdravstvenih delavcev na določenem področju.
Det är naturligtvis positivt för den enskilde och kan dessutom bidra till att jämna ut skillnaderna mellan länder som har för få eller för många inom en viss yrkeskategori.
Tas nāk par labu ne vien šiem speciālistiem, bet palīdz arī izlīdzināt krasās atšķirības starp valstīm, kurās ir par daudz vai par maz kādas konkrētas nozares speciālistu.
Minbarra l-benefiċċji għall-individwi kkonċernati, dan jista' jgħin biex jonqsu l-iżbilanċi bejn il-pajjiżi li għandhom wisq jew ftit professjonisti f'ċerti oqsma.
  Europese Schoolmelk Pro...  
Melk en melkproducten zijn net zo belangrijk voor uw gezondheid als voor die van kinderen. Kom meer te weten over de voordelen die zuivel voor de gezondheid heeft en geef uw kennis door.
Milk and milk products can be just as important for your health as for kids. Learn more about the healthy benefits of dairy and pass the knowledge on.
Le lait et les produits laitiers sont aussi importants pour votre santé qu'ils le sont pour celle des enfants. Découvrez les bénéfices des produits laitiers et faites passer le message.
Milch und Milchprodukte sind für Ihre Gesundheit nicht weniger wichtig als für die der Kinder. Erfahren Sie mehr über die gesunden Vorzüge von Milchprodukten und geben Sie Ihr Wissen weiter.
La leche y los productos lácteos pueden ser tan importantes para su salud como para la de los niños. Obtenga más información acerca de las ventajas saludables de los productos lácteos y transmita su conocimiento.
Il latte ed i suoi derivati possono essere importanti per la tua salute come per quella dei bambini. Informati sui benefici dei latticini e diffondi la notizia.
O leite e os seus derivados podem ser tão importantes para a sua saúde como para a das crianças. Saiba mais acerca dos benefícios saudáveis dos produtos lácteos e partilhe esse conhecimento.
Το γάλα και τα προϊόντα του είναι εξίσου σημαντικά για την υγεία τη δική σας όσο και των παιδιών. Μάθετε περισσότερα για τα υγιεινά οφέλη των γαλακτοκομικών και μεταδώστε τη γνώση περαιτέρω.
Mléko a mléčné výrobky mohou být stejně důležité i pro vaše zdraví - nejen zdraví dětí. Přečtěte si informace o pozitivních účincích mléčných výrobků a povězte o nich svým známým.
Mælk og mælkeprodukter kan være lige så vigtige for din egen sundhed som for dine børns. Få mere at vide om mejeriprodukters sunde egenskaber og giv din viden videre.
Piim ja piimatooted on sinu tervisele sama olulised kui lastele. Tutvu põhjalikumalt piimatoodete tervislike omadustega ja jaga oma teadmisi teistega.
Maito ja maitotuotteet voivat olla aikuisen terveydelle yhtä tärkeitä kuin lastenkin. Lue lisää maidon terveysvaikutuksista ja levitä tietoa eteenpäin.
Mleko i produkty mleczne są ważne nie tylko dla zdrowia dzieci, ale także dorosłych. Zapraszamy do zgłębiania i szerzenia wiedzy na temat korzyści zdrowotnych ze spożywania produktów mlecznych.
Laptele şi produsele lactate pot fi la fel de importante pentru sănătatea ta ca şi pentru copii. Află mai multe despre beneficiile sănătoase ale produselor lactate şi transmite informaţiile mai departe.
Mlieko a mliečne výrobky môžu byť rovnako dôležité pre vaše zdravie ako pre deti. Prečítajte si viac o zdravotných výhodách mliečnych výrobkov a vedomosti odovzdajte ďalej.
Mleko in mlečni izdelki so lahko tudi za vaše zdravje prav tako pomembni kot za zdravje otrok. Spoznajte več o koristih mleka za zdravje in posredujte znanje drugim.
Mjölk och mjölkprodukter kan vara lika viktiga för er hälsa som för barnens. Ta reda på mer om mjölkprodukters hälsofördelar och sprid kunskapen vidare.
Piens un piena produkti Jūsu veselībai var būt tikpat svarīgi kā bērniem. Uzziniet vairāk par piena produktu veselīgumu un nododiet šīs zināšanās arī citiem!
Il-ħalib u prodotti magħmula minnu jistgħu jkunu importanti għal saħħtek daqs kemm huma importanti għat-tfal. Tgħallem aktar fuq il-benefiċċji tajbin tal-prodotti magħmula mill-ħalib u għaddi dak li ssir taf lil ħaddieħor.
Is féidir go mbeidh bainne agus táirgí bainne chomh tábhachtach do do shláinte féin, chomh maith le sláinte na leanaí. Faigh amach tuilleadh faoi leasanna sláintiúla déiríochta agus scaip an scéal.
  Hoe talen u kunnen help...  
Ontdek dan hoe u uw verkoop kunt bevorderen door de talenkennis en interculturele vaardigheden van uw bedrijf te verbeteren. Deze website biedt informatie over de voordelen van talen bij het zakendoen en geeft tips en hulpmiddelen voor een beter taalbeleid.
Want to become a better player in cross-border business? Find out how to boost your sales by improving your company's language and intercultural skills. This website offers information on the benefits of languages when doing business and gives you tips and tools for better language management.
Vous souhaitez devenir un meilleur acteur sur la scène commerciale internationale? Découvrez comment accroître votre chiffre de ventes en améliorant les compétences linguistiques et interculturelles de votre entreprise. Ce site vous présente les avantages des langues dans les affaires et met à votre disposition des astuces et des outils pour améliorer votre gestion linguistique.
Möchten Sie bei grenzüberschreitenden Geschäften noch mehr erreichen? Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie durch die Verbesserung der sprachlichen und kulturellen Kenntnisse Ihren Umsatz steigern können. Diese Website bietet Informationen zu den Vorteilen, die Sprachen im Geschäftsleben bieten können, sowie Tipps und Werkzeuge für eine bessere Sprachenstrategie.
¿Desea obtener mejores resultados en sus operaciones comerciales transfronterizas? Descubra cómo potenciar las ventas mejorando los conocimientos lingüísticos e interculturales en su empresa. En este sito web se proporciona información sobre las ventajas de los idiomas en las operaciones comerciales, así como una serie de consejos y herramientas para mejorar la gestión lingüística.
Volete crescere sui mercati esteri? Scoprite come incrementare le vendite migliorando le competenze linguistiche e culturali della vostra azienda. Questo sito informa sui vantaggi delle lingue nel mondo degli affari e offre consigli e strumenti per una gestione linguistica più efficace.
Quer melhorar o seu desempenho nos negócios transfronteiriços? Descubra como pode aumentar as suas vendas através da melhoria das competências linguísticas e interculturais da sua empresa. Este sítio Web fornece informações sobre os benefícios das línguas nas suas relações comerciais e também lhe oferece sugestões e ferramentas para uma melhor gestão linguística.
Θέλετε να βελτιώσετε τις επιδόσεις σας στην αρένα των διασυνοριακών επιχειρήσεων; Μάθετε πώς μπορείτε να αυξήσετε τις πωλήσεις σας βελτιώνοντας τις γλωσσικές και διαπολιτισμικές δεξιότητες της εταιρείας σας. Ο παρών ιστότοπος παρέχει πληροφορίες για τα πλεονεκτήματα των γλωσσών στις επιχειρηματικές συναλλαγές και σας δίνει συμβουλές και εργαλεία για καλύτερη γλωσσική διαχείριση.
Желаете да се превърнете в успешен участник в трансграничния бизнес? Научете как можете да повишите своите продажби чрез подобряване на езиковите и междукултурни умения на служителите на своята компания. На този уебсайт можете да откриете информация относно ползите от езиковите умения в контекста на бизнеса, както и някои съвети и инструменти за по-добро управление на чуждоезиковите умения.
Chcete se stát lepším hráčem v zahraničním obchodu? Zjistěte, jak můžete zvýšit prodej díky tomu, že zlepšíte jazykové a mezikulturní dovednosti pracovníků vaší firmy. Tyto internetové stránky nabízejí informace o výhodách jazyků při obchodování a poskytují tipy a nástroje pro lepší jazykový management.
Vil du være en stærkere aktør i grænseoverskridende handel?Find ud af, hvordan du sætter skub i salget ved at forbedre din virksomheds sproglige og tværkulturelle ressourcer.På dette websted finder du information om fordelene ved sprog i forretningssammenhæng, og vi giver dig tips og værktøjer til bedre sprogstyring.
Kas soovite saada piiriüleses äritegevuses paremaks tegijaks? Lugege, kuidas müüginumbreid suurendada, parandades oma firmas võõrkeelte ja kultuuridevahelise suhtlemise oskust. See veebisait annab teavet võõrkeeleoskuse eelistest äritegevuses ja ning pakub nõuandeid ja tööriistu keeleküsimuste paremaks haldamiseks.
Haluatko kasvattaa maiden rajat ylittävää liiketoimintaasi? Lue, miten yrityksesi kieli- ja kulttuuritaitojen kehittäminen voi kasvattaa myyntiä. Tämä sivusto tarjoaa tietoa kielitaidon hyödyistä yritystoiminnassa sekä vinkkejä ja työkaluja kielistrategian tehostamiseen.
Szeretne jobb eredményeket elérni a határokon átnyúló üzleti kapcsolataiban? Tudja meg, hogyan lendítheti fel forgalmát a vállalkozása nyelvi és interkulturális készségeinek fejlesztésével. Ezen a honlapon arról talál információkat, hogy milyen előnyökre tehet szert a nyelvek révén az üzleti kapcsolataiban, valamint tippeket kaphat a jobb nyelvi menedzsment érdekében.
Chcesz odgrywać większą rolę w biznesie transgranicznym? Dowiedz się, jak zwiększyć sprzedaż poprzez wzmocnienie umiejętności językowych oraz międzykulturowych w swojej firmie. Niniejsza strona oferuje informacje na temat korzyści związanych z językami w prowadzeniu działalności oraz zawiera wskazówki i narzędzia do lepszego zarządzania kompetencjami językowymi.
Aţi vrea să deveniţi un actor mai bun în afacerile transfrontaliere? Aflaţi cum să vă impulsionaţi vânzările sporind competenţele lingvistice şi interculturale ale companiei dumneavoastră. Acest site conţine informaţii privind avantajele oferite de limbile străine în afaceri şi vă oferă sfaturi şi instrumente pentru perfecţionarea managementului lingvistic.
Chcete sa stať lepším hráčom v cezhraničnom obchode? Zistite, ako zvýšiť predaj prostredníctvom zlepšenia jazykových a medzikultúrnych zručností vašej spoločnosti. Táto webová stránka ponúka informácie o výhodách jazykov pri podnikaní a poskytuje tipy a nástroje na lepšie jazykové riadenie.
Želite postati pomembnejši akter v čezmejnem poslovanju?Izvedite, kako povečati prodajo z izboljšanjem jezikovnih in medkulturnih znanj vašega podjetja.To spletno mesto podaja informacije o prednostih jezikov pri poslovanju in vam ponuja nasvete ter orodja za boljše upravljanje jezikov.
Vill du få en större roll i handeln över gränserna? Här får du lära dig hur du ökar din försäljning genom att förbättra ditt företags språkkunskaper och interkulturella färdigheter. På denna webbplats hittar du information om fördelarna med språkkunskaper för den som gör affärer. Du får också tips och verktyg för att skapa din egen språkstrategi.
Vēlaties iekarot labāku stāvokli pārrobežu darījumu vidē? Uzziniet, kā palielināt tirdzniecības apjomus, uzlabojot uzņēmuma valodu un starpkultūru prasmes. Šajā tīmekļa vietnē sniegta informācija par to, kādas priekšrocības darījumos dod valodas, kā arī pieejami padomi un rīki labākai valodu pārvaldībai.
Trid ikollok suċċess fin-negozju barra l-pajjiż? Kun af kif tkabbar il-bejgħ tiegħek billi ttejjeb il-ħiliet fil-lingwi u kulturali tal-kumpanija tiegħek. Din il-websajt toffrilek informazzjoni dwar il-benefiċċji tal-lingwi meta jkun qed isir in-negozju u tagħtik pariri u għodod dwar kif tista' taħdem aħjar bil-lingwi.
  Europees Sociaal Fonds ...  
Met de medefinanciering van het ESF is er in totaal 24 miljoen euro beschikbaar. Uit de hoogte van het bedrag spreekt de overtuiging dat deze innovatie grote voordelen met zich mee kan brengen. ”Omdat het moet en omdat het kan!
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Les entreprises néerlandaises accordent de plus en plus d’importance à la flexibilité du travail, et désormais, le gouvernement leur octroie des subventions afin de les aider à s’adapter à ces nouvelles pratiques. Cofinancée par le FSE, cette aide s’élève au total à 24 millions d’euros, soit une véritable marque de confiance envers cette innovation et les avantages qu’elle peut apporter. «Cela va se faire, cela peut se faire», a déclaré le ministre des finances lors d’une allocution devant les employeurs. «Le bureau est un endroit où l’on rencontre ses collègues», explique le ministre De Jager, «mais grâce à nos ordinateurs portables, nous pouvons travailler n’importe où; grâce aux smartphones, nous restons toujours en contact, et grâce aux médias sociaux, nous pouvons échanger avec le reste du monde».
Für Unternehmen in den Niederlanden wird flexible Arbeit zunehmend wichtiger und nun werden sie vom Staat unterstützt, der ihnen finanzielle Unterstützung für die Anpassung an diese neuen Arbeitsweisen anbietet. Durch die Kofinanzierung des ESF stehen insgesamt 24 Mio. EUR zur Verfügung – angesichts dieser Zahlen wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Innovation reale Vorteile mit sich bringen wird. „Es muss geschehen und es kann geschehen“, erklärte der Finanzminister bei einer Versammlung von Arbeitnehmern. Minister De Jager sagte außerdem: „Das Büro ist der Ort, an dem man seine Kolleginnen und Kollegen trifft, aber mit unseren Laptops können wir überall arbeiten, mit Smartphones sind wir jederzeit erreichbar und mithilfe der sozialen Medien können wir mit der Welt um uns herum in Verbindung bleiben.“
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”
Increasingly, Dutch companies are putting flexible working high on the agenda – and now the government is offering subsidies to help them adapt to the new practices. With ESF co-funding, €24 million is available in total – a measure of the belief that this innovation can deliver real benefits. “It must happen, it can happen,” explained the Minister of Finance in a speech to employers. “The office is a place to meet colleagues”, said Minister De Jager, “but with our laptops we can work everywhere, with smart phones we are always in contact, and via social media we can speak to the world around us.”