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  Ari (croisière) - Maldi...  
Un des sites les plus connus des Maldives... Ce thila de 80 mètres de diamètre, situé en zone protégée, est la capitale des requins à pointes blanches. On y trouve cependant aussi des requins gris. Ces requins sont visibles à toutes les profondeurs, de 30 à 8 mètres. Le faible courant favorise une mauvaise visibilité (particules en suspension). On y a pourtant vu, en plus des requins, 2 tortues, un petit banc de barracudas en profondeur, 1 rascasse, de nombreux thons, lutjans, poissons-soldats et poissons-coffres. Les anémones sont abondantes.
One of the most famous sites of the Maldives... This thila, which has a diameter of 80 meters and is located in a protected area, is the capital of white-tip s sharks. But some grey sharks can also be observed there. Sharks can be seen at all depths, from 8 to 30 meters. The current is rather weak, leading to a moderate visibility (lots of particles in suspension). We saw – apart from the sharks – 2 turtles, a small school of barracudas in deep waters, 1 lion-fish, numerous tuna, snappers, soldier-fish and box-fish. Lots of anemones.
  Palau - Palau - Destina...  
Lors d'un voyage plus récent, nous avons vu en une seule plongée une demi-douzaine de requins (gris et à pointe blanche), deux gigantesques (encore !) bancs de barracudas et de lutjans noirs (black snappers,) deux napoléons de taille impressionnante, qui n'hésitaient pas à venir tout proche des plongeurs, et un groupe de 5 perroquets à bosse...
Several dives - all different from each others - are possible on this site. One day, we had the opportunity to dive three times on Blue Corner. After a long drift, a more quiet area is reached. We found there a huge school of barracudas, but only a single shark. Three turtles - together. The last dive on this site, apart of the (almost usual) schools of barracudas and some sharks, we saw a huge school of black snappers. On a recent trip to Palau, during a single dive on this site, we saw half-dozen of sharks (grey and whitetip), two huge (again !) schools of barracudas and black snappers, two large napoleons swimming very close to us, and 5 bumphead parrots... as well as all the usual reef fish.