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Au tout début de l'invasion irakienne, Saddam a été appuyé avec enthousiasme par les nationalistes arabes et les Palestiniens de la Jordanie et des Territoires occupés, qui ont vu en lui le dirigeant révolutionnaire qui allait enfin redresser les torts et leur rendre leurs terres.
against the forces gathering to meet him in Saudi Arabia, many Muslim militants and sympathizers responded positively, despite the Iraqi leader's total lack of legitimate Islamic credentials and his brutal record of repression toward Iraq's Shi'a community.
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, dont étaient chargés 70 agents qui, au moyen d'équipement électronique perfectionné, surveillaient les membres importants de l'IRA provisoire. À la fin de février, le directeur des opérations en Grande-Bretagne, Brian Keenan, revenant d'Irlande, a été vu en compagnie de Martin McGuinness, qui faisait l'objet d'une surveillance secrète.
By the mid-1970s, under the guidance of Director of Mainland Operations Brian Keenan, operations in Britain became more structured. In January 1977 there appeared the first press report of "the self-styled Great Britain Brigade" of PIRA. The report stated this was organized in a cell structure, usually recruited amongst the Irish community in Britain, and was trained by Provisionals who came to the mainland for short periods. Ten years later a much more detailed picture is available of what is now called the England Department. A PIRA source has claimed that it is kept separate from all other IRA operations and is the most closely guarded cell structure within the IRA. Even the IRA leadership follows the need-to-know principle regarding this group.