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  Van pneumatisch naar el...  
Geluidsreductie, waardoor de werkomstandigheden verbeteren
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Reducción del ruido, mejores condiciones de trabajo.
Lärmminderung und damit bessere Arbeitsbedingungen
Reducción del ruido, mejores condiciones de trabajo.
Rumore ridotto, migliori condizioni di lavoro
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
Noise reduction, improving working conditions
  Betere prestaties met h...  
Eenvoudig onderhoud: een in de fabriek geïnstalleerde gereedschapskist bevat alle items die u zeker op de werkvloer moet hebben, waardoor onderhoud en probleemoplossing eenvoudig worden.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Facilité d'entretien : une boîte à outils installée en usine contient les articles que vous devez absolument avoir avec vous sur le chantier, pour une maintenance et un dépannage rapides.
Einfache Wartung: Ein standardmäßig montierter Werkzeugkasten enthält häufig benötigte Utensilien, die Sie unbedingt auf der Baustelle für eine einfache Wartung und Fehlerbehebung stets zur Hand haben sollten.
Fácil mantenimiento la caja de herramientas instalada de fábrica incluye herramientas imprescindibles en el lugar de trabajo para facilitar las tareas de mantenimiento y reparación de averías.
Manutenzione semplice: una cassetta degli attrezzi installata in fabbrica, con gli articoli che devi assolutamente avere nella zona di lavoro per facilitare la manutenzione e la risoluzione dei problemi.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Helppo huoltaa: Tehtaalla asennetussa työkalulaatikossa on tarvikkeet, joita työmaalla ehdottomasti tarvitset sujuvan ja helpon huollon ja vianmäärityksen varmistamiseksi.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Enkelt vedlikehold: En fabrikkinstallert verktøykasse inneholder artikler du absolutt bør ha på arbeidsplassen for å sikre enkelt vedlikehold og feilsøking.
Prosta konserwacja: fabrycznie zainstalowany zestaw narzędzi zawiera elementy, które zdecydowanie powinieneś mieć w miejscu pracy, aby ułatwić sobie konserwację i rozwiązywanie problemów.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Basit bakım: Fabrikada kurulmuş bir alet kutusu, iş yerinde bakım ve sorun tespitini kolaylaştıran ve mutlaka sahip olmanız gereken ögeleri içerir.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
Simple maintenance: a factory installed toolbox contains items that you definitely should have on the job site, making maintenance and troubleshooting easy.
  Graco piekbeveiligingen  
Gemakkelijk te spoelen, waardoor kleuren snel en eenvoudig kunnen worden gewisseld
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Ils se rincent facilement ; cela permet des changements de couleurs simples et rapides
Spült und macht den Farbwechsel schnell und einfach
Se vacía fácilmente, haciendo que los cambios de color sean rápidos y fáciles
Si lava facilmente, rendendo i cambi colore semplici e rapidi
É facilmente lavada e permite uma mudança de cor de forma rápida e simples
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Łatwe przepłukiwanie sprawia, że zmiana koloru przebiega szybko i łatwo
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Kolaylıkla temizlenir, renk değişikliklerini hızlandırır ve kolaylaştırır
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
É facilmente lavada e permite uma mudança de cor de forma rápida e simples
Flushes easily, making color changes quick and easy
  Graco ACS-module  
Biedt een geoptimaliseerd nokkenprofiel waardoor de drukschommelingen worden beperkt
Bietet optimierte Nockenprofile für geringere Druckschwankungen
Provee un perfil de ejecución de leva optimizado para una reducción en las fluctuaciones de la presión
Offre un profilo della camma con corsa ottimizzata per ridotte fluttuazioni di pressione
Proporciona um perfil de câmara de arraste otimizado para reduzir as flutuações de pressão
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Zapewnia zoptymalizowany przepływ przebiegu profilu krzywki, zmniejszając fluktuacje ciśnienia
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Düşük basınç dalgalanmaları için optimize çalışan kam profili sağlar
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
Provides optimized run cam profile for reduced pressure fluctuations
  Now available: RAC X lo...  
Langere levensduur: minder druk betekent ook minder spanning op het spuittoestel. Uw pomp en tip verslijten minder snel, waardoor u ze langer kunt gebruiken.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Augmentation de la durée de vie : la réduction de la pression implique également une tension moindre appliquée sur le pulvérisateur. Votre pompe et votre buse s’useront moins rapidement et pourront donc être utilisées plus longtemps.
Größere Langlebigkeit: Weniger Druck bedeutet auch, dass das Spritzgerät nicht so stark unter Spannung steht. Es kommt nicht so schnell zum Verschleiß Ihrer Pumpe und Düse und deshalb können Sie sie länger nutzen.
Mayor vida útil: Una presión menor también significa menos tensión en el pulverizador. La bomba y la boquilla no se desgastan tan rápido y, por tanto, puede emplearlas durante más tiempo.
Maggiore durata: Una minore pressione si traduce in una minore tensione sullo spruzzatore. La pompa e l'ugello non si usurano così rapidamente e pertanto è possibile utilizzarli per un periodo più lungo.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Większa żywotność: Niższe ciśnienie oznacza także mniejsze obciążenie urządzenia natryskowego. Twoja pompa i dysza nie zużywają się tak szybko, dzięki czemu można ich dłużej używać.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
Longer lifespan: Less pressure also means less tension on the sprayer. Your pump and tip don’t get worn out so fast, and therefore you can use them longer.
  Graco Pro Xp85 AA elekt...  
Slimme bedieningsinrichtingen voorzien in het analyseren van de prestaties, waardoor u de spanningsbehoefte kunt aanpassen en gemakkelijker storingen kunt opsporen en verhelpen
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart-Regler unterstützen Sie bei der Leistungsanalyse, der Anpassung an Spannungsanforderungen und erleichtern die Fehlerbehebung
Los controles Inteligentes le ayudan a analizar el rendimiento, adaptar la pistola a sus necesidades de voltaje y resolver problemas más fácilmente
I comandi intelligenti aiutano ad analizzare le prestazioni, si adattano alle diverse necessità di tensione e agevolano la risoluzione dei problemi
Os Smart Controls (Controles inteligentes) o ajudam a analisar o desempenho, adaptar para suas necessidades de voltagem e tonar a solução de problemas mais fácil
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Inteligentne elementy sterowania Smart Controls pomagają w analizie wydajności, dostosowaniu urządzenia do zadanych napięć oraz uproszczeniu procesu wykrywania i usuwania usterek
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Alternator speed indicator light ensures your turbine speed is running at the correct level
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Akıllı Denetimler performansı analiz etmenize yardımcı olur, voltaj gereksinimlerinize uyum sağlar ve sorun gidermeyi kolaylaştırır
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
  Graco Pro Xp60 AA elekt...  
De waaieraanpasregeling beperkt overspray door de breedte van het waaierpatroon aan te passen aan de grootte van het onderdeel, waardoor de kwaliteit wordt verbeterd en u geld bespaart
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Der Regler für die Spritzbildeinstellung reduziert das Überspritzen durch die Änderung der Spritzbildbreite entsprechend der Größe des Teils und verbessert so die Qualität und spart Ihnen Geld
El control del patrón de ajuste de abanico reduce la pulverización excesiva adaptando el ancho del abanico al tamaño de la pieza, mejorando la calidad y ahorrando dinero
Il controllo per la regolazione del ventaglio di spruzzatura riduce la nebulizzazione eccessiva cambiando la larghezza del ventaglio di spruzzatura in base alle dimensioni della parte, risparmiando denaro e migliorando la qualità
Controle de ajuste de padrão de ventilador reduz a sobre pulverização alterando a largura do padrão do ventilador de acordo com o tamanho da peça, melhorando a qualidade e economizando seu dinheiro
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Le plus petit pistolet profilé équipé d'un générateur intégré qui est disponible sur le marché : 2,5 cm (1 po.) plus court et 110 g (4 oz) plus léger
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Regulacja wzoru wachlarza zmniejsza mgłę lakieru poprzez zmianę szerokości wzoru wachlarza stosownie do rozmiaru danej części — lepsza jakość i oszczędność pieniędzy
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Smart Controls help you analyze performance, adapt to your voltage needs and make troubleshooting easier
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
Fan yapı ayarlama kontrolü fan yapısının genişliğini parçanın boyutuna göre değiştirerek fazla püskürtmeyi azaltır, böylece kalite artar ve paradan tasarruf sağlarsınız
Fan adjust pattern control reduces overspray by changing the fan pattern width according to the size of the part – improving quality and saving you money
  Graco Hydra-Cat mechani...  
Modellen met twee onderpompen van dezelfde grootte bieden evenwichtige pompkracht, waardoor voortijdige slijtage van de pakking wordt voorkomen. Modellen met drie onderpompen en cilinders van verschillende grootten kunnen worden geselecteerd om voor een breed scala aan mengverhoudingen te zorgen.
Les modèles avec deux bas de pompe de même taille offrent des forces de pompage équilibrées ; cela évite l'usure prématurée des joints. Des modèles avec trois bas de pompe et des cylindres de tailles différentes peuvent être sélectionnés afin d'offrir une large variété de rapports de mélange.
Modelle mit zwei gleich großen Unterpumpen sorgen für ein Kräftegleichgewicht an den Pumpen, was einen vorzeitigen Verschleiß der Packungen verhindert. Modelle mit drei Unterpumpen und Zylindern unterschiedlicher Größen können für das Bereitstellen einer Vielzahl von Mischverhältnissen gewählt werden.
Los modelos con dos bases del mismo tamaño proporcionan fuerzas de bombeo balanceadas que evitan el desgaste prematuro del prensaestopas. Los modelos con tres bases y cilindros de varios tamaños se pueden seleccionar para proporcionar una amplia variedad de proporciones de mezcla.
I modelli con due abbassatori di misura identica forniscono forze di pompaggio bilanciate che impediscono l’usura prematura della guarnizione. I modelli con tre abbassatori della pompa e cilindri di varie misure possono essere scelti per fornire un’ampia gamma di rapporti di miscelazione.
Os modelos com duas lowers de tamanho idêntico garantem forças de bombeamento equilibradas, o que previne o desgaste precoce. Os modelos com três lowers de bomba e cilindros de vários tamanhos podem ser selecionados para oferecer uma ampla variedade de proporções de mistura.
Fixed Ratio Hydra-Cat proportioners accurately pump plural-component materials by powering two or three positive displacement pumps from a common air motor. This assures that the stroke rate and stroke length of all pump lowers are identical, providing constant proportioning.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Modele z dwiema pompami dolnymi o identycznym rozmiarze zapewniają zrównoważone siły pompowania, które zapobiegają przedwczesnemu zużyciu uszczelnienia. Można również wybrać modele z trzema pompami dolnymi i cylindrami o różnych rozmiarach, aby uzyskać szeroki wachlarz proporcji mieszania.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
İki benzer boyuttaki alt gruba sahip modeller, erken sızdırmazlık aşınmasını engelleyen dengeli pompalama gücü sağlar. Üç pompa alt grubuna sahip modeller ve çeşitli boyutlardaki silindirler, çeşitli karışım oranları sağlamak için seçilebilir.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
Models with two identically-sized lowers provide balanced pumping forces which prevents premature packing wear. Models with three pump lowers and cylinders of various sizes can be selected to provide a wide variety of mix ratios.
  Graco TexSpray FastFini...  
FastFinish creëert een professionele afwerking met een revolutionaire snelheid, waardoor u een volle trechter van 10 kg (20 lb) veel minder lang boven uw hoofd hoeft te houden. De ultieme oplossing die topprestaties levert voor kleine klussen: akoestisch pleisterwerk, gipsmortel, brandwerende verf, dekverf en nog veel meer.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish bietet ein professionelles Spritzbild in bahnbrechender Geschwindigkeit und reduziert so erheblich die Zeitdauer, die ein gefüllter, 10 kg schwerer Farbtrichter über Kopf gehalten werden muss Die ultimative, leistungsstarke Lösung für kleinere Aufträge in den Bereichen Akustik, Lehm für Trockenbauwand, Brandschutz, Oberflächenbeschichtung und vieles mehr.
FastFinish ofrece un acabado profesional a una velocidad sin precedentes, ya que reduce drásticamente el tiempo necesario para mantener una tolva llena de 10 kg (20 libras) suspendida. La solución definitiva de alto rendimiento para trabajos de pequeña escala a fin de realizar aplicaciones relacionadas con la acústica, mortero para paneles de yeso, ignifugación, revestimientos para terrazas y mucho más.
FastFinish offre una finitura professionale con velocità all'avanguardia, riducendo drasticamente i tempi necessari per tenere una tramoggia di 10 kg (20 libbre) in alto. La soluzione definitiva per piccoli lavori, ad alte prestazioni per acustica, fango per cartongesso, rivestimenti ignifughi, rivestimento di ponti e tanto altro.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
System FastFinish zapewnia profesjonalne wykończenie z przełomową szybkością, znacząco skracając czas potrzebny na utrzymanie pełnego zbiornika o pojemności 10 kg (20 funtów). Doskonałe, wysokowydajne rozwiązanie do mniejszych prac i nakładania powłok wygłuszających, klejów łączeniowych do płyt gipsowo-kartonowych, izolacji przeciwpożarowej, powłok na podłożach i wielu innych.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
FastFinish delivers a professional finish at breakthrough speed—dramatically reducing the time required to hold a full 10 kg (20 pound) hopper overhead. The ultimate high performance, small job solution for acoustics, drywall mud, fireproofing, deck coatings, and much more.
  Grote resultaten van ee...  
Het project werd een schot in de roos omdat de apparatuur van Graco verplaatsbaar is, onder hoge druk kan worden gebruikt en mogelijkheden biedt om vanop een grotere afstand te spuiten, waardoor je niet langer voortdurend dichterbij moet gaan staan om het product aan te brengen.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
La portabilité et la capacité de pulvérisation à haute pression et à longue distance de l'unité étaient des conditions essentielles à la réussite du projet : il n'était plus nécessaire de rapprocher l'appareil de la surface à pulvériser. Équipée de la technologie dédiée aux pompes à piston, la pompe ToughTek fournit de grandes pressions dans de longs tuyaux. Cela permet de pulvériser plus longtemps et plus loin pour terminer le travail plus rapidement.
In der Tat waren bei diesem Projekt die Tragbarkeit des Geräts, seine Hochdruckleistung und die Möglichkeit des Putzauftrags auch aus größerer Entfernung – wodurch der ständige Positionswechsel hin zu einem näheren Auftragungspunkt wegfiel – der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Dank ihrer Kolbenpumpen-Technologie erzeugt die ToughTek einen ausreichend hohen Druck über lange Schlauchstrecken hinweg; dadurch kann länger und aus größerer Entfernung gespritzt und somit schneller gearbeitet werden.
De hecho, la clave del éxito en este proyecto fue la movilidad del equipo y su capacidad de pulverizar a alta presión a mayor distancia, lo cual evitaba tener que moverse constantemente hasta un punto de aplicación más cercano. Diseñada con la tecnología de bomba de pistón, ToughTek ofrece unas altas presiones a lo largo de las mangueras, lo que permite pulverizar durante más tiempo y a mayor distancia para acabar antes los trabajos.
In effetti, il buon esito del progetto è da ricondurre alla portabilità della macchina oltre che alla capacità di operare ad alta pressione e di spruzzare a grande distanza, evitando la necessità di continui spostamenti verso un punto di applicazione più vicino. Le pompe ToughTek sono concepite con una tecnologia basata su una pompa a pistone che distribuisce alta pressione per tutta la lunghezza del tubo; in questo modo, il flusso spruzzato ha una durata e un raggio d'azione superiori consentendo di completare il lavoro più rapidamente.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Rzeczywiście okazało się, że kluczem do sukcesu w tym zleceniu była długość węży, dzięki którym można było uniknąć ciągłego przenoszenia maszyny do punktu natrysku. Pompa ToughTek jest wykonana w technologii pompy tłokowej i zapewnia wysokie ciśnienie na całej długości węża, co z kolei umożliwia natrysk przez dłuższy czas i z większej odległości, przyspieszając realizację zadania.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Projenin başarılı olmasının sırrı, ünitenin taşınabilirliği ve sürekli olarak yakın bir uygulama noktasından püskürtme yapma zorunluluğunu ortadan kaldıran yüksek basınçlı, uzun mesafeli püskürtme özelliği oldu. Pistonlu tip pompa teknolojisiyle tasarlanan ToughTek, uzun hortumlarla yüksek basınç uygulayabilir ve daha uzun süre, daha uzak bir mesafeden püskürtme yapılabilmesine izin verir. Tüm bunlar, işin çok daha hızlı yapılabilmesini sağlar.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
  Graco TexSpray FastFini...  
De kleine, draagbare FastFinish optimaliseert het materiaal- en luchtdebiet met een luchtcompressor met continu debiet en hoge output en met een drukspuitpistool, waardoor het een ideale oplossing is voor kleinere textuurspuitklussen.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Mit der bahnbrechenden Texture-Spritztechnologie bietet das TexSpray FastFinish Pro System hervorragende, strukturierte, bis zu SECHSMAL SCHNELLERE Spritzergebnisse als traditionelle Schwerkraft-Farbrichter und ermöglicht so schnelles und ermüdungsfreies Arbeiten. Das FastFinish-System ist klein und tragbar, maximiert Material- und Luftfluss mit einem leistungsstarken, kontinuierlichen Luftkompressor und einer Druckluft-Spritzpistole und erweist sich so als ideale Lösung für kleinere Texture-Spritzaufgaben.
Al incorporar la tecnología innovadora de pulverización de texturas, el sistema TexSpray FastFinish Pro está diseñado para ofrecer acabados de textura excepcional que SEXTUPLICAN la velocidad de finalización del trabajo con mayor rapidez y menos fatiga en comparación con tolvas con alimentación por gravedad. Al ser pequeño y portátil, el sistema FastFinish maximiza el flujo de aire y material con un compresor de aire de alto rendimiento y flujo continuo, y una pistola de pulverización presurizada, lo que lo convierte en la solución ideal para trabajos de texturado de pequeña escala.
Con una tecnologia di spruzzatura testurizzata all'avanguardia, il sistema TexSpray FastFinish Pro, studiato per consentire finiture testurizzate eccezionali fino a 6 VOLTE PIÙ VELOCI delle tramogge tradizionali alimentate a gravità per lavori più rapidi e con meno fatica. Piccolo e portatile, FastFinish massimizza il flusso di materiale e di aria con un compressore d'aria a flusso continuo ad alta resa e una pistola a spruzzo pressurizzata, il che lo rende la soluzione ideale per lavori a texture ridotta.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
System TexSpray FastFinish Pro wprowadza przełomową technologię natryskiwania powłok teksturowych. Jest przeznaczony do nakładania wyjątkowych wykończeń teksturowych do 6X SZYBCIEJ w porównaniu z tradycyjnymi urządzeniami ze zbiornikami grawitacyjnymi, co pozwala na uzyskanie szybkiego wykończenia przy mniejszym zmęczeniu. System FastFinish ma niewielkie wymiary i jest przenośny. Maksymalizuje przepływ materiałów i powietrza dzięki wysokowydajnej sprężarce powietrza o przepływie ciągłym i ciśnieniowemu pistoletowi natryskowemu, co czyni go idealnym rozwiązaniem w wypadku mniejszych prac związanych z nakładaniem powłok teksturowych.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
Introducing breakthrough texture spray technology, the TexSpray FastFinish Pro System is engineered to deliver exceptional texture finishes up to 6X FASTER than traditional gravity-feed hoppers so you can finish fast with less fatigue. Small and portable, FastFinish maximizes material and air flow with a high-output, continuous flow air compressor and pressurized spray gun—making it the ideal solution for smaller texture jobs.
  Invisipac Launch  
Een continue toevoer van kleefmiddel tijdens de productie, waardoor de tijd dat een kleefmiddel op een hoge temperatuur wordt bewaard, wordt ingekort; een kortere periode op een hoge temperatuur betekent minder verkoolde kleefresten, minder onderhoud en productievere tijd; dankzij het tankloze ontwerp wordt het kleefmiddel minder lang op een hoge temperatuur bewaard, waardoor de hoeveelheid verkoolde kleefresten en de negatieve gevolgen ervan aanzienlijk verkleinen.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Quels sont ses avantages ? Un flux continu de colle au cours de la production qui réduit considérablement le temps d'exposition à des températures élevées de la colle ; la réduction d'exposition à des températures élevées permet de réduire la quantité de résidus charbonneux, l'entretien et d'accroître le temps de fonctionnement ; sa conception sans réservoir permet à la colle une exposition plus limitée à des températures élevées, ce qui réduit considérablement la carbonisation et ses répercussions négatives. Les performances obtenues sont excellentes, y compris avec des colles bon marché.
Welche Vorteile bietet das System? Ein kontinuierlicher Durchfluss des Klebemittels während der Produktion, der die Zeit erheblich reduziert, bei der der Klebstoff auf hohen Temperaturen verbleibt; je kürzer der Klebstoff bei hohen Temperaturen gehalten wird, desto geringer ist die Verkohlung und die erforderliche Wartung und desto länger ist die Betriebszeit; dank der tanklosen Konstruktion wird das Klebemittel nur kurze Zeit hohen Temperaturen ausgesetzt, wodurch Verkohlung und ihre negativen Auswirkungen erheblich reduziert werden. Großartige Leistung – selbst bei kostengünstigen Klebemitteln.
Las ventajas: aporta un caudal continuo de adhesivo durante la producción aunque reduce significativamente el tiempo que se mantiene el adhesivo a altas temperaturas; menos tiempo a altas temperaturas implica menor carbonización, menor mantenimiento y más tiempo de funcionamiento; con el diseño sin tanque, el adhesivo está menos tiempo a altas temperaturas, lo que disminuye considerablemente la carbonización y los efectos negativos secundarios. Se obtiene un gran rendimiento, incluso con adhesivos de bajo coste.
I vantaggi? Un'erogazione continua di adesivo durante la produzione e unasensibile riduzione del tempo di permanenza dell’adesivo a temperature elevate; Minor tempo alle alte temperature significa una riduzione dei residui dovuti alla carbonizzazione, minore manutenzione, maggiore durata di funzionamento e conseguente aumento della produttività. Grazie al design tank-free, senza serbatoio, l'adesivo è meno esposto alle alte temperature, con un’elevata riduzione dei residui carbonizzati e dei conseguenti effetti collaterali. Risultato: prestazioni eccellenti anche con adesivi a basso costo.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
  Graco Success Story: Pr...  
De prestaties zijn ook verbeterd, waardoor de afhankelijkheid van de weersomstandigheden tot een minimum kon worden beperkt aangezien de coating buiten de spuitcabine kan worden aangebracht. Het verstuivingsluchtpatroon van het G40-spuitpistool kan indien nodig lichtjes worden bijgesteld om overspray te beperken.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Le rendement a aussi augmenté ce qui a réduit la dépendance aux conditions météorologiques, le revêtement pouvant être appliqué en dehors de la cabine de peinture. L'air de projection du pistolet de pulvérisation G40 peut être ajusté légèrement si nécessaire pour réduire le brouillard de pulvérisation. La finition d'un bateau n'est plus un goulet d'étranglement et le constructeur de bateaux est satisfait de l'augmentation de rendement et d'efficacité.
Auch die Leistung hat sich mit dem neuen Lackiersystem verbessert, was wiederum die Abhängigkeit vom Wetter verringert, da die Lackierung außerhalb der Lackierkabinen aufgetragen werden kann. Das Spritzbild der Spritzpistole G40 kann leicht eingestellt werden, damit kann Overspray reduziert werden. Die Beschichtung der Boote kann somit leichter ausgeführt werden und der Bootsbauer ist mit der verbesserten Leistung und Effizienz zufrieden.
El rendimiento también ha aumentado y, a su vez, ha permitido reducir al mínimo la dependencia de las condiciones meteorológicas, puesto que el recubrimiento también se puede aplicar fuera de la cabina de pulverización. El mando de ajuste del abanico de la pistola G40 puede regularse ligeramente en caso de necesidad de reducción de la sobrepulverización. El constructor por fin ha podido acabar con el atasco que sufría en la fase de acabado de los barcos y se muestra muy satisfecho con los incrementos de rendimiento y eficacia.
Il miglioramento dei risultati ha reso possibile una minore dipendenza dalle condizioni atmosferiche, poiché il rivestimento può essere applicato anche fuori dalla cabina di verniciatura. È inoltre possibile regolare il ventaglio della pistola a spruzzo G40 per ridurre l'overspray secondo necessità. La finitura delle imbarcazioni non rappresenta più un ostacolo e il costruttore è lieto di aver migliorato prestazioni ed efficienza.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
Performance has also increased which has made it possible to minimize the dependence on weather conditions as the coating can be applied outside the paint booth. The fan air pattern of the spray gun G40 can be adjusted slightly if necessary to reduce overspray. Finishing boats is no longer a bottleneck and the boat builder is happy with the increased performance and efficiency.
  Probleemloos moeilijke ...  
Een voetgangerstunnel was toe aan renovatie: de betonnen vloer in open lucht was bedekt met mos en algen, waardoor er slipgevaar was; de binnenmuren waren bedekt met graffiti en de vloer hing vol kauwgom.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
Un des projets de la société consistait à remettre en état un tunnel piétonnier : à l'extérieur, le sol en béton était recouvert de mousse et d'algues sur lesquelles les gens glissaient et, à l'intérieur, les murs étaient recouverts de graffitis, et le sol, de chewing-gums. La difficulté était de nettoyer toutes les surfaces sans endommager le béton, tout en réduisant les coûts au maximum.
Die Sanierung einer Fußgängerunterführung stand an: Der Betonboden außen war mit Moos und Algen bedeckt, weshalb oft Fußgänger ausrutschten. Die Wände innen waren mit Graffiti bedeckt und der Boden von Kaugummi überzogen. Die Herausforderung bestand darin, alle Oberflächen zu reinigen, ohne den Beton zu beschädigen – und das so günstig wie möglich.
Un túnel peatonal necesitaba una restauración: el suelo de hormigón del exterior estaba cubierto de musgo y algas que hacían resbalar a la gente; las paredes del interior estaban llenas de grafitis y el suelo cubierto de chicle. El reto era limpiar todas las superficies sin dañar el hormigón y mantener los costes al mínimo.
Un tunnel pedonale aveva bisogno di essere rinnovato: il pavimento in cemento nella parte esterna era coperto di muschio e muffe ed era diventato scivoloso; le pareti nella parte interna erano ricoperte di graffiti e il pavimento era pieno di gomme da masticare. La sfida consisteva nel pulire tutte le superfici senza danneggiare il cemento, mantenendo il più possibile i costi bassi.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
En gangtunnel hadde behov for renovering: Betonggulvet utenfor var dekket av mose og alger, som gjorde at folk gled, de innvendige veggene var dekket med graffiti, og gulvet var dekket med tyggegummi. Utfordringen var å rengjøre alle overflatene uten å skade betongen og å holde kostnadene så lave som mulig.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
A pedestrian tunnel was in need of refurbishment: the concrete floor outside was covered with moss and algae, causing people to slip; the walls inside were covered with graffiti and the floor was covered with gum. The challenge was to clean all the surfaces without damaging the concrete, and to keep costs as low as possible.
  Graco fusie-CS-spuitpis...  
Door de ClearShot-technologie onderscheidt het fusie-CS-pistool zich van alle andere pistolen. Dankzij de revolutionaire technologie kan met de fusie-CS het boren van de mengkamer nagenoeg worden geëlimineerd, waardoor de spuittijd toeneemt en uitvaltijd wegens onderhoud worden beperkt.
La technologie ClearShot rend le pistolet Fusion CS différent de n'importe quel autre applicateur. Grâce à sa technologie révolutionnaire, le Fusion CS est prêts à virtuellement éliminer le perçage de la chambre de mélange - augmentant ainsi votre temps de pulvérisation et réduisant les temps d'arrêt pour entretien. Flexible pour les applications de polyrésine et de mousse, ce pistolet vous offre différents avantages.
Die Fusion CS Pistole ist mit Hilfe der ClearShot-Technologie allen anderen Applikatoren einen Schritt voraus. Mit dieser revolutionären Technologie braucht die Fusion CS nahezu kein Ausbohren der Mischkammer mehr - Ihre Spritzzeiten werden verlängert und Ausfallzeiten durch Wartung werden reduziert. Diese Pistole bietet Ihnen mit ihrer Flexibilität für Polyuera- und Schaum-Anwendungen vielfältige Vorteile.
La tecnología ClearShot hace que la pistola Fusion CS sea diferente a cualquier otro aplicador. Con su tecnología revolucionaria, la Fusion CS está preparada para eliminar virtualmente la perforación de la cámara mezcladora - aumentado su tiempo útil de pulverización y reduciendo las interrupciones por mantenimiento. Flexible para aplicaciones de poliurea y espuma, esta pistola le proporciona ventajas importantes.
La tecnologia ClearShot distingue la pistola Fusion CS da tutti gli altri applicatori. Con la sua tecnologia rivoluzionaria, Fusion CS è bilanciata al fine di eliminare quasi totalmente la foratura della camera di miscelazione, aumentando il tempo di spruzzatura e riducendo il tempo di fermo dovuto alla manutenzione. Flessibile per applicazioni di schiuma e poliurea, questa pistola offre vantaggi versatili.
A tecnologia ClearShot destaca a pistola Fusion CS de qualquer outro aplicador. Com a sua tecnologia revolucionária, a Fusion CS está pronta para praticamente eliminar a perfuração na câmara de mistura - aumentando assim o tempo ativo de pulverização e reduzindo o tempo ocioso gasto com manutenção. Flexível para aplicações de poliureia e espuam, esta pistola lhe oferece vantagens versáteis.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
Technologia ClearShot wyróżnia pistolet Fusion CS spośród wszystkich innych aplikatorów. Dzięki rewolucyjnej technologii pistolety Fusion CS są zrównoważone w celu praktycznego wyeliminowania wibracji komory mieszania, co zwiększa czas sprawności oraz skraca przerwy w pracy związane z konserwacją. Tego niezwykle wszechstronnego pistoletu można używać do zastosowań związanych z natryskiwaniem pianek i powłok polimocznikowych.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
ClearShot Teknolojisi, Fusion CS tabancasının diğer tüm aplikatörlerden ayrılmasını sağlar. Yenilikçi teknolojisiyle Fusion CS, karışım bölmesinin delinmesini önleyecek şekilde geliştirilmiştir, püskürtme sürenizi artırır ve bakıma harcadığınız süreyi azaltır. Poliüre ve köpük uygulamaları için esnek olan bu tabanca, size çeşitli avantajlar sunar.
ClearShot Technology sets the Fusion CS gun apart from every other applicator. With its revolutionary technology, the Fusion CS is poised to virtually eliminate drilling of the mix chamber - increasing your spraying uptime and reducing downtime spent on maintenance. Flexible for polyurea and foam applications, this gun provides you with versatile advantages.
  Grote resultaten van ee...  
Het project werd een schot in de roos omdat de apparatuur van Graco verplaatsbaar is, onder hoge druk kan worden gebruikt en mogelijkheden biedt om vanop een grotere afstand te spuiten, waardoor je niet langer voortdurend dichterbij moet gaan staan om het product aan te brengen.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
La portabilité et la capacité de pulvérisation à haute pression et à longue distance de l'unité étaient des conditions essentielles à la réussite du projet : il n'était plus nécessaire de rapprocher l'appareil de la surface à pulvériser. Équipée de la technologie dédiée aux pompes à piston, la pompe ToughTek fournit de grandes pressions dans de longs tuyaux. Cela permet de pulvériser plus longtemps et plus loin pour terminer le travail plus rapidement.
In der Tat waren bei diesem Projekt die Tragbarkeit des Geräts, seine Hochdruckleistung und die Möglichkeit des Putzauftrags auch aus größerer Entfernung – wodurch der ständige Positionswechsel hin zu einem näheren Auftragungspunkt wegfiel – der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Dank ihrer Kolbenpumpen-Technologie erzeugt die ToughTek einen ausreichend hohen Druck über lange Schlauchstrecken hinweg; dadurch kann länger und aus größerer Entfernung gespritzt und somit schneller gearbeitet werden.
De hecho, la clave del éxito en este proyecto fue la movilidad del equipo y su capacidad de pulverizar a alta presión a mayor distancia, lo cual evitaba tener que moverse constantemente hasta un punto de aplicación más cercano. Diseñada con la tecnología de bomba de pistón, ToughTek ofrece unas altas presiones a lo largo de las mangueras, lo que permite pulverizar durante más tiempo y a mayor distancia para acabar antes los trabajos.
In effetti, il buon esito del progetto è da ricondurre alla portabilità della macchina oltre che alla capacità di operare ad alta pressione e di spruzzare a grande distanza, evitando la necessità di continui spostamenti verso un punto di applicazione più vicino. Le pompe ToughTek sono concepite con una tecnologia basata su una pompa a pistone che distribuisce alta pressione per tutta la lunghezza del tubo; in questo modo, il flusso spruzzato ha una durata e un raggio d'azione superiori consentendo di completare il lavoro più rapidamente.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Rzeczywiście okazało się, że kluczem do sukcesu w tym zleceniu była długość węży, dzięki którym można było uniknąć ciągłego przenoszenia maszyny do punktu natrysku. Pompa ToughTek jest wykonana w technologii pompy tłokowej i zapewnia wysokie ciśnienie na całej długości węża, co z kolei umożliwia natrysk przez dłuższy czas i z większej odległości, przyspieszając realizację zadania.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
Projenin başarılı olmasının sırrı, ünitenin taşınabilirliği ve sürekli olarak yakın bir uygulama noktasından püskürtme yapma zorunluluğunu ortadan kaldıran yüksek basınçlı, uzun mesafeli püskürtme özelliği oldu. Pistonlu tip pompa teknolojisiyle tasarlanan ToughTek, uzun hortumlarla yüksek basınç uygulayabilir ve daha uzun süre, daha uzak bir mesafeden püskürtme yapılabilmesine izin verir. Tüm bunlar, işin çok daha hızlı yapılabilmesini sağlar.
Indeed, the project’s key to success was the unit’s portability and its high-pressure, long-distance spray capability, which meant no longer having to continually move to a closer application point. Engineered with piston pump technology, ToughTek delivers high pressures through long hose lengths, which allows spraying for a longer time and from a further distance, all of which gets the job done much quicker.
  Afvalwater door een per...  
Om de installatie te kunnen blijven gebruiken, installeerde Forbo Flooring de pomp zonder drukverhoger. De pomp kon echter onvoldoende druk opbouwen, waardoor er zich geen filterkoek vormde in de persfilterinstallatie.
Pour continuer à faire fonctionner son installation, Forbo Flooring a installé la pompe sans booster de pression. Toutefois, la pompe ne pouvant atteindre la pression requise, aucun gâteau de boues n'a pu se former dans le filtre-presse. De plus, les pièces d'usure de la pompe ont vu leur durée de vie diminuer et un nettoyage supplémentaire du filtre-presse était nécessaire en raison de la saturation des plaques de filtration.
Um die Anlage weiter zu betreiben, baute Forbo Flooring die Pumpe ohne die Druckerhöhungsanlage ein. Allerdings konnte die Pumpe so nicht den erforderlichen Druck aufbauen, weshalb sich kein Filterkuchen in der Filterpressanlage bildete. Außerdem hatten die Verschleißteile der Pumpe eine kürzere Lebensdauer und durch die Anreicherung an den Filterplatten musste die Filterpressanlage zusätzlich gereinigt werden.
Para seguir ejecutando la instalación, Forbo Flooring instaló la bomba sin el intensificador de presión. No obstante, esta no alcanzaba la presión requerida y, por lo tanto, no se creaba una torta de filtración en la instalación de filtro prensa. Asimismo, las piezas de repuesto de la bomba tenían un ciclo de vida más corto y, debido a la saturación de las placas del filtro, era necesario realizar una limpieza adicional del filtro prensa.
Per continuare a utilizzare la stessa attrezzatura di base, Forbo Flooring ha installato la pompa senza pressurizzatore. In questo modo però la pompa non riusciva a raggiungere la pressione richiesta e pertanto non creava i residui di filtrazione. Inoltre, le parti usurabili della pompa registravano un ciclo di vita più breve e, a causa della saturazione delle piastre filtranti, diventava necessario pulire la filtropressa più frequentemente.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
To continue to run the installation, the Forbo Flooring installed the pump without the pressure booster. However, the pump couldn’t achieve the required pressure and thereby no filter cake was created in the filter press installation. Also, the pump wear parts had a shorter lifetime and due to the saturation of the filter plates, additional cleaning of the filter press installation was necessary.
De halfgeleidertechnologie in combinatie met bescherming op meerdere niveaus verzekert een betrouwbare prestatie. Uitzonderlijke flexibiliteit in instellingen waardoor deze timer kan gebruikt worden met veel types eenvoudige of geraffineerde smeersystemen.
La technologie à semi-conducteurs, combinée à une protection multi-niveaux, assure une performance d'une fiabilité absolue. La flexibilité exceptionnelle des paramètres permet d'utiliser ce minuteur avec de nombreux types de systèmes de lubrification simples ou sophistiqués.
Die kontaktlose Technologie sorgt zusammen mit einem mehrstufigen Schutz für eine zuverlässige Leistung. Die besondere Flexibilität der Einstellungen ermöglicht es dem Timer, mit vielen Arten von einfachen oder komplexen Schmiersystemen eingesetzt zu werden.
La tecnología de estado sólido, combinada con una protección de múltiples niveles, asegura un desempeño confiable. La excepcional flexibilidad de la configuración permite que este temporizador se utilice con muchos tipos de sistemas de lubricación simples o sofisticados.
La tecnologia a stato solido, abbinata alla protezione multistrato, garantisce prestazioni affidabili. L’eccezionale flessibilità delle impostazioni consente di utilizzare il timer con molti tipi di sistemi di lubrificazione, semplici o ricercati.
Tecnologia de estado sólido com múltiplos níveis de proteção garante um desempenho confiável. Flexibilidade excepcional de configurações permite que este cronometro seja usado com muitos tipos de sistemas de lubrificação simples e sofisticados.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
La technologie à semi-conducteurs, combinée à une protection multi-niveaux, assure une performance d'une fiabilité absolue. La flexibilité exceptionnelle des paramètres permet d'utiliser ce minuteur avec de nombreux types de systèmes de lubrification simples ou sophistiqués.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Technologia czasomierza półprzewodnikowego łączy ochronę na wielu poziomach i zapewnia niezawodne działanie. Wyjątkowa elastyczność ustawień pozwala na stosowanie czasomierza z różnymi typami prostych i skomplikowanych systemów smarujących.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Çok katmanlı korumayla bileşik katı hal teknolojisi güvenilir performans sağlamaktadır. Ayarların son derece esnek olması bu zamanlayıcının birçok çeşitli basit ve karmaşık yağlama sistemleriyle birlikte kullanılabilmesini sağlamaktadır.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Tecnologia de estado sólido com múltiplos níveis de proteção garante um desempenho confiável. Flexibilidade excepcional de configurações permite que este cronometro seja usado com muitos tipos de sistemas de lubrificação simples e sofisticados.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
Solid-state technology combined with multiple-level protection ensures dependable performance. Exceptional flexibility of settings allows this timer to be used with many types of simple or sophisticated lubrication systems.
  Graco PrecisionSwirl sp...  
PrecisionSwirl veroorzaakt geen luchtturbulentie, waardoor het lijmstreepprofiel over de volle lengte van de lijmstreep consistent is en waardoor het naar buiten persen, reparaties en afval worden vermeden.
PrecisionSwirl no produce turbulencia de aire, por lo que el perfil del cordón es constante en su longitud, reduciendo la expulsión, la reparación y los desperdicios. El aplicador produce una amplia variedad de anchuras de patrón y de grosores y patrones del material.
PrecisionSwirl erzeugt keine Luftwirbel, so dass das Perlenprofil über die Perlenlänge gleichmäßig ist, wodurch Auspressen, Reparatur und Ausschuss verringert werden. Der Applikator erzeugt eine Vielzahl von Musterbreiten, Materialdicken und Spritzbildern.
PrecisionSwirl no produce turbulencia de aire, por lo que el perfil del cordón es constante en su longitud, reduciendo la expulsión, la reparación y los desperdicios. El aplicador produce una amplia variedad de anchuras de patrón y de grosores y patrones del material.
PrecisionSwirl non produce turbolenza d’aria fornendo un profilo di microsfere costante su tutta la lunghezza, riducendo eccedenza, riparazioni e residui. L’applicatore produce un’ampia gamma di ventagli di spruzzatura, spessori di materiali e ampiezze del ventaglio.
PrecisionSwirl não produz turbulência do ar assim que o perfil de cordão é consistente ao longo do comprimento do talão, reduzindo squeeze-out, reparação e sucata. O aplicador produz uma grande variedade de larguras de padrões, e os padrões de espessuras de material.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
Le PrecisionSwirl ne produit aucune turbulence d'air, de cette façon, le profil du cordon est constant sur toute sa longueur ; cela permet de réduire les manques, les réparations et le ponçage. L'applicateur produit une grande variété de largeurs de jet, d'épaisseurs et de structure de produits.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl nie generuje turbulencji, dzięki czemu profil granulatu jest spójny na całej jego długości. To z kolei eliminuje konieczność wyciskania, przeprowadzania napraw i złomowania. Aplikator zapewnia różne szerokości wzoru, grubości materiału i wzory.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl hava türbülansı üretmez, sızmayı, onarımı ve atığı azaltacak şekilde damla profili damla boyunca süreklidir. Aplikatör çok çeşitli genişliklerde kalıplar, çeşitli kalınlıklarda malzemeler ve kalıpları üretir.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl não produz turbulência do ar assim que o perfil de cordão é consistente ao longo do comprimento do talão, reduzindo squeeze-out, reparação e sucata. O aplicador produz uma grande variedade de larguras de padrões, e os padrões de espessuras de material.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
  Een betere manier om vi...  
"De M680-mortelpomp voldeed echt aan al onze specificaties en verwachtingen. We haalden een productieoutput van 200 m² per uur, waardoor we de klus aanzienlijk sneller konden klaren", zegt Peter Cáder, eigenaar van CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
« La pompe à mortier M680 a répondu à toutes nos attentes. Nous sommes parvenus à atteindre une vitesse de production de 200 m² par heure, ce qui a accéléré de façon significative notre travail », s'enthousiasme Peter Cáder, gérant de l'entreprise CPP Stavebná spoločnosť s. r. o.
„Die Mörtelpumpe M680 hat alle unsere Ansprüche und Erwartungen nicht nur erfüllt, sondern eindeutig übertroffen. So waren wir in der Lage, eine Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit von 200 Quadratmetern pro Stunde zu erreichen, was uns natürlich enorm viel Zeit gespart hat“, so Peter Cáder, Eigentümer von CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
«No cabe duda de que la bomba de mortero M680 cumplió con todas nuestros requisitos y expectativas. Logramos alcanzar un volumen de producción de 200 m2 por hora, lo que aceleró significativamente el trabajo», afirma Peter Cáder, propietario de CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“La pompa per malta M680 ha davvero soddisfatto ogni nostra specifica richiesta e aspettativa. Siamo stati in grado di raggiungere una resa produttiva di 200 metri quadri all'ora, che ha significativamente velocizzato il tutto,” afferma Peter Cáder, proprietario della CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
— Pompa do zaprawy M680 rzeczywiście spełniła wszystkie nasze specyfikacje i oczekiwania. Udało nam się uzyskać wydajność produkcji 200 metrów kwadratowych na godzinę, co znacznie przyspieszyło sprawę — mówi Peter Cáder, właściciel CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
“The M680 mortar pump really met all our specifications and expectations. We were able to reach a production output of 200 square meters per hour, which significantly speeded things up,” says Peter Cáder, owner of CPP Stavebná spoločnosť.
  DutyMax GH/EH 675DI  
De DutyMax GH/EH 675DI levert maximale kracht en prestaties in een compact en handig draagbaar formaat. Het beschikt over de juiste druk voor moeilijk te spuiten materialen, is makkelijk verplaatsbaar in een kleine rolwagen, waardoor u hem kunt neerzetten waar u maar wilt.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
Le DutyMax GH/EH 675DI offre une puissance et une performance optimales dans un ensemble compact et facile à transporter. Il offre la pression nécessaire pour les matériaux difficiles à vaporiser, se transporte facilement dans un petit camion et s’installe aisément là où vous le voulez.
Das DutyMax GH/EH 675DI bietet maximale Leistung und ist dabei äußert kompakt und mobil. Seine Druckleistung meistert problemlos schwierig zu sprühende Materialien. Außerdem kann das System auch in kleineren Fahrzeugen an den jeweiligen Einsatzort transportiert werden.
El pulverizador DutyMax GH/EH 675DI ofrece la máxima potencia y rendimiento en un paquete compacto y muy portátil. Ofrece la presión para manejar materiales difíciles de pulverizar y se transporta fácilmente en un camión pequeño y se la coloca de manera sencilla donde la necesite.
Il DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offre potenza e prestazioni massime in una soluzione compatta ed estremamente portatile. È dotato della pressione per gestire materiali difficili da spruzzare e si può facilmente trasportare su un furgoncino e posizionare dove lo si desidera.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
Rozpylacz DutyMax GH / EH 675DI to maksymalna moc i wydajność w niewielkim, wygodnym do przenoszenia opakowaniu. Urządzenie dysponuje ciśnieniem pozwalającym korzystać z trudnych do nałożenia materiałów. Ponadto rozpylacz można wygodnie transportować na niewielkim wózku i ustawiać w miejscu pracy.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
DutyMax GH / EH 675DI, kompakt ve kolayca taşınabilir bir düzenekte maksimum güç ve performans sunar. Püskürtme yapılması zor malzemelerin üstesinden gelecek basınca sahiptir, küçük bir araçta kolayca taşınır ve ihtiyacınız olan yere yerleştirilmesi kolaydır.
The DutyMax GH / EH 675DI offers maximum power and performance in a compact and highly portable package. It has the pressure to handle hard-to-spray materials and easily transported in a small truck and easy to position where you need it.
  A smoother spray patter...  
Het aanzienlijk gladdere en egalere spuitpatroon van de e-Xtreme is te danken aan de software van het toestel dat het drukverlies tijdens omschakelingen beperkt. Het vermindert ook de pulsatie die wordt overgedragen aan de schilder, waardoor de gebruiker minder snel vermoeid raakt.
À ce jour, aucun problème n'est survenu et Can Gaz a exprimé sa satisfaction quant à son achat. L'e-Xtreme offre un jet de pulvérisation considérablement plus doux et uniforme, étant donné que le logiciel associé à l'unité minimise les pertes de pression dues aux inversions de la pompe. En outre, les pulsations transmises sont réduites, ce qui conduit à une moins grande fatigue de l'utilisateur.
Bis heute sind keine Probleme aufgetreten, und Can Gaz hat sich sehr zufrieden mit dem Kauf gezeigt. Das deutlich gleichmäßigere und einheitlichere Spritzbild des e-Xtreme ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Software des Gerätes den Druckverlust beim Umrüsten minimiert. Ferner erzielt sie eine Reduzierung der an den Lackierer übertragenen Pulsation, wodurch die Bedienerermüdung verringert wird.
Hasta la fecha no ha habido ningún problema y Can Gaz ha expresado su satisfacción con la compra. El abanico de pulverización del e-Xtreme, mucho más fino y uniforme, se consigue gracias a que el software del equipo minimiza los efectos de la caída de presión durante los cambios. También reduce las pulsaciones que se transmiten al pintor, lo que disminuye su sensación de fatiga.
Fino ad oggi non è mai stato riscontrato alcun problema e Can Gaz ha espresso la propria soddisfazione per l'acquisto effettuato. Il ventaglio di spruzzatura di e-Xtreme risulta molto più liscio e uniforme perché il software della macchina minimizza gli effetti del calo di pressione durante il cambio. Risultano inoltre ridotte le pulsazioni trasmesse all'operatore, il che implica uno sforzo minore.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
Så langt har de ikke opplevd noen problemer, og Can Gaz har fortalt at de er fornøyde med anskaffelsen. e-Xtreme har vesentlig jevnere og mer ensartet sprøytemønster takket være maskinens programvare, som reduserer trykkfall under utskifting. Den reduserer også pulseringen som overføres til maleren, noe som gjør arbeidet mindre anstrengende.
Dotychczas nie wystąpiły żadne problemy, a firma Can Gaz jest wyraźnie zadowolona z zakupu. Znacznie płynniejszy i bardziej jednorodny strumień natrysku z maszyny e-Xtreme jest możliwy dzięki specjalnemu oprogramowaniu, które minimalizuje efekt spadku ciśnienia podczas przełączania zbiornika. Dodatkowo maszyna tłumi pulsację, która powodowałaby nadmierne zmęczenie operatora.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
Bugüne kadar hiçbir sorunla karşılaşmayan Can Gaz, satın alma kararlarından ne kadar memnun olduklarını dile getirdi. e-Xtreme ünitesi, değiştirme sırasında basınç düşmesi etkilerini en aza indiren yazılımı sayesinde önemli ölçüde daha pürüzsüz ve daha muntazam püskürtme yelpazesine sahip. Ayrıca, boya yapan kişinin daha az puls hissetmesini ve kullanıcının daha az yorulmasını sağlar.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
To date, no problems have been experienced, and Can Gaz have expressed satisfaction with their purchase. The significantly smoother and more uniform spray pattern of the e-Xtreme is because the unit’s software minimizes pressure drop effects during change-over. It also reduces the pulsation transmitted to the painter, resulting in reduced operator fatigue.
  Graco PrecisionSwirl sp...  
PrecisionSwirl veroorzaakt geen luchtturbulentie, waardoor het lijmstreepprofiel over de volle lengte van de lijmstreep consistent is en waardoor het naar buiten persen, reparaties en afval worden vermeden.
PrecisionSwirl no produce turbulencia de aire, por lo que el perfil del cordón es constante en su longitud, reduciendo la expulsión, la reparación y los desperdicios. El aplicador produce una amplia variedad de anchuras de patrón y de grosores y patrones del material.
PrecisionSwirl erzeugt keine Luftwirbel, so dass das Perlenprofil über die Perlenlänge gleichmäßig ist, wodurch Auspressen, Reparatur und Ausschuss verringert werden. Der Applikator erzeugt eine Vielzahl von Musterbreiten, Materialdicken und Spritzbildern.
PrecisionSwirl no produce turbulencia de aire, por lo que el perfil del cordón es constante en su longitud, reduciendo la expulsión, la reparación y los desperdicios. El aplicador produce una amplia variedad de anchuras de patrón y de grosores y patrones del material.
PrecisionSwirl non produce turbolenza d’aria fornendo un profilo di microsfere costante su tutta la lunghezza, riducendo eccedenza, riparazioni e residui. L’applicatore produce un’ampia gamma di ventagli di spruzzatura, spessori di materiali e ampiezze del ventaglio.
PrecisionSwirl não produz turbulência do ar assim que o perfil de cordão é consistente ao longo do comprimento do talão, reduzindo squeeze-out, reparação e sucata. O aplicador produz uma grande variedade de larguras de padrões, e os padrões de espessuras de material.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
Le PrecisionSwirl ne produit aucune turbulence d'air, de cette façon, le profil du cordon est constant sur toute sa longueur ; cela permet de réduire les manques, les réparations et le ponçage. L'applicateur produit une grande variété de largeurs de jet, d'épaisseurs et de structure de produits.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl nie generuje turbulencji, dzięki czemu profil granulatu jest spójny na całej jego długości. To z kolei eliminuje konieczność wyciskania, przeprowadzania napraw i złomowania. Aplikator zapewnia różne szerokości wzoru, grubości materiału i wzory.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl hava türbülansı üretmez, sızmayı, onarımı ve atığı azaltacak şekilde damla profili damla boyunca süreklidir. Aplikatör çok çeşitli genişliklerde kalıplar, çeşitli kalınlıklarda malzemeler ve kalıpları üretir.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl não produz turbulência do ar assim que o perfil de cordão é consistente ao longo do comprimento do talão, reduzindo squeeze-out, reparação e sucata. O aplicador produz uma grande variedade de larguras de padrões, e os padrões de espessuras de material.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
PrecisionSwirl produces no air turbulence so the bead profile is consistent over the bead length, reducing squeeze-out, repair and scrap. The applicator produces a wide variety of pattern widths, material thicknesses and patterns.
  Invisipac Launch  
Een continue toevoer van kleefmiddel tijdens de productie, waardoor de tijd dat een kleefmiddel op een hoge temperatuur wordt bewaard, wordt ingekort; een kortere periode op een hoge temperatuur betekent minder verkoolde kleefresten, minder onderhoud en productievere tijd; dankzij het tankloze ontwerp wordt het kleefmiddel minder lang op een hoge temperatuur bewaard, waardoor de hoeveelheid verkoolde kleefresten en de negatieve gevolgen ervan aanzienlijk verkleinen.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Quels sont ses avantages ? Un flux continu de colle au cours de la production qui réduit considérablement le temps d'exposition à des températures élevées de la colle ; la réduction d'exposition à des températures élevées permet de réduire la quantité de résidus charbonneux, l'entretien et d'accroître le temps de fonctionnement ; sa conception sans réservoir permet à la colle une exposition plus limitée à des températures élevées, ce qui réduit considérablement la carbonisation et ses répercussions négatives. Les performances obtenues sont excellentes, y compris avec des colles bon marché.
Welche Vorteile bietet das System? Ein kontinuierlicher Durchfluss des Klebemittels während der Produktion, der die Zeit erheblich reduziert, bei der der Klebstoff auf hohen Temperaturen verbleibt; je kürzer der Klebstoff bei hohen Temperaturen gehalten wird, desto geringer ist die Verkohlung und die erforderliche Wartung und desto länger ist die Betriebszeit; dank der tanklosen Konstruktion wird das Klebemittel nur kurze Zeit hohen Temperaturen ausgesetzt, wodurch Verkohlung und ihre negativen Auswirkungen erheblich reduziert werden. Großartige Leistung – selbst bei kostengünstigen Klebemitteln.
Las ventajas: aporta un caudal continuo de adhesivo durante la producción aunque reduce significativamente el tiempo que se mantiene el adhesivo a altas temperaturas; menos tiempo a altas temperaturas implica menor carbonización, menor mantenimiento y más tiempo de funcionamiento; con el diseño sin tanque, el adhesivo está menos tiempo a altas temperaturas, lo que disminuye considerablemente la carbonización y los efectos negativos secundarios. Se obtiene un gran rendimiento, incluso con adhesivos de bajo coste.
I vantaggi? Un'erogazione continua di adesivo durante la produzione e unasensibile riduzione del tempo di permanenza dell’adesivo a temperature elevate; Minor tempo alle alte temperature significa una riduzione dei residui dovuti alla carbonizzazione, minore manutenzione, maggiore durata di funzionamento e conseguente aumento della produttività. Grazie al design tank-free, senza serbatoio, l'adesivo è meno esposto alle alte temperature, con un’elevata riduzione dei residui carbonizzati e dei conseguenti effetti collaterali. Risultato: prestazioni eccellenti anche con adesivi a basso costo.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
Advantages? A continuous flow of adhesive during production that significantly reduces the time adhesive remains at high temperature; less time at high temperature means less char, less maintenance and more uptime; with its tank-free design, the adhesive spends less time at high temperature, significantly reducing char and its negative side effects. You get great performance – even from low cost adhesives.
  Red Alert-filters van G...  
De unieke rode indicator wordt zichtbaar als het vloeistoffilterelement moet worden vervangen Het ingebouwde bypassventiel stuurt een ononderbroken stroom door een aparte doorgang wanneer de filter verstopt raakt, waardoor stilstandtijd wordt voorkomen.
O exclusivo indicador vermelho automático adverte quando um componente de filtro de fluido deve ser substituído. As válvulas de controle de ar incorporadas dirigem um fluxo contínuo através de uma passagem separada quando o filtro está obstruído, o que impede o tempo de inatividade.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
Benzersiz kırmızı açılır gösterge, akışkan filtresi bileşeninin ne zaman değiştirilmesi gerektiğini gösterir. Yerleşik bypass valfi, kapalı kalmayı önlemek için filtre tıkandığında ayrı bir geçişle sürekli akışı yönlendirir.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
O exclusivo indicador vermelho automático adverte quando um componente de filtro de fluido deve ser substituído. As válvulas de controle de ar incorporadas dirigem um fluxo contínuo através de uma passagem separada quando o filtro está obstruído, o que impede o tempo de inatividade.
The unique red pop-up indicator reveals when fluid filter element requires replacement. Built-in bypass valving directs continuous flow through separate passage when filter clogs, preventing downtime.
  Graco mechanisch fusier...  
Of u nu polyureumcoatings of schuimisolatie spuit, het fusie-MP-pistool heeft er geen moeite mee. Het robuuste ontwerp biedt uitstekende meng- en materiaaleigenschappen, waardoor u het beste resultaat bereikt.
Ya sea que esté pulverizando recubrimientos de poliurea o aislamientos de espuma de pulverización, la pistola Fusion MP admite todo. Su diseño robusto proporciona excelentes propiedades de material y mezcla, brindándole grandes resultados en el lugar de trabajo.
Egal, ob Sie Polyurea-Beschichtungen oder Spritzschaumisolierungen spritzen, die Fusion MP-Pistole kann alles bewältigen. Die robuste Bauweise bietet Ihnen hervorragende Misch- und Materialeigenschaften für die besten Ergebnisse am Einsatzort.
Ya sea que esté pulverizando recubrimientos de poliurea o aislamientos de espuma de pulverización, la pistola Fusion MP admite todo. Su diseño robusto proporciona excelentes propiedades de material y mezcla, brindándole grandes resultados en el lugar de trabajo.
Se você estiver pulverizando revestimentos de poliureia ou isolamento com espuma, a Pistola de Fusão MP manipula todo tipo de material. O seu design robusto proporciona propriedades de mistura e material excelente - garantindo um resultado ótimo no local de trabalho.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Que vous soyez en train de pulvériser des revêtements en polyrésine ou une isolation en mousse, le pistolet Fusion MP Gun accepte tout. Son design robuste offre des propriétés de mélange et de produit excellentes - vous obtenez d'excellents résultats sur le site.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Pistolet Fusion MP obsługuje różne zadania, w tym natryskiwanie powłok polimocznikowych lub izolacji piankowej. Wytrzymała konstrukcja zapewnia fantastyczne właściwości mieszania i materiału, co stanowi gwarancję doskonałych rezultatów w miejscu pracy.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
İster poliüre kaplamalar ister püskürtme köpüğü yalıtımı püskürtüyor olun, Fusion MP Tabancası hepsini idare eder. Sağlam tasarımı harika karışım ve malzeme özellikleri sağlar ve çalışma ortamında size harika sonuçlar sunar.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
Whether you're spraying polyurea coatings or spray foam insulation, the Fusion MP Gun handles it all. Its rugged design provides excellent mix and material properties – giving you great results at the jobsite.
De roersnelheidsregelaar van Graco kan binnen minuten worden geïnstalleerd bij pneumatische roerders, waardoor de uitgangssnelheid van de roerder constant kan worden gehouden bij het schommelen van het vatniveau.
O controlador de velocidade para o agitador da Graco é instalado nos agitadores pneumáticos e em poucos minutos, permite uma velocidade de saída do agitador contínua a medida que mudam os níveis do tambor. O controlador evita a agitação excesiva dos materiais sensíveis ao esforço e reduz o consumo de ar.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco Karıştırıcı Hızı Kumandası pnömatik karıştırıcılara dakikalar içinde monte edilir ve varil seviyesi değiştikçe tutarlı bir karıştırıcı çıkış hızı sağlar. Kumanda kesilmeye duyarlı malzemelerin aşırı karıştırılmasını önler ve hava tüketimini azaltır.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
Graco’s Agitator Speed Controller installs in minutes to pneumatic agitators, enabling a consistent agitator output speed, as drum levels change. The controller prevents over-agitation of shear sensitive materials and reduces air consumption.
  Graco Optimiser 2K spui...  
Het ventiel voor het vooraf verstuiven van katalytisch materiaal bevindt zich in het midden bovenop het pistool, waardoor voor een uitstekende balans wordt gezorgd
La válvula catalizadora pre atomizadora está centrada en la parte superior del cuerpo de la pistola, proporcionando un excelente equilibrio de lado a lado
Das Ventil zum Vorzerstäuben des Katalysators ist auf der Oberseite des Pistolenkörpers zentriert und bietet ein ausgezeichnetes seitliches Gleichgewicht
La válvula catalizadora pre atomizadora está centrada en la parte superior del cuerpo de la pistola, proporcionando un excelente equilibrio de lado a lado
La valvola di pre-nebulizzazione del catalizzatore è centrata sulla parte superiore del corpo della pistola, fornendo un bilanciamento trasversale eccellente
Catalisador da válvula de pré-atomização é centrado no topo do corpo da pistola, proporcionando equilíbrio lado-a-lado excelente
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
La vanne de pré-atomisation du catalyseur est centrée sur le dessus du corps du pistolet, pour un excellent équilibrage entre les côtés
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Zawór do wstępnego rozpylenia katalizatora znajduje się na środku w górnej części korpusu pistoletu, dzięki czemu zapewnia doskonałe wyważenie boczne
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Katalist ön atomizasyon valfi tabanca gövdesinin üstüne sabitlenir, böylece mükemmel yanal denge sağlanır
Catalisador da válvula de pré-atomização é centrado no topo do corpo da pistola, proporcionando equilíbrio lado-a-lado excelente
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
Catalyst pre-atomizing valve is centered on top of the gun body, providing excellent side-to-side balance
  Verbeter uw efficiëntie...  
Met het systeem voor de evacuatie van Eurobin-containers bespaart u tijd en geld in uw productiefaciliteit door materialen efficiënt te evacueren uit Eurobin-containers, waardoor handmatig uitscheppen of het storten van containers overbodig wordt.
Avec le système de dépotage Eurobin, économisez du temps et de l'argent dans votre atelier en dépotant les produits efficacement à partir de conteneurs Eurobin. Le moment est venu de dire adieu à la vidange à la louche et au prélèvement manuel !
Mit dem Eurobin-Entladesystem können Sie in Ihrer Einrichtung Zeit und Geld sparen, indem Sie Materialien effizient aus Eurobin-Behältern entleeren – kein Schaufeln von Hand oder Auskippen des Behälters.
Con el sistema de descarga de contenedores europeos puede ahorrar tiempo y dinero en sus instalaciones descargando productos eficazmente desde contenedores europeos (eliminando el uso de palas o la inclinación del contenedor).
Grazie al sistema di scarico Eurobin puoi risparmiare tempo e denaro nel tuo stabilimento scaricando i materiali in maniera efficiente da contenitori Eurobin, eliminando la raccolta o lo scaricamento manuale dei contenitori.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
With the Eurobin unloading system you can save time and money in your facility by unloading materials efficiently from Eurobin containers – eliminating manual scooping or bin dumping.
  Graco AirPro-luchtspuit...  
Extreem lichte trekkerwerking waardoor de operator minder snel moe wordt
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Le déclencheur ultra sensible réduit le stress musculaire de l'opérateur
Extrem leichter Abzug sorgt für angenehmes Arbeiten
El gatillo ultra ligero reduce la tensión muscular del operador
Il grilletto leggerissimo riduce le sollecitazioni muscolari dell’operatore
O gatilho ultra leve reduz o esforço muscular do operador
Choose from a wide range of gun models to meet the needs of your specific application
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Choisissez parmi une large gamme de pistolets le modèle qui va répondre aux caractéristiques de votre application
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Wyjątkowo lekkie pociąganie spustu zmniejsza napięcie mięśni operatora
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra hafif tetik operatörün kas yorulmasını azaltır
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra hafif tetik operatörün kas yorulmasını azaltır
Exija um produto de nossa ampla gama de modelos de pistola para atender às necessidades especificas de sua aplicação
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
Ultra-light trigger pull reduces operator muscle stress
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