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Keybot 6 Results  www.qc.legion.ca
  V&A - Pestalozzi Trust  
6 Indien die skool weier om ‘n oorplasingsertifikaat te verskaf, moet ouers nie daarop aandring nie, want hulle het nie oorplasingsertifikaat nodig nie. Dit is bloot ‘n hoflikheidsgebaar om daarvoor te vra.
6 If the school refuses to provide a transfer certificate, the parents need not insist, for the parents do not need a transfer certificate. It merely is a gesture of courtesy to ask for it. (It facilitates the process of removing the child from the school’s books if the school furnishes a transfer certificate.)
  So ver soos die Ooste v...  
In daardie geval sal die Pestalozzi Trust, soos vandag, sy lede moet verdedig wanneer hulle vervolg word omdat hulle weier om sulke ongeldige wette te gehoorsaam.
Although she was grateful for the many hours that the officials had spent listening to our presentations, she felt that we clearly have not yet been successful in informing the policy drafters of home education as a sound, valid and very successful pedagogical practice.
  Is tuisonderwys wettig?...  
Opsomming: Tuisonderwys is wettig. Ongelukkig weier onderwysamptenare om die wet te gehoorsaam en hulle hou vol om die regte van kinders en hul gesinne te skend. Ten einde die regte van hul kinders te beskerm, het duisende tuisskolers al by die Pestalozzi Trust aangesluit.
Abstract: Home education is legal. However, education officials who refuse to comply with the law continue to infringe the rights of children and their families. In order to protect the rights of their children, thousands of homeschoolers have joined the Pestalozzi Trust. The Trust supports them in enforcing the rights of their children.
  Is tuisonderwys wettig?...  
Tuisonderwys is volkome wettig maar ernstige probleme ontstaan omdat onderwysamptenare weier om die wet te gehoorsaam. Hulle stel onbillike en ongeregverdigde voorwaardes vir die registrasie van tuisleerders ooreenkomstig die SA Skolewet.
Home education is perfectly legal, therefore, but serious problems arise because education officials refuse to comply with the law. They place unreasonable and unjustifiable preconditions for the registration of learners for home education in accordance with the Schools Act. These preconditions, more often than not, are contrary to the best interests of the children.
  Regsaspekte Rakende Mik...  
Opsomming: Elkeen het die grondwetlike reg om privaatskole te stig om kinders te onderrig op ’n wyse wat in die kind se beste belang is. Ongelukkig weier onderwysamptenare om die wet te gehoorsaam en hou vol om die regte van kinders en van privaatskole te skend.
Abstract: Everyone has the constitutional right to establish private schools to educate children in a manner that is in the best interests of the children. Education officials, however, refuse to comply with the law and continue to infringe the rights of children and private schools of every kind. To protect their rights and those of the children, many cottage schools have joined the Pestalozzi Trust. The Trust supports them in enforcing the rights of children and their schools.