wetenskaplike – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  genetiese waardes Archi...  
Die heel nuutste wetenskaplike ontwikkelings en tegnologie, van toepassing op moderne skaapteling, is ’n nuwe Genetiese Evaluasie vir die Merino ras deur SA Stamboek ontwikkel. Met die goedkeuring van die Merino SA Tegniese Komitee word dit vanaf April 2018 deur SA Stamboek op ’n roetine-basis in werking gestel en aan Merino-telers beskikbaar gestel.
The latest scientific developments and technology applicable to modern sheep breeding will now be incorporated in a newly developed Genetic Evaluation by SA Stud Book for the Merino breed. It will be implemented, with approval of the Merino Technical Committee, and made available to Merino breeders from April 2018 onwards. The newly developed Genetic Evaluation […] More
  AfriKelp ontgin gesondh...  
Die wetenskaplike naam van die seebamboes is Ecklonia maxima en die wonderbestanddeel wat in hoë konsentrasie in die plant voorkom, is die plantgroeihormoon, ouksien (Engels auxin). Dit is baie ryk in kritieke bio-stimulante en natuurlike groei-elemente (NGE’s).
AfriKelp’s secret lies in the fact that they can, at all times, provide a uniform product to farmers. A harvesting team leaves for the sea early every morning and hand-cut only selected sea bamboo stalks The bamboo is transported to the factory and processed to deliver an extract containing the correct elements. Due to seasonal and climate factors, the biostimulant and NGE content of the bamboo may vary. To prevent this in the product, a standardised manufacturing process was developed. A sample of each production batch is sent to an independent control laboratory in Germany to ensure that the levels of biostimulants, nutrients and nuclear ingredients remain constant.