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Keybot 37 Results  www.bio-pro.de
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Wilhelm Aicher forscht für die Regenerative Medizin
Wilhelm Aicher is committed to regenerative medicine research
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Dr. Marion Meyenburg, die Tochter des Stifterehepaars Wilhelm und Maria Meyenburg, überreichte am Ende des Symposiums Brian Druker den Preis persönlich. Die Auszeichnung, die seit 1981 jährlich für herausragende Leistungen in der Krebsforschung vergeben wird, gehört zu den am höchsten dotierten Wissenschaftspreisen in Deutschland.
Dr. Marion Meyenburg, daughter of founders Wilhelm and Maria Meyenburg, will present the award to Brian Druker at the end of the symposium. The Meyenburg Award, an annual award for outstanding achievements in cancer research established in 1981, is one of Germany's science prizes with the highest award sums. The Meyenburg jurors have shown a very good sense for nominating laureates before. This became obvious once again only a few days ago when Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Meyenburg laureate in 2006, was awarded this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine. A couple of years earlier, Stockholm had also joined the judgment of the Meyenburg jurors by awarding the 2006 Nobel Prize for Medicine to Meyenburg laureate Andrew Fire. Furthermore, the Meyenburg laureates of the years 2007 and 2009, Shinya Yamanaka and Brian Druker, have been honored with this year‘s Lasker Award, which is regarded as the highest distinction in medicine in the United States.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Derzeit ist er Sprecher des Exellenzclusters „bioss“ (Centre of Biological Signalling Studies). Michael Reth erhielt eine Reihe von Auszeichnungen, darunter den Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz-Preis und den Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis der DFG.
Michael Reth was born in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1950. He studied biology at the University of Cologne and did his doctorate at the Institute of Genetics in Cologne. He continued his postdoctoral training at the Columbia University in New York, USA. In 1988, the Nobel Laureate Georges Köhler brought him to the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg. Since 1995, Reth has been professor of molecular immunology at the Institute of Biology III at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Freiburg, as well as continuing his research at the Freiburg-based MPI of Immunobiology. He is the spokesperson of the "bioss" (Centre for Biological Signalling Studies) excellence cluster and has received numerous awards, including the DFG's Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award and the DFG's Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Unterstützt wird diese Arbeit durch Fördermittel der Universität Tübingen, der DFG und durch Zuwendungen von Stiftungen wie der Karl und Lore Stein Stiftung, der Kuhn-Stiftung, der Wilhelm-Sander Stiftung und der Novartis-Stiftung.
It is known that thrombocytes have a major effect on the “homing” of stem and progenitor cells. Focusing on peripheral vessels, Gawaz and his colleagues are investigating the thrombocytic effect on the adhesion or migration of the cells in vitro and in the animal model. In a large research project, the scientists are investigating the chemotactic, adhesive and migratory factors. This project is supported with funds provided by the University of Tübingen, the German Research Foundation and funds provided by foundations such as the Karl and Lore Stein Foundation, the Kuhn Foundation, the Wilhelm Sander Foundation and the Novartis Foundation.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Der Beweis der Regenerationskraft solcher Transplantate ist eine wissenschaftliche Fragestellung, der die Forscher der Orthopädischen Klinik unter Leitung des Ärztlichen Direktors Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Wülker nachgehen. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Aicher leitet das zellbiologische Forschungslabor der Orthopädie und untersucht Knorpelzellen und deren Vorläuferzellen.
Proving the regenerative strength of such grafts is a scientific question that researchers at the Orthopaedic Clinic are pursuing under the leadership of medical director Dr. Nikolaus Wülker. Dr. Wilhelm Aicher leads the cell biology research lab for orthopaedics and examines cartilage cells and their progenitor cells. "What interests us above all is how we can produce chondrocytes, which regenerate cartilage from progenitor cells, that can withstand the biomechanical and metabolic peculiarities of the joint," said Aicher. Research into the biomechanical characteristics is extraordinarily important since the graft is subjected to enormous mechanical strain at the site over years and decades.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Bereits 2004 erhielt Langer für seine Arbeiten den Gotthard-Schettler-Preis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arterioskleroseforschung, 2005 folgte der August Wilhelm und Liselotte Becht-Forschungspreis der Deutschen Stiftung für Herzforschung.
In 2004, Langer was awarded the Gotthard Schettler Prize by the German Society for Arteriosclerosis Research, and in 2005, he was awarded the August Wilhelm and Liselotte Becht Research Prize by the German Heart Research Foundation. Langer's outstanding achievements led to a two-year grant from the German Academy of Sciences (former Leopoldina Foundation) that enabled him to do a two-year postdoctoral research period at the NIH which then provided follow-up financing up until Langer returned to Germany a few months ago.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Neben der Onkologie wurden als weitere Wirkstoffklassen die Immunsuppressiva von Prof. Uwe Christians, die Antiinfektiva von Prof. Hartmut Derendorf sowie kardiologische Arzneimittel von Prof. Wilhelm Haverkamp und deren Arzneimittelinteraktionen dargelegt.
Apart from oncology, drug-drug interactions in the fields of immunosuppressants, anti-infectives and cardiology were introduced by Uwe Christian, Hartmut Derendorf and Wilhelm Haverkamp respectively. Special attention was paid to the unwanted QT/QTc interval in the ECG for cardiology drugs and its significance for poly-pharmacotherapy was highlighted. A lengthening of the QT interval in the ECG is a risk marker for the development of life threatening ventricular arrhythmias, e.g. Torsade de pointes.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
An diesem Sommermorgen Ende Juli sollen junge Menschen auf dem Unteren Lindenhof lernen, dass die Landwirtschaft drei Aufgaben hat: „Sie produziert Nahrung, Futter und Energie“, erklärt Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein, nennt die entsprechenden englischen Schlagwörter Feed, Food und Fuel und bringt damit das neue internationale landwirtschaftliche Konzept der „3 F“ auf den Punkt.
One morning at the end of July, approximately 250 young people were invited to come to the “Unterer Lindenhof” experimental station to learn that agriculture has three major tasks: “To produce food, animal feed and fuel,” explained Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein, using the English version rather than the German words in order to explain what agriculture is being used for, stressing the new international agricultural concept of the “3 fs”. While it can be assumed that the schoolchildren know that agriculture produces food and animal feed, how agriculture can supply energy is something that had to be explained in more detail. Therefore, the Institute of Crop Production and Grassland Research invited the schoolchildren to participate in a biomass action day that was organised at the Unterer Lindenhof experimental station. The motto of the day was: “A cowpat brings excitement – experiencing biomass in its many forms.”
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Krebszellen von Patienten mit dieser Erkrankung zeichnen sich in mehr als der Hälfte aller Fälle durch den Funktionsverlust einer bestimmten Region auf Chromosom 13 des Erbgutes aus. Krebsforscher um Daniel Mertens vom Universitätsklinikum Ulm wollen die Ursache dafür aufdecken und erhalten Unterstützung von der Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung.
It is difficult to believe that unicellular organisms such as archaea and bacteria can have developed sophisticated strategies to fight off foreign nucleic acids. However, many of these tiny organisms actually possess a virus defence mechanism known as CRISPR/Cas. Compared to this defence mechanism, protective mechanisms such as restriction and modification appear extremely clumsy indeed.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Der Botaniker Wilhelm Barthlott, der die Selbstreinigungsfähigkeit vieler Pflanzen entdeckt hatte, kämpfte zwei Jahre lang mit dem Unglauben der Fachkollegen, bis er seine Erkenntnisse überhaupt erstmals in einem wissenschaftlichen Fachmagazin veröffentlichen konnte.
In many cases, it is not a single plant or a certain animal that inspires the bionics people in their work, but rather several models influence the development of a bionic product. For example, the winter horsetail Equisetum hyemale as well as the giant reed Arundo donax played key roles in the development of the “technical blade of grass“, a cooperation between the Plant Biomechanics Group Freiburg and the Institute of Textile Technology and Process Engineering Denkendorf (ITV) Denkendorf. But the engineers from the ITV Denkendorf are not only collaborating with the scientists from Freiburg; they are also working on developing textiles in collaboration with the “Functional Morphology and Biomimetics“ group at Tübingen University headed by Dr. Anita Roth-Nebelsick. These textiles will function like plant stomata, automatically adapting their wicking ability to the environmental micro-climate (see STERN BioRegion’s article).
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Professor Monyer hat 1999 die Schilling-Professur an der Universität Heidelberg angetreten und die Leitung der Abteilung Klinische Neurobiologie übernommen. 2004 wurde sie mit dem höchst dotierten deutschen Forschungspreis, dem Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ausgezeichnet.
Professor Monyer was awarded a Schilling professorship at the University of Heidelberg in 1999 where she became head of the Department of Clinical Neurobiology. In 2004, she was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize by the German Research Foundation, which is the most lucrative of all German awards. Besides focusing on neurobiological research, Monyer is extremely keen to bring science to a wider public as well as maintaining a dialogue with other scientific disciplines and the humanities.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Computergestützte Simulationen und Modellierungen sind gerade in der Glykobiologie wegen der besonders komplexen Zusammenhänge nur mithilfe moderner Bioinformatik zu bewältigen. Ein Pionier der Glykobioinformatik war Dr. Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth vom Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.
All glycobiological and glycobiotechnological questions have something in common: the research on these highly-complex sugar molecules is always associated with large amounts of data. These data have to be compiled, administered and processed. Computer-assisted simulations and modeling in the field of glycobiology can only be dealt with using modern bioinformatics methods due to particularly complex relationships. Dr. Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth of the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in Heidelberg was a pioneer of glycobioinformatics. His activities are dealt with in the article entitled “Glycobiotechnology: breakthrough for glycomics”.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Ingrid Grummt hat für ihre Arbeiten im Verlauf ihrer Forscherkarriere hohe Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter den Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis, den höchst-dotierten deutschen Forschungspreis. Im Juni dieses Jahres wurde sie mit dem „Women in Science Award 2010" der European Molecular Biology Organisation und der Federation of European Biochemical Societies ausgezeichnet.
More than half of our genetic material is transcribed into noncoding RNA. This prompts Ingrid Grummt to speculate: "It is very well possible that there are exactly matching noncoding RNA molecules for all genes that are temporarily silenced. This would explain how such a large number of genes can be selectively turned on and off."
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Mit besonderer Kompetenz besetzt es Apl. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm K. Aicher. Als diplomierter Biochemiker wandte er sich in seiner Promotionszeit am Tübinger Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Entwicklungsbiologie der Immunologie zu und promovierte Mitte der 80er-Jahre mit einer Arbeit zur zellulären und molekularen Charakterisierung von Rezeptoren auf Zellen des Immunsystems.
Aicher has no real regrets about this decision, probably because it was never really his lifetime’s ambition to practice medicine. “At no time did I intend to become a general practitioner. I was more interested in medical research,” said Aicher. While he was doing his doctoral thesis at the MPI for Developmental Biology in Tübingen, Aicher also spent some time in the USA. “My work at the MPI required me to develop new specific antibodies and our cooperation partners at the Institute of Microbiology at the University of Alabama (UAB) in Birmingham had better conditions than us for developing the antibodies. And as I did my doctoral thesis at the MPI, I was able to spend some time as a guest of the Institute of Microbiology,” said Aicher who then went on to write his doctoral thesis in English, which was far from being standard practice in Germany in the 1990s. He returned to Germany to do his doctoral examination and then went back to the UAB to do his post-doctoral studies in the field of rheumatology, for which he received a German Rheumatism Research Centre grant.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Neben vielen anderen Auszeichnungen erhielt Hannah Monyer das Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande. 2004 wurde ihr der höchste deutsche Wissenschaftspreis, der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft verliehen.
Hannah Monyer has received numerous awards, including the Cross of Merit on ribbon. In 2004, she was awarded the most prestigious science prize in Germany, the German Research Foundation Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Aicher (Zellbiologisches Forschungslabor)
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Aicher (Laboratory of Cell Biological Research)
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Zu den Preisträgern des Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Programms für das Jahr 2004 gehört Professor Dr. Klaus Pfanner, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie der Freiburger Albert-Ludwigs-Universität.
One of the awardees of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Programme for the year 2004 is Professor Dr. Klaus Pfanner, managing director of the Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg. The scientist from Freiburg is splitting the award of 1.55 million euro with the cell biologist Professor Dr. Jürgen Soll from Munich.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Zuvor war er Leiter der Emmy Noether Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe Mikrobielle Chemische Ökologie am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Ökologie in Jena. Seine Dissertation verfasste er über die Charakterisierung von N-Acylglutaminkonjugaten von Lepidopterenlarven am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Ökologie bei Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Boland.
Dieter Spiteller has been professor for chemical ecology at the University of Konstanz since April 2011. Prior to this, Spiteller was head of the Microbial Chemical Ecology Emmy-Noether research group at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena. He did his doctorate on the characterisation of N-acetyl glutamine conjugates of Lepidoptera larvae at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Boland.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein und Mitarbeiterinnen des Instituts für Pflanzenbau und Grünland der Universität Hohenheim (© Reif/BioRegio STERN)
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein and two colleagues from the Institute of Crop Production and Grassland Research at the University of Hohenheim. (© Reif/BioRegio STERN)
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Wilhelm Tell als Namensgeber für einen zielgerichteten Einsatz
Named after William Tell to reflect targeted application
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
„Dr. Böhm hat bereits in der Vergangenheit bewiesen, dass er ein Pionier im Etablieren neuer Methoden für die humangenetische Diagnostik ist. Er ist aufgrund seines Detailwissens und der Breite seines Know-how der ideale Laborleiter für CeGaT“, so Dirk Biskup. Zudem konnte mit Dr. Christian Wilhelm ein Leiter für die humangenetische Diagnostik gewonnen werden, der die klassischen auf dem Markt befindlichen Methoden seit Jahren anwendet und beherrscht.
It was not that easy to bring together a team of highly qualified and motivated people. “There are hardly any experts in human genetics on the job market. However, we needed such experts, especially because we intended to apply the latest methods. We also used protocols a long time before they were actually available in broader scientific circles,” said Saskia Biskup. Dirk Biskup points out that CeGaT GmbH was able to bring Dr. Detlef Böhm, one of the best sequencing experts in Germany, on board. Dr. Böhm became head of the company’s diagnostics and data processing division. “Dr. Böhm had previously proven pioneering skills in establishing new diagnostic human genetics methods. Thanks to his detailed though broad knowledge, Dr. Böhm is the ideal person for the job as head of CeGaT’s laboratory,” said Dirk Biskup. In addition, Dr. Christian Wilhelm, who has used state-of-the-art methods for many years, joined the company as head of human genetic diagnostics.
  Biotechnologie / Life S...  
Das Institut wurde 1930 als Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut gegründet, um Methoden der Physik und Chemie in die medizinische Grundlagenforschung einzuführen. Die Abteilungen für Chemie, Physiologie und Biophysik konzentrierten sich auf biophysikalische und chemische Fragestellungen, in der Tradition der Naturstoffchemie des Instituts.
The institute was opened in 1930 as the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research, and was re-founded as a Max-Planck Institute in 1948. Its original goal was to apply the methods of physics and chemistry to basic medical research, and it included departments of Chemistry, Physiology, and Biophysics. Since the 1960s, new developments in biology were reflected with the establishment of additional departments. The institute currently holds the three departments molecular neurobiology, biomedical optics, and biomolecular mechanisms as well as the two independent junior research groups behavioural neurophysiology and developmental genetics. One of the future activities of the institute will be to investigate nerve cells and their connections in the cerebral cortex that are responsible for the reception and processing of signals from the sense organs, i.e. smell, sight, and taste, with the use of molecular genetics, physiological and imaging techniques. Scientists are particularly interested in the nature of synapses, the contact points between nerve cells in the neural network. How information is stored and retrieved in synapses, how new synapses are formed, and how superfluous synapses are removed are all topics of investigation. Research will involve the development of new genetic engineering techniques, so that the activity of the key molecules involved in rapid information transmission between nerve cells by the synapses can be regulated. There are plans to miniaturize multiquantum microscopy and improve the level of penetration to measure activity in the cerebral cortex of freely moving mice.