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  Lewe in die Volmaakte W...  
Paulus gee vir ons drie wonderlike waarhede waaraan hy vasgehou het, om te keer dat hy wanhopig raak:
Paul lays before us three wonderful truths he clung to that kept him from despairing:
  Ware Geestelikheid Kan ...  
Jou huidige situasie mag hel op aarde wees en elke traan uit jou dreineer. Maar as jy getrou is om daarin te bly – as jy God se woord eer, Hom vir uithouvermoë vertrou – sal Hy jou op ‘n wonderlike manier in ‘n ware geestelike persoon verander.
Tu situacin presente puede convertirse en el infierno sobre la tierra, sacndote cada lagrima. Pero si eres fiel para permanecer en ella si honras la palabra de Dios, creyendo en l para soportar el te cambiara dramticamente a una persona verdaderamente espiritual.
  Ken God | World Challenge  
In die Ou Testament, het God vir Israel baie wonderlike gawes in die wildernis gegee: ‘n Wolk om hulle teen die woestynson te beskerm. Vuur in die nag om hulle te beskerm en te lei. Water uit ‘n Rots.
In the Old Testament, God gave Israel many wonderful gifts in the wilderness: A cloud to shelter them from the desert sun. Fire at night to assure and lead them. Water out of a Rock. A branch to heal bitter waters. A brass serpent to heal the snake-bitten. Yet all of these good things were only shadows!
  Liefde, Vrees, Gehoorsa...  
In teendeel, ons probeer Christus se gebooie vernietig deur dit die wet te noem! Die wonderlike gebooie wat Hy vir ons gegee het, was vir ons eie beswil, om ons van onsself en van ons sondes te red! Hy het ons beveel om ons te bekeer.
No! On the contrary, we have tried to destroy Christ's commands by calling them the law! The wonderful commandments He gave us were for our good, to save us from ourselves and from our sins! He commanded us to repent. He commanded us to believe in Him and in the heavenly Father. And He commanded us to love our brother as ourselves — to forgive others, and He in turn would forgive us.
  Wie Sal Sy Dae Verleng?...  
Probeer jou die Ethiopiër se opgewondenheid voorstel terwyl hy hierdie wonderlike dinge gelees het. Hierdie diplomaat was duidelik honger vir God, of hy sou nie die Skrif gelees het nie. En nou het Jesaja se profesie die koms van ‘n ewige koning geopenbaar.
Try to imagine the Ethiopian’s excitement as he read these wonderful things. Evidently, this diplomat was hungry for God, or he wouldn’t have been reading the Scriptures. And now Isaiah’s prophecy revealed the coming of an eternal king. With every revelation, the diplomat’s thoughts must have mounted: “Who is this wonderful man?”
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
Maar dan sien Jesaja ‘n wonderlike gesig. Hy het in verwondering gekyk hoe God vinnig met Satan se werk afreken. Die profete het geroep, “Want U het van die stad ‘n hoop klippe gemaak, van ‘n versterkte vesting ‘n puinhoop; ‘n paleis van vreemdes, dat dit geen stad meer is nie; vir ewig sal dit nie herbou word nie. Daarom sal ‘n magtige volk U eer, die vesting van tirannieke nasies U vrees” (Jesaja 25:2-3).
But then Isaiah beholds a wondrous sight. He watches in awe as God swiftly deals with Satan’s work. The prophet cries, “Thou hast made of a city an heap; of a defenced city a ruin: a palace of strangers to be no city; it shall never be built. Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee” (Isaiah 25:2-3).
  Lewe in die Volmaakte W...  
Nie lank gelede nie, het ‘n wonderlike jong Christen sy groot angs aan my geopenbaar. Hy het gesê, “Ek voel ‘n roeping van die Here om met jongmense en kinders te werk. Maar alle deure in die bediening word net voor my toegemaak.
Not long ago, a wonderful young Christian unburdened his great anxiety to me. He said, “I feel a calling from the Lord to work with youth and children. But all doors to ministry just keep shutting to me. I pray for other doors to open, but God doesn’t seem to hear my cry. I feel so useless, boxed in by my circumstances.
  Die Breek Van Jesus Se ...  
Hulle is agt jaar gelede geskei. In die laaste paar jare het 'n wonderlike Christen vrou in die jong man se lewe gekom. Op die oomblik gaan hy uit met 'n vrou wat hom baie liefhet en wat graag wil trou.
Hanno divorziato circa otto anni fa. Negli ultimi anni, alcune meravigliose donne cristiane hanno interessato la vista di questo giovane. In questi giorni si sta incontrando con una giovane donna che lo ama teneramente e voglioso sposarsi. Ma lui continua ad amare sua moglie, e spera che ella ritorni!
  Ware Geestelikheid Kan ...  
Soos meeste Christene, glo ek dat Paulus ‘n geestelike reus was. Hy het ‘n wonderlike openbaring van Christus gehad, ‘n ongelooflik sterk geloof en oorvloedige geestelike kennis. So, hoe het Paulus daaraan gekom?
Como la mayora de los cristianos, creo que Pablo era un gigante espiritual. l tuvo una gran revelacin de Cristo, una fe increblemente fuerte, y abundante conocimiento espiritual. As que, Cmo llego Pablo a obtener todo esto? De donde obtuvo l tal manantial de la gloria de Cristo? Todo vino a l a travs de diversas aflicciones sufrimiento encima de sufrimiento.
  Die Goedertierenheid va...  
Verse 28 en 31 som hierdie wonderlike openbaring as volg op: “Maar sodra hulle rus gehad het, het hulle weer kwaad gedoen voor u aangesig...as hulle U dan weer aanroep, het U uit die hemel gehoor en hulle na u barmharigheid baie keer gered...Maar in u grote barmhartigheid het U hulle nie volkome vernietig en hulle nie verlaat nie, want U is ‘n genadige en barmhartige God” (Nehemía 9:28,31).
Verses 28 and 31 sum up this wonderful revelation: "But after they had rest, they did evil again before thee...yet when they returned, and cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; and many times didst thou deliver them according to thy mercies.... For thy great mercies' sake thou didst not utterly consume them, nor forsake them; for thou art a gracious and merciful God."
  Die Breek Van Jesus Se ...  
Ek ken 'n wonderlike Christen eggenote wat sy vrou bemin. Hy is so gelukkig met haar. Maar na 'n rukkie het sy hom begin verwaarloos - tog het hy nie gekla nie. Toe eendag kry hy die skok van sy lewe: Sy het hom vertel dat sy 'n ander man sien.
Conosco un meraviglioso giovane marito cristiano, che adorava sua moglie. Era veramente felice con lei. Ma dopo qualche tempo lei comincio a trascurarlo – ma lui non si lamentava. Ma un giorno ricevette un colpo che scosse la sua vita: lei gli disse che stava frequentando un altro uomo. Gli disse anche: "Voglio andare via – sto per sposare un'altra persona!"
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
“En Hy sal op hierdie berg vernietig die uitgespreide sluier wat al die volke omsluier, en die omhulsel waarmee al die nasies bedek is” (Jesaja 25:7). Hier is twee wonderlike profesieë. En die eerste een sluit die Jode in.
“He will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations” (Isaiah 25:7). Here are two marvelous prophecies. And the first one involves the Jews. The veil Isaiah refers to here is the spiritual blindness that has covered Jews’ hearts since Moses’ time. The apostle Paul speaks at length of this blindness:
Wat ‘n interessante en wonderlike woord vir die mense van God in hierdie laaste dae. Maleági beeld gelowiges uit soos kalwers opgesluit in stalle. Die Hebreeuse stamwoord vir stal hier beteken “vasgebind,” “in sirkels rondloop.”
¡Qué palabra tan interesante e increíble para el pueblo de Dios en estos postreros días! Malaquías compara a los creyentes con becerros confinados en establos. Aquí, la raíz hebrea de "manada", significa "atado", "dando vueltas y vueltas en círculos".
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
Kan jy jou dit voorstel? Miskien kan jy nie. Is dit vir jou te moeilik om te glo vir so ‘n wonderlike ding in jou lewe? Ek vermaan jou om op Jesaja se profesie te staan. “Glo aan sy profete, dan sal julle voorspoedig wees” (2 Kronieke 20:20).
In the end, the Lord will bring down every wall of Satan’s city-like stronghold: “The fortress of the high fort of thy walls shall he bring down, lay low, and bring to the ground, even to the dust” (25:12). Can you imagine it? Maybe you can’t. Do you have difficulty believing for such an incredible thing in your life? I exhort you to stand on Isaiah’s prophecy. “Believe his prophets, so ye shall prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20).
  Stroom van Lewe | World...  
Die Gees van God het vir my dieselfde vraag gevra wat Hy aan  Eségiël gevra het, “Verstaan jy dat dit ‘n wonderlike profesie is vanaf die Vader se troon oor die kerk van die laaste dae? Begryp jy die betekenis van die stygende stroom?”
As I read this chapter, the Holy Spirit stopped me at this very same verse and would not let me go any further! The Spirit of God posed to me the same questions asked of Ezekiel: "Do you understand that this is a great prophecy from the very throne of God about the church of the last days? Do you understand the meaning of the rising of the river?"
  Die Krag van 'n Onberis...  
Paulus het gesê daardie Heilige Gees-bemagtigde woorde veroorsaak wonderlike resultate: “En julle het navolgers van ons geword en van die Here deurdat julle die woord in baie verdrukking ontvang het met blydskap van die Heilige Gees” (1 Thessalonicense 1:6).
But that's not all. God's favor also includes power! Paul said, "For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance" (1 Thessalonians 1:5). His favor brings the power of the Holy Ghost to all you say and do. Your words will not fall to the ground — because they will have Holy Ghost power! (see 2:1).
Men det er ikke alt. Guds gunst indebærer også kraft! Paulus sagde, "For vort evangelium kom ikke til jer blot med ord, men også med kraft og med Helligånd og med fuld vished." (1. Tess. 1, 5). Hans gunst bringer Helligåndens kraft til alt hvad du siger og gør.
  Die Vrees van die Here ...  
Ons sal baie vreemde en wonderlike dinge sien tydens hierdie groot skudding. Reeds sien ons ‘n nuwe geloof in ‘n werklike hel Amerika aangryp. U.S. News and World Report noem dit, “Hel se Nugter Terugkeer.”
We are going to see many strange and wonderful things during this great shaking. Already a new belief in an actual hell has gripped America. U.S. News and World Report called it, "Hell's Sober Comeback." According to the cover story, three out of five Americans now believe in hell and damnation.
  Stroom van Lewe | World...  
Dit moes ‘n wonderlike gesig gewees het om te sien hoe menigtes van gelowiges, gevul met ‘n ywer vir God se huis, in katedrale inhardloop en die afgode en gesnede beelde waartoe hulle eens gebid het, afgebreek het!
Martin Luther was another who brought the body of Christ to a new realm of faith. The water during the Reformation rose to the loins as the church grew in a greater revelation of the Cross, leading to a deeper knowledge of His power! How wonderful it must have been, finally, to behold masses of people being baptized and coming into the revelation of salvation by faith! It must have been quite a sight as well to see multitudes of believers, filled with a zeal for the house of the Lord, rushing into cathedrals to tear down all the idols and graven images!
  Sonder Gebrek Voor die ...  
Vrees is nie versoenbaar met al die wonderlike verhoudings wat die Here in sy liefde vir ons verklaar het nie
Fear is not compatible with all the wonderful relationships the Lord has proclaimed in his love for us
Angst ist nicht vereinbar mit den wundervollen Beziehungen, die der Herr in seiner Liebe zu uns verkündet hat
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
God is van plan om ‘n wonderlike reeks wonderwerke te doen wat ons hart en verstand sal oorweldig. En Hy het dit alles beplan nog voor die wêreld bestaan het. As Hy so ‘n verbondsplan ontwerp het, dan moet en sal dit gebeur.
God intends to work an amazing array of miracles that will overwhelm our minds and hearts. And he’s had all this planned since before the world existed. If he has devised such a covenant plan, then it must and will happen. Yet some aren’t going to make it to the banquet table. Those who have grown lukewarm, lovers of ease, people who’ve given themselves to the world’s pleasure-madness — none of these will be at the feast.
  Vryheid van Alle Vrees ...  
Wat ‘n wonderlike en komplekse ding is ‘n haar. As ons kan weet wat ‘n ontsaglike skepsel ‘n haar is, hoe vol lewe, sou ons nooit twyfel dat God alles tel wat Hy geskep het nie.
What a marvelous and intricate thing a hair is. If we could know what an awesome creation a hair is, how full of life, we would never doubt that God numbers what He has created.
  Vryheid van Alle Vrees ...  
Laat ons nou teruggaan en sien wat Jesus gesê het die wonderlike resultaat sou wees van ons wat alle vrees en bekommernis “weg werp”!
Now let's go back and see what Jesus said would be the wonderful result of our "trusting away" all fear and worry!
  Die Kosbare Bloed en di...  
Ons kan baie leer oor ons eie verlossing uit sonde se mag deur die Israeliete se verlossing uit die slawerny in Egipte te bestudeer. Laat my vir jou drie wonderlike lesse leer wat min Christene geleer het.
Vi kan lära oss mycket om vår egen befrielse från syndens kraft genom att studera isareliternas befrielse från slaveriet i Egypten. Låt mig visa dig tre underbara saker som få kristna har lärt sig.
  Lewe in die Volmaakte W...  
3. Volgens Paulus, wanneer ons “in alles verdruk word” — wanneer duisternis en onsekerheid ons oorval — dan beveel God ‘n wonderlike lig om in ons harte te skyn.
3. According to Paul, when there is “trouble on all sides” — when darkness and uncertainty are closing in — God commands a marvelous light to shine in our hearts.
  Die God van Hoop | Worl...  
God het gesê, “Jy het op een of ander klein skadetjie of verkeerde ding gefokus – en jy het al die seëning en wonderlike dinge wat Ek vir jou gedoen het, vergeet!
God says, "You have focused on some little hurt, some wrongful thing — and you have forgotten all the blessings and wonderful things I have done for you!
  Die Kosbare Bloed en di...  
Wie sal al die vyande uitdryf met ‘n wonderlike demonstrasie van krag? Hý sal! Sonder om te faal!
Vem skall driva ut alla fiender, med en förunderlig demonstration av kraft? Han skall! Utan undantag!
  Vryheid van Alle Vrees ...  
Dit is asof die koue vingers van die dood uitreik en sê, “Preseveermiddels! Cholesterol! Chemikalieë! Plaasvervangers! Byvoegsels! Ons is almal hier!” Ons hoef nooit hierdie “wonderlike” kennis te gehad het nie.
I'm becoming afraid to open the refrigerator! It's as if the cold fingers of death reach out saying "Preservatives! Cholesterol! Chemicals! Substitutes! Additives! We're all here!" We never needed to have all this "wonderful" knowledge. Honestly, it only adds to the fear and worry piled upon us!
  Die Goedertierenheid va...  
Van Moses, Dawid en die profete, hoor ons keer op keer hierdie wonderlike woorde:  “Julle God is barmhartig en genadig, lankmoedig en groot van goedertierenheid en trou, gou om te vergewe, stadig om toornig te word”
That hit me. I got out my concordance — and I soon discovered how much the Bible says about the lovingkindness of the Lord. From Moses, David and the prophets, we hear these wonderful words again and again: "Your God is merciful, and, gracious, anxious to forgive, full of lovingkindness, slow to anger."
  Wandel in die Gees | Wo...  
Sy hart verlang na Christus, geen woorde kan sy honger en liefde uitdruk nie. Dit is ‘n wonderlike, kragtige belewenis – maar dit is ook pynlik, omdat hy nog nie die volheid kan betree wat op hom wag nie!
This person is being moved upon by the Spirit to go after Christ with such passion and emotion that He is overwhelmed. His heart so longs for Christ, no words can express his hunger and love. It is a marvelous, powerful experience — yet it is also painful, because he cannot yet come into the fullness that awaits him!
  God se Wonderwerk Berg ...  
Verstaan jy wat Jesaja hier sê? Hierdie wonderlike fees sal plaasvind net voor Jesus se koms. Teen daardie tyd, sal God se mense nie roubedryf, in vrees rondrol, gespanne en verslane wees nie. Hulle sal nie lyk soos tenger geraamtes van geestelike maerte nie.
Do you get what Isaiah is saying here? This marvelous feast will take place just prior to Jesus’ return. At that time, God’s people won’t be mourning, wallowing in fear, stressed out and defeated. They won’t appear as frail, skeletal figures of spiritual leanness. No, Christ is going to return to find his people feasting on “fat things full of marrow.”
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