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  De grote theoretici | W...  
De invloedrijkste denkers over de economie woonden in Engeland, dat in de achttiende eeuw Nederland als belangrijkste handelsnatie onttroonde en de eerste industriële revolutie begon. De in Nederland geboren Bernard de Mandeville goot zijn ideeën in de vorm van een berijmde fabel over de maatschappelijke vooruitgang als resultaat van particuliere ondeugden (11).
The most influential economic theoreticians lived in England, which in the eighteenth century overtook the Netherlands as the most important trading nation and launched the first industrial revolution. Bernard de Mandeville, born in the Netherlands, put his ideas to verse in a fable about social progress as the result of personal vices (11). The Scotsman Adam Smith wrote the first complete manual on economics,
  158 Wetenschappelijke e...  
De derde reis ging op zoek naar de fameuze Noordwestelijke Doorvaart. Cooks beroemde reisverslagen bevatten ook voor het eerst het idee van een verwantschap tussen de Maleis-Polynesische talen, waarvan de sprekers duizenden kilometers uiteen woonden.
The three journeys by James Cook (1728-1779) to the Pacific from 1768 were intended in part as research trips; the first two were in fact instigated by the Royal Society. The second one included the future ‘German Jacobin’ Georg Forster as a draughtsman. The third was a quest for the notorious Northwest Passage. Cook’s renowned travel reports also mention for the first time an affiliation between the Malay-Polynesian languages, spoken by people living thousands of kilometres apart.
  Het Witte Zeekanaal : e...  
Ongeveer 150.000 gevangenen moesten in twee jaar tijd dit kanaal met de hand graven, grotendeels door graniet en langs bestaande meren waarvan het waterpeil werd verhoogd. De gevangenen, een mengeling van boeren, 'politieke' gevangen en criminelen woonden in 9 kampen langs het tracé.
From 1932 to 1933, a 227 km-long canal was dug to the north of St Petersburg. The canal, called The White Sea Canal (Belomor Canal), connects the Eastern Sea with the White Sea, and is one of the largest forced labour projects in history. An estimated 128,000-180,000 convicts had to dig this canal with their own hands, in large part through granite (37 km through hard rock) and along existing lakes, where the water level was raised (through 19 large wooden locks). The prisoners, a mixture of peasants, political prisoners, and criminals lived in nine camps along the route. The engineers who designed it were arrested for the purpose, and worked in a GPU (predecessor of the KGB) studio in Moscow, where they also slept.
  Chinezen van Amsterdam  
In Rotterdam, waar de Chinese minderheid lange tijd veel groter was dan die in Amsterdam, concentreerde de Chinese bevolking zich op Katendrecht. In Amsterdam woonden de Chinezen in en rond de Binnen Bantammerstraat.
The Chinese people who arrived in the Netherlands from around 1900 onwards were nearly all seafarers and, in particular, stokers. Yet the Dutch did actually not see much of them. After all, they worked on the steamships of the big shipping companies, such as KNSM, Oceaan and SMN. Between contracts, they resided at boarding houses in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. In Rotterdam, where, for a long time, the Chinese minority had been far larger than in Amsterdam, the Chinese population concentrated itself on the Katendrecht. In Amsterdam, the Chinese community lived in and around the Binnen Bantammerstraat. The Chinese seamen were greatly favoured by the shipping companies because of their low wages; in 1911 the Chinese sailors were kept in reserve as strike-breakers during the major seaman's strike. The Chinese sailors tended to be signed up as a group per ship. The contact person was simply called 'number one', frequently this was the 1st stoker and he was usually the only one in the team who spoke a bit of English or, more rarely, a bit of Dutch. The manager of the boarding house usually acted as the shipping master. He entered into a contract with number one, who ensured that the rest of the group was available. The pay was around 70% of a Dutch sailor's earnings. However, 90% of these wages went to the shipping master for mediation, board and lodging and credit.