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Keybot 2 Results  db-artmag.de
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Nach wie vor orientieren sich einige derer, die sich in der Traditionslinie der Revolutionäre, Avantgardisten, Nonkonformisten wähnen, am Westen oder haben sich seit Beginn der 90er Jahre schleunigst dorthin abgesetzt.
The old dilemma of Russian artists, their delicate dance between melancholy and revolt makes up one part of the problem. Some of them still see themselves in the tradition of the revolutionaries, the avant-gardists, and the non-conformists and measure themselves up against the West, or promptly resettled there beginning in the early 90s. Others see a universal provider in Mamma Russia, who nourishes every living cultural artery from the home territory - which is why making contact with the West is unnecessary and even dangerous.
  db artmag - all the new...  
Die Angehörigen der TV-Generation, die das Kino in erster Linie aus dem Fernsehen kennen, haben sich der Mechanismen bemächtigt, die sie von klein auf prägten - und machen sich nun, da sie sich im Besitz des Know-How wähnen, an die Analyse, die Dekonstruktion und Sektion.
Today, Douglas Gordon's 24 Hour Psycho is considered to be a milestone in an artistic development that began in the sixties and seventies of the last century with Andy Warhol and John Baldessari (see the interview and article in the present issue of db-artmag) and picked up considerable speed in the mid-nineties. More and more artists began discovering film in general and Hollywood in particular and used its images, narratives, and myths - its promised cures, its traps for human longing, and its abysses - for their own purposes, a trend currently reflected in an exhibition such as 3" at the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt. Children of the TV generation primarily acquainted with cinema through television have taken over the mechanisms that influenced them from an early age - and, now that they believe themselves to possess the required know-how, have set about its analysis, deconstruction, and dissection.