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Keybot 10 Results  turismo.hoyadehuesca.es
  Puits de glace et puits...  
Casbas, dont le puits circulaire, d’un diamètre de 6 mètres, date du XVIe siècle.
Casbas, with its circular well, 6 m in diameter, dating from the XVI century.
  Vieille ville d’Antillón  
Ne manquez pas de visiter l’église paroissiale, les murailles du XVIe siècle, les ermitages, un four à pain public restauré sur la place, de style arabe, une ancienne usine d’huile restaurée, l’ancienne fontaine.
The entire town of Antillón is a network of typical streets and squares of ethnographic value and popular culture. It used to be a Moslem then a Christian fortress and there are still walls, towers and entrance, as well as its narrow, winding, steep streets. It has a parish church, XVI century walls, several hermitages, an Arab public oven that has been restored, to bake bread in the square, an old oil factory also restored, the old fountain...
  3. Collégiale de Santa ...  
Cet imposant édifice, dont le style reflète la transition entre le gothique et la Renaissance, fut construit au XVIe siècle et abrite un majestueux retable polychrome, réalisé entre 1490 et 1503 par le Maître de Bolea.
This superb temple is located at the top of the village of Bolea (Herrerías street), perfectly dominating the plain of La Sotonera (South) and the Caballera mountain range (North). This stunning construction was built during the transition between the Gothic to the Renaissance in the 16th century. Without a doubt, the gem of this building is the majestic polychrome Main Altarpiece, made between 1490 and 1503 by the Master of Bolea. It consists of 20 tempera painted boards and 57 polychrome wooden carvings.
  Collégiale De Bolea  
Le plus beau joyau de ce temple est sans aucun doute le retable du grand autel. Ce chef d’œuvre associe sculptures et peintures du XVIe siècle (1490 et 1503), en gothique mudéjar, qui appartenaient à l’ancien temple.
But the most valuable jewel in this temple is the high altarpiece. It is a work of art combining sculpture and painting from the XVI century (1490 to 1503) in Gothic Mudejar, and belonged to the previous temple. It is composed of 20 panels painted in tempera and 57 sculptures carved in polychrome wood, cypress, walnut, cherry wood and Flanders pine. The paintings, executed by a famous painter from Bolea, are outstanding. Bolea offers important novelties in the Spanish pictorical art of the era influenced by Flemish and Italian artists, such as the expression of the characters’ feelings, the domination of space and perspective, light and shade. The colours, with their wide range of reds and greens, are most original.
  Cathédrale de Huesca  
Ce temple gothique a été érigé en 1273 sur l’emplacement de l’ancienne grande mosquée musulmane, sur les ordres de Jacques Ier le Conquérant. Le portail, qui comporte de nombreuses sculptures, est protégé par un grand auvent en bois typiquement aragonais qui a été incorporé au XVIe siècle.
This is a Gothic temple built over the ancient Moslem Mosque. Jaime I the Conqueror ordered its construction in 1273. The entrance is sculpted in the greatest detail and protected by large eaves, typically Aragonese. The eaves were carved in wood and added to the entrance in the XVI century. The lower part comprises different primitive Gothic styles (XIII), and the more flamboyant Gothic style is used for the upper part (XVI). The façade is outstanding for its splendid decoration crowned by pinnacles. The main entrance door has seven pointed arches all sculpted. You can see images of the Virgin and the Christ Child on the tympanum. The Cathedral has three naves, transept and apse, and the tower on the façade is square terminating in an octagonal design.
  Cathédrale de Huesca  
Ce temple gothique a été érigé en 1273 sur l’emplacement de l’ancienne grande mosquée musulmane, sur les ordres de Jacques Ier le Conquérant. Le portail, qui comporte de nombreuses sculptures, est protégé par un grand auvent en bois typiquement aragonais qui a été incorporé au XVIe siècle.
This is a Gothic temple built over the ancient Moslem Mosque. Jaime I the Conqueror ordered its construction in 1273. The entrance is sculpted in the greatest detail and protected by large eaves, typically Aragonese. The eaves were carved in wood and added to the entrance in the XVI century. The lower part comprises different primitive Gothic styles (XIII), and the more flamboyant Gothic style is used for the upper part (XVI). The façade is outstanding for its splendid decoration crowned by pinnacles. The main entrance door has seven pointed arches all sculpted. You can see images of the Virgin and the Christ Child on the tympanum. The Cathedral has three naves, transept and apse, and the tower on the façade is square terminating in an octagonal design.
  Cathédrale de Huesca  
Les nefs latérales, moins hautes que la nef centrale, abritent 14 chapelles, dont celle du Rosario, qui comporte un retable gothique permettant d’accéder à l’ancienne sacristie, et de là aux archives de la cathédrale, où sont conservés des ouvrages incunables datant des XIe au XVIe siècle.
The inside is luminous. The lateral naves, lower in height than the central one, have 14 chapels. The Rosary chapel with its Gothic altar is one of the most outstanding. It gives onto the old sacristy and, from there, to the Cathedral archives where you will find incunabula from the XI to the XVI centuries. The chapels of Lastanosa – patron of Baltasar Gracián – and the Saintly Christ of the Miracles – whose miracles towards the end of the XV century cured the city of a plague, are both of interest. However, one of the most valuable pieces is its high altar with an extremely beautiful Renaissance altarpiece (1520 to 1534), an alabaster masterpiece sculpted by Damián Forment which represents the Passion of Christ.
  7. Cathédrale et musée ...  
Ne manquez pas de voir à l’intérieur un impressionnant retable en albâtre réalisé par Damián Forment au XVIe siècle, les superbes voûtes de croisées d’ogives et les magnifiques verrières récemment restaurées.
The interior is stunning: amazing main altarpiece in alabaster, crafted by Damián Forment in the 16th century; superb groin vaults, and beautiful recently restored glass windows. Outside, the doors are the most stunning elements on the façade.
Im Innenraum gibt es zahlreich Sehenswürdigkeiten: Der beeindruckende Hauptaltar aus Alabaster von Damián Forment aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, die ausgezeichneten Kreuzgewölbe wie auch die schönen, vor Kurzem restaurierten Glasfenster. Im Außenbereich sind die Eingangstüren besonders sehenswert.
  L’architecture Populair...  
Cette commune, située entre deux précipices, comporte deux quartiers reliés par plusieurs rues. Ses éléments d’architecture populaire sont deux moulins à farine, la maison d’Ascaso, qui date du XVIe siècle, la maison Laborda, la prison municipale, l’abreuvoir, etc.
Built between two gorges, this village has two districts united by several streets. Its popular architecture offers two flour mills, the XVI century Ascaso home, the Laborda home, the local prison, the drinking fountain, etc. Worthy of attention are the protective elements used for the homes, the “scare-witches” crowning the enormous cone-trunk chimneys known here as “chamineras”. Ena has a parish church dedicated to Saint Peter, the typology is popular and the hermitage is dedicated to the Virgen del Camino.
Angesiedelt zwischen zwei Schluchten, bestehend aus zwei Stadtteilen, die durch verschieden Straßen verbunden sind. Von seiner volkstümlichen Architektur sehen wir zwei Getreidemühlen, das Haus von Ascaso aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, das Haus Laborda, das Gebäude des Stadtgefängnisses, die Tränke usw. Besondere Beachtung verdienen die Schutzelemente der Wohnungen, wie die "Hexenscheuchen", welche die enormen trichterförmigen Schornsteine krönen, hier bekannt als „Chamineras“. Es gibt eine Pfarrkirche, die San Pedro gewidmet ist, von volkstümlicher Art, und die Kapelle, die der Virgen del Camino gewidmet ist.
  Espaces de Musées  
Dans les salles consacrées à l'orfèvrerie sont exposées d'importantes œuvres comme les coffrets reliquaires provenant de Limoges, le retable de Notre-Dame de Salas du XVIe siècle et une série de croix processionnelles, calices, ostensoirs, navettes, livres de chœur, etc., caractéristiques de la liturgie chrétienne.
The halls with the gold and silver pieces also have other important works, such as the three reliquary caskets from Limoges, the altarpiece of Nuestra Señora de Salas from the fourteenth century, as well as a series of processional crosses, chalices, incense holders, hymnals, all typical of the Christian liturgy. The medieval art halls, in the Romanesque and Gothic cloisters, exhibit high Aragonese works of art from the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, providing a pictorial record of the different trends in this area throughout the Middle Ages. Some of the highlights are the altarpiece of the Coronation of the Virgin of Pedro de Zuera and the altarpiece tables of Pallaruelo de Monegros signed by Martín Soria. Finally, the Parroquieta houses collections from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. One of the prime examples is the altarpiece from the Abbey of Montearagón of Gil de Morlanes; as well as paintings from Vincent Berdusán, the Bayeu, Luzán and Luis Muñoz.