xviie siècle – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results  www.nlc-bnc.ca
  ARCHIVÉE - Introduction...  
Cette collection numérique de 180 dessins représente les peuples autochtones d'Amérique du Nord, ainsi que la faune et la flore de Nouvelle-France vers la fin du XVIIe siècle. Les originaux, tracés sur parchemin à l'encre brune, ou à l'aquarelle et à l'encre brune, sont aujourd'hui conservés au Gilcrease Museum de Tulsa, en Oklahoma.
This digitized collection contains images of 180 drawings that depict the Aboriginal peoples of North America as well as the fauna and flora of New France in the late 17th century. The original drawings, done on parchment with brown ink or brown ink and watercolour, are now held by the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  ARCHIVÉE - Introduction...  
En effet, aucun document iconographique de cette époque ne représente avec autant de précisions les peintures et tatouages dont ornaient leur corps, à la fin du XVIIe siècle, les Autochtones d'Amérique du Nord.
In Nicolas's manuscript, 53 plates are devoted to natural history. They illustrate 18 plants, 67 mammals, 56 birds, 33 fish and about 10 reptiles, batrachians and insects. In addition, a large number of sketches and drawings depict objects made by the Aboriginal peoples of North America. Of particular interest are the portraits of Aboriginal peoples belonging to some 15 nations. No other iconographic document of such antiquity illustrates so exactly the paintings and tattoos with which Aboriginal peoples of North America decorated their bodies during the late 17th century.