xviiie siècle – Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Dans l’esprit du XVIIIe siècle qui habitait les Meulan, Eliza et sa sœur Pauline, qui deviendra en 1831 Mme Decourt, avaient reçu une excellente éducation morale, intellectuelle et artistique, dont l’aînée, plus douée, avait tiré le meilleur parti.
In the minds of the Meulan family, still firmly anchored in the XVIIIth century, Eliza and her sister Pauline, who in 1831 shall become Mme Decourt, had received an excellent moral, intellectual and artistic education. The more gifted elder daughter had profited most from these opportunities, which she soon put into practice when, in 1823 on the death of her mother, she took charge of her step-father Devaines’ and half-brother Maurice’s household, living in the same house as the Guizot family, rue Saint-Dominique. She was at that time very taken with Charles de Rémusat,
De l’abbaye cistercienne fondée par Nivard, frère de saint Bernard, et où séjourna probablement Thomas Becket en 1170, ne demeure que le logis de l’abbé, reconstruit au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, et en vérité délabré.
Although he had been a Deputy for Lisieux since 1830, Guizot had taken a long time to settle in his constituency. He also wanted to settle in a family home where he could live with his four children. François, the eldest, was 21 years old and would be capable of looking after it. The estate is located in the borough of Pont l’Evêque, the canton of Cambremer and the town of Saint-Ouen-le-Pin. The Cistercian Abbey was founded by Nivard, the brother of Saint Bernard, and Thomas Becket had probably stayed there in 1170. But only the abbot’s residence remained, which had been rebuilt in the middle of the XVIIIth century and was in need of renovation. Guizot bought it, with its 175 hectares of land and woods, for 85,000 francs.
Son père Charles, conseiller du roi puis receveur général des Finances de Paris, avait épousé en 1762 Marguerite de Saint-Chamans, de plus haut parage, qui fréquentait Julie de Lespinasse, les Necker ou Condorcet. Pauline grandit ainsi sous les lumières du XVIIIe siècle.
newspaper from 1801, she rapidly became known as a woman of character with a lively wit, moving in the best circles of traditional 18th century aristocracy. Her brothers Edouard and Théodore pursued successful careers, one in the Court of Auditors and the other in the army, her sister Henriette married Jacques Dillon, but she remained single. It is almost certain that she discovered love with Guizot, a sudden and total passion for a young man as different from her as possible. “People criticise the fact that the lady is older than he, they say that neither of them possess anything, but they love one another”, one of their contemporaries wrote. In fact, this unusual union was found to be as pleasing as it was intriguing. It was tenderness, passion and total unison for fifteen years. She wrote: “All that is best in me is associated with you”. For him, “you have remained the woman that you yourself were whilst blending your life with mine”. The many letters written in this vein were recopied by Guizot to form a book. After losing a son at birth in 1813, another son, François, was born in August 1815. Pauline took part in all the intellectual and political undertakings of her husband, providing him with far more than mere assistance, and she entertained his friends very cordially. She herself wrote children’s stories, including