xviiie siècle – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results  www.camic.cz
  Chaix & Morel et Associ...  
Dans la Suède du XVIIIe siècle s’édifient des châteaux somptueux inspirés des modèles français. D’habiles artisans se succèdent à la Cour de Suède, munis des plans de Versailles. On fait venir du verre, des miroirs, des soieries et des tapisseries.
In XVIII century Sweeden sumptuous castles inspired by French examples were built. Talented craftsmen succeed to the Court of Sweeden with blueprints for Versailles. They subsequently had glass, mirrors, silks and tapestries imported. Two centuries later, fragments of these treasures have come home to France. The interior decorations still intact form little theaters around which the exhibit is structured. Surrounding them are the master-pieces baptismal fonts, dresses, thrones, tournament suits...
  Chaix & Morel et Associ...  
L’Hôtel Choiseul Praslin édifié au XVIIIe siècle, les façades XIXe ordonnancées et la verrière en cœur d’îlot sont mis en valeur respectueusement, tandis qu’une architecture contemporaine prend place rue de Sèvres.
Banque Postale set up its head office on Rue de Sèvres in Paris, on a block where the historic Caisse Nationale d'Epargne was built in 1886. The design seeks to impart coherence to the different styles and periods of the adjacent buildings. The 18th-century Hôtel Choiseul Praslin, the orderly 19th-century facades, and the glass window in the centre of the block are all respectfully highlighted whereas the new building boasts a contemporary design. By emphasising the identity of the buildings and their contrasts, the dialogue that is created between these different architectures, embellished with gardens, contributes to focusing attention on the distinctive aspects of each building while imparting coherence to the whole. This sustainable project, with its simple lines and its delicate silhouette, creates a new signature appearance for Banque Postale.