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Keybot 9 Results  cfs.nrcan.gc.ca
  Publications du Service...  
Les enjeux forestiers au Canada: Pour un dialogue productif des orientations appliqués aux forêts du Canada à l’aube du XXIE siècle (Français)
Les enjeux forestiers au Canada: Pour un dialogue productif des orientations appliqués aux forêts du Canada à l’aube du XXIE siècle (French)
  Publications du Service...  
L'inventaire du XXIe siècle est essentiel au succès des entreprises et à la viabilité de la collectivité (Français)
L'inventaire du XXIe siècle est essentiel au succès des entreprises et à la viabilité de la collectivité (French)
  Publications du Service...  
Les incendies découlant d'éclairs ont atteint leur point culminant en juillet, tandis que la plupart des régions brûlées l'ont été en juin. Les étés plus longs, plus chauds et plus secs susceptibles de résulter des changements climatiques devraient augmenter la fréquence et l'intensité des feux de forêt d'ici la fin du XXIe siècle.
Lightning and fire characteristics within the Northwest Territories (NWT) jurisdiction of the Mackenzie Basin between 1994 and 1999 are examined using data from the lightning detection network operating in the NWT and from the national Large Fire Database maintained by the Canadian Forest Service. The convective storm season with associated lightning activity over this region is short but intense, with a strong peak in cloud-to-ground lightning during July. The maximum area of lightning activity is influenced by local moisture sources and by topography. The diurnal distribution of cloud-to-ground flashes indicates that most of the lightning was linked to thunderstorms initiated by daytime heating. The lightning-initiated fire occurrences peaked during July, while much of the burned area was produced in June. The longer, warmer, and drier summer seasons projected to result from climate change are expected to increase the frequency and intensity of forest fires by the end of the 21st century. Their considerable consequences for forests and wildlife make these changes a concern for northern communities, forest managers, and wildlife biologists.
  Publications du Service...  
La diversité écologique (le produit de la diversité des écosystèmes, des espèces et de la diversité génétique) sera significativement modifiée au cours du XXIe siècle en réaction à l’influence combinée du climat, des activités humaines, du déplacement des espèces indigènes et non –indigènes et des perturbations naturelles comme les feux de forêts (également modifiés par le climat).
Ecological diversity (the product of ecosystem, species, and genetic diversity) will change significantly in the 21st Century in response to the combined influence of climate, human activities, the movement of indigenous and non-indigenous species, and natural disturbances like fire (also modified by climate). Many species will acclimate (phenotypic variation) and/or adapt (genotypic variation) to changing conditions.Many will not. Species with a high rate of reproduction that are able to move long distances, rapidly colonize new habitats, tolerate humans, and survive within a broad range of biophysical conditions will be most successful in finding new niches. Large changes in ecosystem composition, structure, and function are expected to occur at northern latitudes and higher altitudes. In some areas novel ecosystems likely will replace existing subalpine, alpine, boreal forest, and tundra ecosystems.