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Keybot 3 Results  www.mathydy.com
  mi ruta de la seda » Un...  
Tuve suerte y uno de los chavales del taxi compartido se convierte en my “protector” y me ayuda a cambiar de transporte otras tres veces hasta llegar a mi albergue en Bishkek, la capital de Kirguistán. Tenemos al lado a dos borrachos que en un frenazo se han caído al suelo y ni se despiertan… A medianoche leo el nombre de mi albergue en una pared.
I was lucky and one of the guys in the shared taxi became my “protector” and helped me to change transport another three times to arrive to my hostel in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. We have next to us two drunks that in a sudden break of the car have fallen to the ground and have not even woken up… At midnight I read the name of my hostel on a wall. Good!
  mi ruta de la seda » 20...  
Me estaba pareciendo que se estaba quedando dormido así que no le quité la vista de encima. Cuando vi que su cabeza empezaba a caerse, un grito insultando en español salio del odio instantáneo que me produjo. Al llegar cogí mi mochila y ni le dije adiós, no quería volver a verle la cara.
Another shared taxi to cross the border. The guy seems to be quite an asshole but it’s just going to be two hours so I don’t care. We cross with no incidents apart from the fact that he fell asleep driving. I saw he was tired so didn’t stop to pay attention to him, I saw how his head fell over the steering weel and a shouting insult in Spanish came from the inside of me produced by an instant deep hate. When we arrived I got my backpack and didn’t even say good bye, didn’t wanted to see his face again.