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Keybot 5 Results  www.puertorico-herald.org
"Lo que intentamos hacer es criticar la "democracia de dos partidos" que rige en Puerto Rico y mostrar que ni el PNP y ni el PPD son verdaderas opciones para el cambio", explicó Alejandro.
"What we`re trying to do is criticize the `two-party democracy` that rules Puerto Rico and show that neither the NPP or the PDP are true options for change," Alejandro said.
Wilkerson dijo que no era justo para los fans de Montreal, y ni siquiera pensaba que el gran contingente de jugadores de habla hispana estuviera encantado al respecto.
Wilkerson said it wasn't fair to the fans in Montreal, and he didn't even think the large contingent of Spanish-speaking players would be thrilled about it.
Cuando le propusieron a Rodríguez que se desempeñara en un papel romántico con uno de los corredores, apenas llevaba dos años manejando autos y ni siquiera tenía licencia de conducir. Como era necesario que se desempeñara tras el volante a gran velocidad para poder actuar en ese papel, Rodríguez se unió a los demás miembros del reparto en la Academia para Corredores en Las Vegas.
When Rodriguez was approached to play a love interest to a street racer, she had only been driving cars for a couple of years and didn’t even have a license. Since fast and fancy driving was a prerequisite for the role, Rodriguez joined her fellow cast members at the Las Vegas School for Racing. Even though there were stunt drivers for the movie, it was essential that she learn how to do "doughnuts" (360° spins) so she could recreate crucial scenes in the movie. Rodriguez was disappointed with her stint at the racing academy because, "they wouldn’t let me go over 80 miles and hour," she says. "The guys got to drive much faster."
Originalmente un trofeo de la Guerra Hispano-Americana, Puerto Rico ha sido un territorio estadounidense durante los últimos 100 años. Los puertorriqueños pueden ser convocados a prestar servicio militar, pero no tienen el derecho a votar en las elecciones presidenciales y ni a tener representación en el Congreso.
Originally a spoil of the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory for 100 years. Puerto Ricans can be drafted, but they do not have the right to vote for president and have no representation in Congress. Ironically, in every war this century, Puerto Rican soldiers have been among the dead and wounded, fighting alongside their mainland brethren on behalf of democracy.