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Keybot 12 Results  2015.mfru-kiblix.si
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Ari Kerkkänen, FT on Suomen Lähi-idän instituutin johtaja Damaskoksessa. Hän on työskennellyt YK:n entisen Jugoslavian sotarikostuomioistuimen palveluksessa Haagissa vuosina 2002-2005.
Ari Kerkkänen is the director of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East based in Damascus. He has worked among others with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague in 2002 – 2005.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Libanonin tapauksessa sekä Haririn murhan ratkaisemiseksi että YK:n arvovallan säilyttämiseksi on toivottava mahdollisimman selvää rikosoikeudellista lopputulosta, jossa syyllisiksi epäillyt todetaan syyllisiksi.
There were good reasons for the establishment of the court, the least of them certainly not being the fact that in face of the absence of the Lebanese people’s trust in their own judiciary, an international tribunal was required. In hindsight, maybe the most important contribution of establishing the commission and later the tribunal has been the enhancement of national crime investigation procedures in Lebanon. This was, of course, not the actual objective of the investigations. Considering the special tribunal, the most important point regarding Lebanon’s future is the tribunal’s succeeding in its criminal investigations, not the achieving of any possible political goals associated with its establishment.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Välittömästi murhan tapahduttua YK asetti tutkimuskomission (UN International Independent Investigation Commission – UNIIIC) erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen vaatimuksesta. Tutkimuskomissio asetettiin poikkeuksellisesti YK:n poliittisen osaston (Department for Political Affairs – DPA) alaisuuteen.
The stages of the STL’s criminal investigation have been subject to much writing, yet its progress has remained unclear. The initial course of the investigations has changed, and the first suspects who were arrested have been released after more than four years in detention. The investigations are just as challenging as with the other war crime tribunals. Gathering evidence and finding witnesses is extremely difficult. After a few rather quiet years, the tribunal hit the newspapers’ headlines once again when information regarding the upcoming indictments was made public. According to this information, the indictments would make Hezbollah in some way responsible for the murder. This information released on the tribunal practically paralysed the functioning of the Lebanese government, since the target of the suspicions was an organisation whose support of the Lebanese government was crucial for it to operate and stay in power. The government fell in January 2011. Following that, there were attempts to form a government on a basis which would be able to receive Hezbollah’s support, and eventually a Hezbollah-backed government was established in June 2011.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Pääministeri Rafik Haririn vuonna 2005 tapahtunutta murhaa YK:n päätöslauselmalla 1757 tutkimaan perustettu Libanonin erityistuomioistuin (Special Tribunal for Lebanon – STL) on mielenkiintoinen ennakkotapaus kansainvälisten sota- tai rikostuomioistuinten joukossa.
Formerly, the Christians represented the majority in Lebanon. In recent years, the balance has shifted to the advantage of the Muslim population. The Muslims in Lebanon are divided into the groups of Shi’a and Sunni, whereof the Shi’a have their strongest support in southern Lebanon. Even after the end of the French mandate in Lebanon, the country was never free from outside actors’ interference shaping its domestic politics. The status and number of Palestinian refugees living in the country has been the subject of continuous debate, and the relationship between the Lebanese and Palestinians has remained tense. The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon were granted self-rule limiting the Lebanese sovereignty over the camps. Formerly, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) operated from Lebanon, drawing Israeli military strikes and interventions towards Lebanon. These strikes caused destruction among the Lebanese population and infrastructure. Hezbollah’s ongoing military presence in southern Lebanon has been a similar cause for Israeli strikes on Lebanese territory. Syria, in turn, was for a long time the guarantor and stabilizer of the peace agreement following the civil war. Only a part of the Lebanese, mainly Shia, was in support of the Syrian presence eroding, for its part, the Lebanese sovereignty. Consequently, the Lebanese state structures’ fragility owes both to internal and external factors. The ghost of the violent civil war is still haunting the country.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Välittömästi murhan tapahduttua YK asetti tutkimuskomission (UN International Independent Investigation Commission – UNIIIC) erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen vaatimuksesta. Tutkimuskomissio asetettiin poikkeuksellisesti YK:n poliittisen osaston (Department for Political Affairs – DPA) alaisuuteen.
The stages of the STL’s criminal investigation have been subject to much writing, yet its progress has remained unclear. The initial course of the investigations has changed, and the first suspects who were arrested have been released after more than four years in detention. The investigations are just as challenging as with the other war crime tribunals. Gathering evidence and finding witnesses is extremely difficult. After a few rather quiet years, the tribunal hit the newspapers’ headlines once again when information regarding the upcoming indictments was made public. According to this information, the indictments would make Hezbollah in some way responsible for the murder. This information released on the tribunal practically paralysed the functioning of the Lebanese government, since the target of the suspicions was an organisation whose support of the Lebanese government was crucial for it to operate and stay in power. The government fell in January 2011. Following that, there were attempts to form a government on a basis which would be able to receive Hezbollah’s support, and eventually a Hezbollah-backed government was established in June 2011.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Välittömästi murhan tapahduttua YK asetti tutkimuskomission (UN International Independent Investigation Commission – UNIIIC) erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen vaatimuksesta. Tutkimuskomissio asetettiin poikkeuksellisesti YK:n poliittisen osaston (Department for Political Affairs – DPA) alaisuuteen.
The stages of the STL’s criminal investigation have been subject to much writing, yet its progress has remained unclear. The initial course of the investigations has changed, and the first suspects who were arrested have been released after more than four years in detention. The investigations are just as challenging as with the other war crime tribunals. Gathering evidence and finding witnesses is extremely difficult. After a few rather quiet years, the tribunal hit the newspapers’ headlines once again when information regarding the upcoming indictments was made public. According to this information, the indictments would make Hezbollah in some way responsible for the murder. This information released on the tribunal practically paralysed the functioning of the Lebanese government, since the target of the suspicions was an organisation whose support of the Lebanese government was crucial for it to operate and stay in power. The government fell in January 2011. Following that, there were attempts to form a government on a basis which would be able to receive Hezbollah’s support, and eventually a Hezbollah-backed government was established in June 2011.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Välittömästi murhan tapahduttua YK asetti tutkimuskomission (UN International Independent Investigation Commission – UNIIIC) erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen vaatimuksesta. Tutkimuskomissio asetettiin poikkeuksellisesti YK:n poliittisen osaston (Department for Political Affairs – DPA) alaisuuteen.
The stages of the STL’s criminal investigation have been subject to much writing, yet its progress has remained unclear. The initial course of the investigations has changed, and the first suspects who were arrested have been released after more than four years in detention. The investigations are just as challenging as with the other war crime tribunals. Gathering evidence and finding witnesses is extremely difficult. After a few rather quiet years, the tribunal hit the newspapers’ headlines once again when information regarding the upcoming indictments was made public. According to this information, the indictments would make Hezbollah in some way responsible for the murder. This information released on the tribunal practically paralysed the functioning of the Lebanese government, since the target of the suspicions was an organisation whose support of the Lebanese government was crucial for it to operate and stay in power. The government fell in January 2011. Following that, there were attempts to form a government on a basis which would be able to receive Hezbollah’s support, and eventually a Hezbollah-backed government was established in June 2011.
  Libanonin erityistuomi...  
Välittömästi murhan tapahduttua YK asetti tutkimuskomission (UN International Independent Investigation Commission – UNIIIC) erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen vaatimuksesta. Tutkimuskomissio asetettiin poikkeuksellisesti YK:n poliittisen osaston (Department for Political Affairs – DPA) alaisuuteen.
The stages of the STL’s criminal investigation have been subject to much writing, yet its progress has remained unclear. The initial course of the investigations has changed, and the first suspects who were arrested have been released after more than four years in detention. The investigations are just as challenging as with the other war crime tribunals. Gathering evidence and finding witnesses is extremely difficult. After a few rather quiet years, the tribunal hit the newspapers’ headlines once again when information regarding the upcoming indictments was made public. According to this information, the indictments would make Hezbollah in some way responsible for the murder. This information released on the tribunal practically paralysed the functioning of the Lebanese government, since the target of the suspicions was an organisation whose support of the Lebanese government was crucial for it to operate and stay in power. The government fell in January 2011. Following that, there were attempts to form a government on a basis which would be able to receive Hezbollah’s support, and eventually a Hezbollah-backed government was established in June 2011.