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Ausgangssprachen Zielsprachen
Keybot 3 Ergebnisse  colorgetix.nl
  Carta a "Pepe" Mujica d...  
¡Hay tantos mártires en la historia contra la tutela militar! Usted que padeció bajo el yugo de la opresión, tiene ahora la posibilidad de librar para siempre de ese yugo a los hijos del mañana. Cuando el futuro venga, en palabras de Mario Benedetti, "con su afilada hoja y su balanza, preguntando ante todo por los sueños, y luego por las patrias, los recuerdos y los recién nacidos", tenemos que saber qué le diremos.
There are so many martyrs in history against military oppression! You who suffered under the yoke of oppression, now have the opportunity to liberate the children of tomorrow forever from that yoke. When the future comes, in the words of Mario Benedetti, "with its sharp blade and balance, primarily by asking for the dreams, and then for the homelands, the memories and the newly born," we must know what to tell them. We need to know what we have been. Hopefully that future will recognize in you, friend President, the "Pepe" revolutionary who declared peace to the world and decreed life to be sacred in Uruguay.
  Carta a "Pepe" Mujica d...  
¡Hay tantos mártires en la historia contra la tutela militar! Usted que padeció bajo el yugo de la opresión, tiene ahora la posibilidad de librar para siempre de ese yugo a los hijos del mañana. Cuando el futuro venga, en palabras de Mario Benedetti, "con su afilada hoja y su balanza, preguntando ante todo por los sueños, y luego por las patrias, los recuerdos y los recién nacidos", tenemos que saber qué le diremos.
There are so many martyrs in history against military oppression! You who suffered under the yoke of oppression, now have the opportunity to liberate the children of tomorrow forever from that yoke. When the future comes, in the words of Mario Benedetti, "with its sharp blade and balance, primarily by asking for the dreams, and then for the homelands, the memories and the newly born," we must know what to tell them. We need to know what we have been. Hopefully that future will recognize in you, friend President, the "Pepe" revolutionary who declared peace to the world and decreed life to be sacred in Uruguay.
  Tres versiones de Judas...  
Precedido por algún alemán, De Quincey especuló que Judas entregó a Jesucristo para forzarlo a declarar su divinidad y a encender una vasta rebelión contra el yugo de Roma; Runeberg sugiere una vindicación de índole metafísica.
Preceded in his speculation by some German thinker, De Quincey opined that Judas had betrayed Jesus Christ in order to force him to declare his divinity and thus set off a vast rebellion against the yoke of Rome; Runeberg offers a metaphysical vindication. Skillfully, he begins by pointing out how superfluous was the act of Judas. He observes (as did Robertson) that in order to identify a master who daily preached in the synagogue and who performed miracles before gatherings of thousands, the treachery of an apostle is not necessary. This, nevertheless, occurred. To suppose an error in Scripture is intolerable; no less intolerable is it to admit that there was a single haphazard act in the most precious drama in the history of the world. Ergo, the treachery of Judas was not accidental; it was a predestined deed which has its mysterious place in the economy of the Redemption. Runeberg continues: The Word, when It was made flesh, passed from ubiquity into space, from eternity into history, from blessedness without limit to mutation and death; in order to correspond to such a sacrifice it was necessary that a man, as representative of all men, make a suitable sacrifice. Judas Iscariot was that man. Judas, alone among the apostles, intuited the secret divinity and the terrible purpose of Jesus. The Word had lowered Himself to be mortal; Judas, the disciple of the Word, could lower himself to the role of informer (the worst transgression dishonor abides), and welcome the fire which can not be extinguished. The lower order is a mirror of the superior order, the forms of the earth correspond to the forms of the heavens; the stains on the skin are a map of the incorruptible constellations; Judas in some way reflects Jesus. Thus the thirty pieces of silver and the kiss; thus deliberate self-destruction, in order to deserve damnation all the more. In this manner did Nils Runeberg elucidate the enigma of Judas.