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Keybot 27 Results  www.hopital-pette.ch
  Devoción diaria | Unido...  
Unidos en yugo desigual
Unequally Yoked
  Devoción diaria | Unido...  
No os unáis en yugo desigual con los incrédulos, porque ¿qué compañerismo tiene la justicia con la injusticia? ¿Y qué comunión, la luz con las tinieblas?
Do not be mismated with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
  Devoción diaria | El yu...  
El yugo desigual
The Unequal Yoke
  Devoción diaria | Unido...  
La segunda señal de un yugo es que limita a alguien; no permite la acción independiente. Hay algo que le obliga a usted a consentir en hacer lo que quiere la otra persona, tanto si a usted le gusta como si no.
I have never seen an ox and an ass yoked together, though once when I was traveling in the Middle East I saw a farmer plowing his field with a camel and a donkey. It was almost ludicrous to watch. The camel was three times the height of the donkey, and its legs were three times as long. It was striding along at a rather slow pace for a camel, but the little donkey was running as fast as it could to keep up. The farmer kept beating the donkey all the time, trying to get it to keep up. It was cruel.
  Devoción diaria | Unido...  
La segunda señal de un yugo es que limita a alguien; no permite la acción independiente. Hay algo que le obliga a usted a consentir en hacer lo que quiere la otra persona, tanto si a usted le gusta como si no.
I have never seen an ox and an ass yoked together, though once when I was traveling in the Middle East I saw a farmer plowing his field with a camel and a donkey. It was almost ludicrous to watch. The camel was three times the height of the donkey, and its legs were three times as long. It was striding along at a rather slow pace for a camel, but the little donkey was running as fast as it could to keep up. The farmer kept beating the donkey all the time, trying to get it to keep up. It was cruel.
  Devoción diaria | Unido...  
La segunda señal de un yugo es que limita a alguien; no permite la acción independiente. Hay algo que le obliga a usted a consentir en hacer lo que quiere la otra persona, tanto si a usted le gusta como si no.
I have never seen an ox and an ass yoked together, though once when I was traveling in the Middle East I saw a farmer plowing his field with a camel and a donkey. It was almost ludicrous to watch. The camel was three times the height of the donkey, and its legs were three times as long. It was striding along at a rather slow pace for a camel, but the little donkey was running as fast as it could to keep up. The farmer kept beating the donkey all the time, trying to get it to keep up. It was cruel.
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Pero lo asombroso es que el Nuevo Testamento nunca dice nada para animar a los esclavos a alzarse y sublevarse en contra de sus amos. No dice ni una sola palabra para incitar la rebelión o para derrocar el yugo.
But the amazing thing is that the New Testament says nothing to encourage slaves to rise up and revolt against their masters. It says not one word to incite rebellion or overthrow the yoke. Not a thing is said about organizing these downtrodden people who occupied half of the population of the Roman Empire to overthrow their masters. No appeal is made to the masters to meet with these slaves and work out a way to free them, and no pressure is brought upon them to accomplish this in a civic way. Yet the interesting thing, as we look back upon twenty centuries of history, is that slavery has been largely eliminated in the world, and the force that did it was Christianity. But is was by another principle, not by direct attack. As we have ample evidence of today, direct attack only serves to perpetuate strife and violence and even to increase it. The black backlash creates a white backlash, and the white backlash, in turn, creates a counter black backlash, and so it goes.
  Devoción diaria | El yu...  
Él dice: “No os unáis en yugo desigual con los incrédulos, porque ¿qué compañerismo tiene la justicia con la injusticia? ¿Y qué comunión, la luz con las tinieblas? ¿Qué armonía puede haber entre Cristo y Belial? ¿O qué parte el creyente con el incrédulo? ¿Y qué acuerdo hay entre el templo de Dios y los ídolos?” (6:14-16a).
(2 Corinthians 6:14-16). Many Christians have ignored that to their own detriment by intermarrying with others of a different faith. They have thereby so undermined their own faith that evil in many ways has ultimately crept in and destroyed their marriages. There is no guarantee that if you marry a Christian you are going to have a happy marriage, because there are other principles involved. But it is much more likely that two Christians will be happy together because there are principles and practices taught to us in the Word that make for happiness in marriage. It is certain that if you disobey this command, however, you are opening the door to much heartache, struggle, and misery. There are passages designed to help people who have disobeyed this principle because God is very practical and merciful. He recognizes that for various reasons, intermarriage may occur. There are guidelines to help handle those situations. But by and large this is practical wisdom that needs to be adhered to today. Marry those who share the same faith you have, because faith is the basis for all of life.
  Devoción diaria | El cl...  
Es imposible que una persona cabalgue sobre dos caballos que van en direcciones contrarias, y el intentarlo daría como resultado una tensión tremenda sobre la anatomía. Es por este motivo que les fue ordenado a los israelitas no poner un yugo entre un buey y un asno.
A second conclusion suggests that those who have entered into this unity of the Spirit cannot possibly join in an evangelistic endeavor with those who deny this fundamental unity. Why not? Because our actions are determined by our beliefs. These are such fundamental beliefs that they set the direction of our life. Where one person accepts these and has experienced them and someone else does not, you have two fundamentally separate directions. It is impossible for one person to ride two horses going in opposite directions—to attempt it puts a terrific strain upon the anatomy. This is why the Israelites were ordered not to yoke an ox and an ass together. Why not? Well, they go at two different speeds, they are two different heights, and they would simply chafe one another all the time. It would be cruelty to both to link them together. This is God's way of teaching us, symbolically, that there are fundamental differences of gait and direction—that two cannot walk together except they be agreed.