yugoslav army – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results  diana-damrau.com
  Dud Bullet in Rio  
The Croatian delegation noticed that the mentioned statement could have also been signed by Slobodan Milošević himself, and they requested from the Serbian delegates that the statement (in case they wanted their text to be included in the agenda as a proposition to the declaration at all) should mention the fact that “war has never been waged in Serbia and Montenegro, that neither a single window has been smashed nor a single square meter of their territory attacked while, on the other hand - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina didn’t want the war. They suffered the aggression (and in Bosnia there is still a war on) of the so-called Yugoslav Army and Serbian paramilitary units which were armed by the said Army”.
Hrvatska delegacija primjetila je da bi tu predloženu izjavu mogao glatko potpisati i sam Slobodan Milošević, pa je potom od srpskih delegata zatraženo je ( žele li da njihov tekst uopće ostane na dnevnom redu kao prijedlog deklaracije) u njemu treba spomenuti činjenicu kako « u Srbiji i crnoj Gori ni u jednom trenutku nije bilo rata, da ondje nije oštećen ni jedan prozor niti napadnut ijedan četvorni metar njihova teritorija, dok- s druge strane- ni Slovenija, ni Hrvatska, ni Bosna i Hercegovina ni u jednom trenutku nisu željele rat, već je nad njima izvršena (a u Bosni još traje) agresija tzv. Jugoslavenske armije i srpskih iregularnih jedinica što ih je ta armija naoružala».