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Keybot 3 Results  sdjtc.en.alibaba.com
  PC-Spezialist ist optim...  
Die am Neuen Markt notierte PC-Spezialist Franchise AG (Bielefeld) erwartet im laufenden Jahr deutliche Umsatzzu­wächse. Das Unternehmen teilte mit, für 2001 mit einem um 208 Pro­zent auf 96,6 Millionen Mark wachsenden Umsatz zu planen.
The Neuer Markt-listed PC Spezialist Franchise AG (Bielefeld) expects substantial revenue growth this year. The company announced in 2001 a plan to grow by 208 percent to 96.6 million dollars in sales growth. 2000 will conclude on first calculations, with 31.3 million. The company added that the acquisitions would be the responsiblity of newcomers. Board member Andre Flottmann left the company at his own request. Andreas Wenniger, currently head of the operating business will take over the vacant post.
  PC -Spezialist steigert...  
Der Konzernumsatz legte den weiteren Angaben zufolge um 24 Prozent auf 14,53 (11,73) Millio­nen Mark zu und entsprach da­mit dem geplanten Umsatz. Die Ebit-Marge habe sich um neun Prozentpunkte auf 40 (31) Pro­zent verbessert.
The Group revenue increased further by 24 percent According to 14.53 (11.73) million dollars, in line with the planned sales. The EBIT margin has improved by nine percentage points to 40 (31 percent). In planning for 1999 we had assumed that the EBIT margin of 34 percent. The positive result was due in part to a higher number of partners, it said. The number of partners was 31 December climbed to 494 from 332nd 98 of these are a franchisee of PC specialist. 398 Trend Micro Partner companies are members.
  Gekauft wie verrückt – ...  
Das Unter­nehmen, dessen Kerngeschäft die Vergabe von Franchise- Lizen­zen für die Gestaltung von Com­puter-Einzelhandelsgeschäften (Marke: PC Spezialist) sowie die Organisation eines Einkaufs ­und Werbeverbundes (Marke: Microtrend) ist, hat die Progno­sen für das Jahr 2000 kräftig über­troffen. So sei der Konzernum­satz um 152 Prozent auf 18,69 Millionen Euro gestiegen – und liege damit 17 Prozent über Plan.
PC Spezialist is tomorrow going to present its results for 2000 in Frankfurt . The company, whose core business is the granting of franchises for computer retail stores (brand: PC specialist) and the organization of a purchasing and marketing association (brand: Micro Trend), the forecasts for 2000 has surpassed strong. Thus, the group sales had increased by 152 percent to € 18.69 million – and was therefore 17 per cent above target. The surplus was up 76 percent AUF2, rose 18 million euros and had exceeded the forecasts by eight percent.