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Keybot 10 Results  www.uantwerpen.be
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het voorwerp van dit project is de realisatie aan de zijde van de dataleverancier van een incrementeel aanleveringsbeleid van volledige, actuele, correcte en geïntegreerde onderzoeksinformatie, via een gestandaardiseerde interface en een gestandaardiseerd uitwisselingsformaat met metadata waarvan de semantiek beschreven werd via het Data Governance Center.
This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het project wil zowel de literaire, musicologische als theaterwetenschappelijke aspecten van het Zuid-Nederlandse toneel bestuderen aan de hand van een aantal literair-muzikale parameters aan de productiezijde, zowel bij de auteurs als bij de uitvoerenden, en aan de zijde van het publiek.
Musical elements appear in nearly all 17th century theatre performances. Songs were often a structural part of the text, musicians accompanied singers and created a certain atmosphere, dances and ballet had to make the play visually attractive. The objective of the project is to study the literary, musicological and dramaturgic aspects of the theatre in the Southern Netherlands by means of some literary and musicological parameters of production and reception. Institutional, geografical, gender and genre differences will be taken into account.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het project zal het belang van de muzikale dimensie van het 17de-eeuwse toneel onderzoeken aan de hand van een aantal literair-muzikale parameters aan de productiezijde, zowel bij de auteurs als de uitvoerenden, en aan de zijde van het publiek.
Music always played an important role in the theatre. In the 17th century music was an inherent part of the staging, not only of the operas that appeared in the Low Countries during that century, but also of the plays. In a large number of plays music is a structural element of the text in songs or in choruses. Moreover each production appealed to musicians for the accompaniment, the creation of an atmosphere, as an intermezzo, etc. Up to now only tentative studies about the musical dimension of the 17th century theatre in the Low Countiries have been published. The project will consider the literary and musicological aspects as well as the dramaturgical aspects of the music, on the one hand in Amsterdam, where from the beginning of the century a professional theatre existed, on the other hand in the rest of the Netherlands and in Flanders where the plays were usually performed by the rhetoricians, although in some towns there was an evolution towards a professional theatre. The project will research the importance of the musical dimension on the 17th century stage on the basis of litarary and musical parameters concerning the production, the authors and the performers, as well as the public, paying special attention to institutional, geographical, gender and genre differences.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De conjunctiva buigt om in een conjunctivale zak om vervolgens de binnenste zijde van de oogleden te bedekken.De conjunctiva is een essentieel membraan, onontbeerlijk om de integriteit, transparantie en optische homogeneïteit van het corneaal oppervlak te garanderen en aldus een perfecte visuele kwaliteit.
The conjunctiva is a thin membrane, which covers the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. It is essential that this membrane functions correctly as it plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy ocular surface and the preservation of vision. In some ocular disorders, the conjunctiva is damaged resulting in excessive scarring leading to surface disorders such as severe dry eyes, eyelid distortions and eventually blindness. Current treatment strategies for conjunctival reconstruction include surgically removing the diseased tissue and placing a human amniotic membrane over the bare sclera to aid in tissue regeneration. However, at times either due to the nature of the diseased environment, or a lack of properly functioning conjunctival stem cells, there is aberrant wound healing with scar formation, worsening the outlook for ocular reconstruction. In this project, we address this issue by creating a cellularized conjunctival substitute that can be transplanted onto the ocular surface following debridement of diseased tissue. This approach intends to reduce/eliminate scar formation and facilitate regeneration by providing a functional conjunctival replacement containing both mucin producing goblet cells to stabilize the tear film as well as conjunctival epithelial cells to establish a barrier to infectious microbes. The human amniotic membrane will be investigated as a biological scaffold for cultivating the cellular grafts for this purpose.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Waarneming heeft een objectieve en een subjectieve zijde. We nemen gebeurtenissen en objecten waar, maar tegelijkertijd verschijnen deze gebeurtenissen en objecten ons op een bepaalde manier. Een belangrijke rol in de bepaling van 'hoe de objecten ons verschijnen' wordt gespeeld door de zintuiglijke modaliteiten.
Perception has an objective and a subjective aspect. We perceive events and objects, but at the same time these appear to us in a certain manner. An important role in the determination of 'how objects appear to us' is played by the sensory modalities. Philosophers from Aristotle to Paul Grice have considered the question what precisely distinguishes the senses: What makes hearing into hearing, and seeing into seeing? But also the question of what connects the sensory modalities has strongly attracted the philosophical attention. This is what is at issue in the famous Molyneux Question: What would happen if a blind person, capable of tactile recognition of a sphere or a cube, suddenly gained the capacity of sight? Would he be able to distinguish by looking the sphere from the cube? In the proposed project the two questions regarding what distinguishes and connects the senses will be reconsidered from the combined perspective of the sensorimotor contingency theory for perception and perceptual awareness and of the ideas of Andy Clark about the 'Extended Mind' and his hypothesis that humans are Natural-Born Cyborgs: Creatures which integrate external tools into their behaviour in such a way that these become literally part of themselves. On the basis of the conception of the senses constructed from this perspective, an account will be given of what distinguishes and connects the senses, and it will be investigated how this conception allows for relieving the tension between how objects appear to us, and how they are. The proposed theory of the senses has important implications regarding the debate between internalists and externalists about whether the mind is 'in the head', or extends into the environment.
  Mijn website - Universi...  
Dit werkpakket bestaat uit twee delen: enerzijds dient een vereenvoudigd EE-model in COMSOL Multiphysics te worden opgesteld om via inverse modellering de thermische eigenschappen van het asfalt te bepalen. Hiervoor wordt een cylinder in asfalt uitgerust met temperatuursensoren en wordt dit langs één zijde opgewarmd.
This work package consists out of two parts. First a simplified FE model of a cylindrical asphalt sample will be developed in COMSOL Multiphysics. An actual cylindrical asphalt sample will be equipped with temperature sensors while heated at one side. The mesaurement results are then compared with the results from the FE model and by inverse modelling the thermal properties of the asphalt will be calculated. Second a more elaborate FE model of a HEAL will be developed in order to investigate the influence of design parameters such as depth, material, distance between the pipes, ... The purpose is to predict the amount of heat which can be extracted from the HEAL or the amount of heat which is needed to keep the surface ice free, and to calculate the temperature gradient inside the asphalt with or without HEAL present. These simulations will be performed for different locations and different weather parameters, which have been measured by a weather station or extracted from a database (e.g. Meteonorm software). This FE model will be validated using small scale prototypes and using the results from work package one. A first version of this FE model already exists, see [Guldentops et al., Performance of a pavement solar energy collector : model development and validation, Applied Energy, 2016]. Further validation and refinements, such as turbulent flow instead of laminar flow, and more simulations over a longer period of time at different locations are necessary. As a case study the feasibility of a HEAL at the harbour or at the airport will be investigated.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Fluctuerende asymmetrie (FA) -kleine verschillen tussen de linker en rechter zijde van een bilateraal symmetrisch kenmerk die het resultaat zijn van 'developmental noise' en 'developmental stability' -is een potentieel interessante indicator van stress.
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), i.e. small directionally random differences between the left and right side of a bilaterally symmetric trait, is a potentially interesting and useful indicator of various forms of stress. Although definitions may vary with different sources in the literature, the underlying developmental mechanism assumes that during growth, the developmental pathway of a trait is disturbed (by the processed named 'developmental noise') and that there may be mechanisms that attempt to limit the effects of these disturbances (the process of 'developmental stability'). The joint effect of noise and stability are known as developmental instability (Dl), where higher instability results in a, on average, higher degree of asymmetry. Many studies have shown or found indications that FA (and thus presumably Dl) increases with environmental (parasites, abiotic factors) and genetic (inbreeding, break-up of coadapted gene complexes) stress (reviewed in several chapters in Polak, 2003). Because it has been suggested that the effects of stress on FA may become apparent before important fitness consequences are observed, FA may act as an 'early warning system' (sensu Clarke, 1995) and may form an important tool to identify populations and/or species that require conservation measures before extintion is inevitable. Although of enormous potential in theory, the practical appliction of FA in general and in a conservation biology context more specifically, has been hampered by the vast heterogeneity in the observed associations between FA and stress. More specifically, the lack of general guidelines that allow to predict if and when - for which species(-groups), forms of stress and morphological traits -FA can be expected to increase with stress, has limited its use and has provoked may debates in the recent literature. This project aims at investigating the usefulness of FA as bio-marker of the potentially negative effects of inbreeding in two relatively closely related butterfly species (Pararge aegeria and Cymothoe teita). P. aegeria is a relatively common European butterfly while C. teita is a threatened and endemic species of the Taita Hills, Kenia. Both species inhabit woodlands that have become intensively affected by fragmentation and degradation worldwide. P. aegeria will be intensively studied under both controlled lab conditions and in the field. This part of the research will allow us to explore and test some fundamental aspects of factors that aff