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Keybot 15 Results  www.decora.it
Vraag: Welke zijde is de eigenlijke bovenkant van dit maisblad?
Question: Which side of this maize leaf is the true upperside?
  Terminologie 3D-ori?nta...  
een dorsaal en ventraal deel aan elke zijde
a dorsal and a vetral part oneach side
abaxiale zijde blad
abaxial side of leaf
Overzichtsbeeld: Deze opname laat een stukje epidermis zien aan de abaxiale zijde (onderkant) van een blad van de japanse siernetel (
Overview image: This view shows a portion of epidermis at the abaxial side (lower part) of a leaf of
Hier beneden wordt de basisanatomie van het blad beschreven aan de hand van een dwarsdoorsnede door het blad van de klimop, Hedera helix. De eigenaardigheid gemeen aan de meeste bladeren dat de de adaxiale zijde en de abaxiale zijde zowel van buiten als van binnen verschillend zijn is goed te zien bij de klimop.
All full grown leaves share a basic anatomy, due to their specialized function in photosynthesis. Below we describe the basic anatomy of the leaf using a cross section through the leaf of the ivy, Hedera helix, as an example. The property common to most leaves that the adaxial side differs from the abaxial side both in outer appearance and inner architecture, the so-called bifacial structure, can be clearly seen in ivy.
Hier beneden wordt de basisanatomie van het blad beschreven aan de hand van een dwarsdoorsnede door het blad van de klimop, Hedera helix. De eigenaardigheid gemeen aan de meeste bladeren dat de de adaxiale zijde en de abaxiale zijde zowel van buiten als van binnen verschillend zijn is goed te zien bij de klimop.
All full grown leaves share a basic anatomy, due to their specialized function in photosynthesis. Below we describe the basic anatomy of the leaf using a cross section through the leaf of the ivy, Hedera helix, as an example. The property common to most leaves that the adaxial side differs from the abaxial side both in outer appearance and inner architecture, the so-called bifacial structure, can be clearly seen in ivy.
Bw: binnenwand van het vruchtbeginsel. Aan één zijde komen de integumenten bij elkaar en blijft een klein kanaaltje open: de micropyle (M) waardoor de pollenbuis binnendringt om de spermacellen af te leveren.
In the center an embryo sac (ES) can be seen surrounded by its two protective layers the integumenten (I1 and I2). Together they form the ovule. Ovules lay in the lumen of the ovarium. Bw: Inner wall of the ovarium. On one side the integuments come together and a small channel remains open, the micropyle (M),throguh which the pollen tube can penetrate in order to release the sperm cells. Inside the embryo sac the synergiden (Sy) that help conducting the sperm nuclei to the egg cell (E) a bit furtherup is located close the micropyle, whereas the large central cell (CC) is in the center. The embryo develops from the fertilized egg cell, the endosperm (Es) with a nutritional function from the fertilized central cell and the integuments become part of the seed coat.
  Levencyclus Angiosperme...  
Bw: binnenwand van het vruchtbeginsel. Aan één zijde komen de integumenten bij elkaar en blijft een klein kanaaltje open: de micropyle (M) waardoor de pollenbuis binnendringt om de spermacellen af te leveren.
In the center an embryo sac (ES) can be seen surrounded by its two protective layers the integumenten (I1 and I2). Together they form the ovule. Ovules lay in the lumen of the ovarium. Bw: Inner wall of the ovarium. On one side the integuments come together and a small channel remains open, the micropyle (M),throguh which the pollen tube can penetrate in order to release the sperm cells. Inside the embryo sac the synergiden (Sy) that help conducting the sperm nuclei to the egg cell (E) a bit furtherup is located close the micropyle, whereas the large central cell (CC) is in the center. The embryo develops from the fertilized egg cell, the endosperm (Es) with a nutritional function from the fertilized central cell and the integuments become part of the seed coat.
  Geologie Rijk van Nijme...  
De afvoer van smeltwater met sediment van landijs en stuwwallen door de rivieren (fluvio-glaciale afzettingen) nam enorm toe. Hierdoor zijn aan de zuid(west)zijde van de stuwwallen een soort puinwaaiers uit grind, zand en leemdeeltjes ontstaan, zogenaamde Sandr vlakten (zie figuur hierboven).
At the end of the Saalian and during the transition to the warmer (interglacial) Eemian the ice tongues melted rapidly. The efflux by the rivers of melting water with sediments from the ice sheets and the glacial tills (fluvio-glacial sediments) raised tremendously. As a consequence at the south(west) side of the glacial till a kind of alluvial fan consisting of boulders, sand and loam particles, so-called Sandr plain (see figure here above). The most coarse debris sedimented closest to the glacial till, while finer particles, the smaller and lighter they were, were carried further away by the meltwater before sedimenting.
Wat boven- en onderkant is van een blad, is niet altijd zo duidelijk. In het algemeen is de zijde die naar de zon toe gericht aan de oppervlak voorzien van een extra wasachtige -en glimmende- beschermingslaag: een (dikkere) cuticula.
Which side of a leaf is the top side and which is the under side,is not always obvious. In general, the side oriented towards the sun bears an extra waxy -and shiny- protective layer: a -thicker- cuticula. Opposite, the lower side facing the shadow, thus the side where the risk of dessication is smaller, bears often relatively more tiny openings (stomata) for gas exchange. This side is often duller (see example of an ivy leaf). If you can dispose of a microscope, you could deduce where the anatomical upper and lower side lay from the orientation of the xylem and phloem vessels in the vascular bundles. The xylem vessels, recognizable as large and hollow tubular structures, are located toward the inner side in the stem, and they protrude to the anatomical upper side (= adaxial side) into the leaf. The phloem is directed to the outer margin in the vascular bundle of the stem, and they extend to the anatomical underside (= the abaxial side) of the leaf. The "adaxial" and "abaxial" side can thus be firmly determined independently of the position of the leaf relative to the sun, and therefore these terms are prevalent in botany.
Wat boven- en onderkant is van een blad, is niet altijd zo duidelijk. In het algemeen is de zijde die naar de zon toe gericht aan de oppervlak voorzien van een extra wasachtige -en glimmende- beschermingslaag: een (dikkere) cuticula.
Which side of a leaf is the top side and which is the under side,is not always obvious. In general, the side oriented towards the sun bears an extra waxy -and shiny- protective layer: a -thicker- cuticula. Opposite, the lower side facing the shadow, thus the side where the risk of dessication is smaller, bears often relatively more tiny openings (stomata) for gas exchange. This side is often duller (see example of an ivy leaf). If you can dispose of a microscope, you could deduce where the anatomical upper and lower side lay from the orientation of the xylem and phloem vessels in the vascular bundles. The xylem vessels, recognizable as large and hollow tubular structures, are located toward the inner side in the stem, and they protrude to the anatomical upper side (= adaxial side) into the leaf. The phloem is directed to the outer margin in the vascular bundle of the stem, and they extend to the anatomical underside (= the abaxial side) of the leaf. The "adaxial" and "abaxial" side can thus be firmly determined independently of the position of the leaf relative to the sun, and therefore these terms are prevalent in botany.
Wat boven- en onderkant is van een blad, is niet altijd zo duidelijk. In het algemeen is de zijde die naar de zon toe gericht aan de oppervlak voorzien van een extra wasachtige -en glimmende- beschermingslaag: een (dikkere) cuticula.
Which side of a leaf is the top side and which is the under side,is not always obvious. In general, the side oriented towards the sun bears an extra waxy -and shiny- protective layer: a -thicker- cuticula. Opposite, the lower side facing the shadow, thus the side where the risk of dessication is smaller, bears often relatively more tiny openings (stomata) for gas exchange. This side is often duller (see example of an ivy leaf). If you can dispose of a microscope, you could deduce where the anatomical upper and lower side lay from the orientation of the xylem and phloem vessels in the vascular bundles. The xylem vessels, recognizable as large and hollow tubular structures, are located toward the inner side in the stem, and they protrude to the anatomical upper side (= adaxial side) into the leaf. The phloem is directed to the outer margin in the vascular bundle of the stem, and they extend to the anatomical underside (= the abaxial side) of the leaf. The "adaxial" and "abaxial" side can thus be firmly determined independently of the position of the leaf relative to the sun, and therefore these terms are prevalent in botany.