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ČRT SOJAR VOGLAR se je v svoji Sonatini za violino solo dokazal kot izjemen poznavalec inštrumenta. Znal je spretno izkoristiti vse tehnične prvine in barvne zmožnosti violinskega tona. Skladbo sem krstno izvedel leta 2006 na svojem podiplomskem recitalu.
ČRT SOJAR VOGLAR proved with his sonatina for solo violin to be an excellent connoisseur of the instrument. He knew how to use all the technical elements and colours of the violin sound. I premiered this composition in 2006 at my post-graduate recital.
Povod za njen nastenek je bila nenadna smrt velikega mojstra tanga Astorja Piazzolle, ki je umrl leta 1992 na višku ustvarjalne moči. Golijov si je skladbo zamislil kot idealizacijo bandoneona, instrumenta, s katerim je Piazzolla znal pričarati vse značilnosti tanga.
Argentinean composer of Jewish descent Osvaldo Golijov studied composition in Israel with Mark Kopytman and in the USA, where his teachers were George Crumb and Oliver Knussen. His compositional style draws inspiration from various music styles, genres and cultures. He grew up in La Plata (Argentina), where he was constantly surrounded by classical chamber music and Jewish liturgical and klezmer music, as well as by the new tango “invented” by Astor Piazzolla. Today, Golijov is one of the most frequently performed contemporary composers. Last Round was commissioned by the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group and was first performed in Birmingham in 1996. It was composed following the death of the great master of Tango, Astor Piazzolla, who was at the peak of his creativity when he died of a stroke in 1992. Golijov envisaged the piece as an idealisation of the bandoneon, an instrument that served Piazzolla to evoke the features of the tango. The bandoneon was invented in Germany to serve as a portable church organ. After finding its true home in the slums of Buenos Aires, the instrument returned to Europe and conquered Parisian high society. The first movement of Last Round bears no title and symbolises the act of the violent compression of the bandoneon’s bellows, while the second movement, a seemingly endless sigh of the opening of the bellows entitled La muerte del ángel (The Death of an Angel), is actually a fantasy over the refrain of the song “My Beloved Buenos Aires”, composed by the legendary Carlos Gardel in the 1930s.
Besedilo izraža tankočutno impresijo prihajajočega večera ob odzvanjanju avemarije, ki jo je Gobec vpel v sekundno oziroma klastrsko gibanje, s katerim je kljub disonančnim zvokom znal ponazoriti mir, tihoto in spokoj večerne zarje, kar je podkrepil z onomatopoijo zvonov.
Revolution is also the subject of Kri v plamenih (1969), the most extensive composition Gobec ever created and the only one of Gobec’s works, which entirely complies with the definition of opera, though Tremerski dukat (1934) and Trije muzikanti (1988) possess the characteristics of the opera genre as well. Libreto for Kri v plamenih was based on drama “Komisar Janez” he wrote during the war and related to factual events that occurred during the march of the Division XIV to Styria in 1944. The opera also contains some poems by Karel Destovnik Kajuh and popular partisan songs. Gobec managed to retain the documentary value of the subject despite the time discrepancy. The composition has a recomposed form, while its musical form approaches the characteristics of the late Romanticism with some elements of recent periods evident in periodical use of clusters and dissonance. The most effective elements are solos; likewise the orchestration they indicate the approach of an excellent and experienced composer. Gobec’s susceptibility to topical subjects as regards social developments expresses his cantata Poslednja rožica (1966), composed upon the text by James Thurber. Cantata treats the human race living in the Atomic Age, the time of perpetual forming of armies, and calls out for redemption. There were some surprisingly modern means of composition used in this work, such as spoken citation, noises, clusters, etc.