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Keybot 5 Results  www.yongpyong.co.kr
  Van Gogh inspireert: Ma...  
Inderdaad werd Van Gogh een lichtend voorbeeld voor kunstenaarsgeneraties na hem. Vanaf 1905 zochten de fauvisten in Frankrijk en de Duitse expressionisten van Die Brücke en Der Blaue Reiter naar manieren om de zeggingskracht van hun werken te vergroten.
Vincent van Gogh wrote in a letter to his brother Theo that ‘painters being dead and buried, speak to several following generations through their works’. Van Gogh did indeed become a shining example for generations of artists after him. Beginning in 1905, the Fauvists in France and the German Expressionists of Die Brücke and Der Blaue Reiter looked for ways to heighten the evocative power of their works.
  Van Gogh Museum breidt ...  
Maurice Denis is een belangrijke vertegenwoordiger van de Nabis, een groep Franse kunstenaars waartoe ook Félix Vallotton, Edouard Vuillard en Pierre Bonnard behoorden. De Nabis (profeten) zochten naar een nieuwe kunst waarbij de verbeelding en persoonlijke ervaring voorop stonden.
Maurice Denis is a major representative of the Nabis, a group of French artists including Félix Vallotton, Edouard Vuillard, Pierre Bonnard and others. The Nabis (prophets) searched for a new art in which imagination and personal experience were of prime importance. Simplification of shapes and decorative colour areas are characteristic features of their paintings and prints of mainly intimate indoor scenes. The painting
  Van Gogh inspireert: Ma...  
De bezieling in zijn werk sterkte zowel de fauvisten als de expressionisten in de behoefte hun gevoelens te uiten in hun kunst. Deze vernieuwers zochten vrijheid in vorm en kleur en gingen daarin een stap verder dan Van Gogh.
Van Gogh’s colourful, animated and emotionally charged paintings offered them a source of inspiration. The vitality of his work encouraged both the Fauvists and the Expressionists in their need to express their emotions through their art. These innovative artists took Van Gogh’s pursuit of freedom in form and colour to a new level. Or, as the Brücke artist Max Pechstein later declared: ‘Van Gogh was the father of us all!’
  Munch : Van Gogh verbin...  
Hun kleuren spatten van het doek, ze accentueerden vormen en lijnen, vereenvoudigden de realiteit. Ze zochten naar nieuwe perspectieven en uitsneden en legden grote nadruk op het gebruik van verf en andere materialen.
To emphasise the feeling or idea behind their work, Munch and Van Gogh pushed their art to the limits. The colours virtually splash out of the canvas, accentuating the shapes and lines, and simplifying reality. Searching for new perspectives and excisions, they emphasised their use of paints and other materials, going against the grain, representing the pinnacle of all that was modern and unconventional. Despite their complex techniques, the finished work was often surprisingly simple. Their art is both accessible and highly complex; profoundly human: it touches the mind and the soul. This is precisely what makes Munch and Van Gogh so unique.