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Keybot 4 Results  www.tbm.tudelft.nl
  TU Delft: Jan van den B...  
Dat idealisme eindigde in een grote desillusie, maar de tijd in Afrika heeft me wel geleerd om niet alleen naar de toekomst te kijken, maar ook van het heden te genieten. Later is pas later, en je leeft nu. De boeken van Hermann Hesse zijn wat dat aangaat favoriet: die gaan over de zoektocht naar de balans in jezelf tussen de serieuze mens en de flierefluiter. '
'In the early eighties, I lived in Mozambique with my family in order to participate in the struggle for solidarity. That idealism ended in serious disillusionment, but my time in Africa taught me to not only look towards the future, but also to enjoy the present. You live now; later can wait until later. The books of Hermann Hesse are my favourites in this regard - they concern the search for the balance between the serious person and the idler in yourself.'
  TU Delft: Aardgasvraags...  
Binnen TBM hebben diverse onderzoekers op verschillende vraagstukken onderzoeken gedaan. Gaandeweg zijn zo stukjes van die zoektocht ingevuld, bijvoorbeeld inzake organisatie en regulering, en de vraag hoe je er politiek mee moet omgaan.
Dr Aad Correljé, Associate Professor in Economics of Infrastructures: “Ten years ago, one of the major themes relating to natural gas was the deregulation of the gas market. It had just been introduced. The existing Dutch gas industry was turned on its head and many discoveries were made. The process of deregulation was one big journey of discovery, taken step-by-step. At TPM, various researchers conducted research on a range of issues. Gradually, pieces of the journey were filled in, concerning organisation and regulation for example, and how things should be dealt with politically.