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Keybot 2 Results  www.museumdd.be
  Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens  
De kijker wordt zo uitgedaagd de zogenaamde minderwaardige positie van de decoratieve kunsten te herzien ten opzichte van moderne kunst die doorgaans geassocieerd wordt met persoonlijke expressiviteit en originaliteit.
is the first European museum exhibition of Kamrooz Aram (born 1978, Iran, lives and works in New York). His varied oeuvre often deals with the complex relationship between modern painting and ornament. Through the use of a variety of media including painting, collage and sculpture, Aram seeks a renegotiation of the hierarchical values inherent in art history. The viewer is challenged to reconsider the supposedly lesser position of the decorative arts as something inferior to modern art, which is often associated with individualist expression and originality.
est la première exposition muséale Européenne de Kamrooz Aram (° 1978, Iran, vivant et travaillant à New York). L’œuvre variée traite souvent de la relation complexe entre la peinture moderne et l’ornement. En utilisant différents médias tels que la peinture, le collage, le dessin ou l’installation, Kamrooz Aram vise à renégocier les valeurs hiérarchiques inhérentes à l’histoire de l’art. Le spectateur est ainsi invité à revoir la prétendue position d’infériorité des arts décoratifs par rapport à l’art moderne, qui est généralement associé à l’expressivité personnelle et l’originalité.
  Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens  
Op vrij jonge leeftijd komt Thévenet in contact met Oleffe, een zeer belangrijke schilder in het toenmalige Brusselse die een sterke invloed uitoefende op de zogenaamde Brusselse Fauvisten met onder andere Rik Wouters.
At a rather young age, Thévenet comes into contact with Oleffe, a very important painter in the then Brussels scene who had a strong influence on the so-called Brussels Fauves, which included, among others, Rik Wouters. Thévenet becomes very good friends with Oleffe. In 1896 he moves with him to Nieuwpoort where they will both live for some time. He paints his first paintings in 1900, the Church of Nieuwpoort and Oleffe’s interior. In 1905, he moves back to Brussels. In 1906 he meets François Van Haelen, one of Belgium’s then most famous collectors who will from then on continue to support him. In 1906 he marries Emma Tevens, who will also manage his accounts, giving us a clear view of Thévenets sales from 1908 onward. He enjoys great success until 1914, his work sells well, and he takes part in all the major exhibitions and exhibits at the famous Brussels Gallery Georges Giroux. Even Queen Elizabeth buys one of his canvases. The interest in his work, however, was largely inspired by the beautiful and seductive aspect of his petty-bourgeois interiors and the air of naivety that pervaded his canvases. Thévenet felt greatly misunderstood because of this. His alcohol abuse and his reticence made him quite unpopular, and he was almost shunned by everyone from 1914 onward, except for René Lyr, who later in 1945 wrote a wonderful biography about him titled ‘Mon ami Louis Thévenet’. Thévenet died on August 16, 1930 at 56 years of age, lonely and withdrawn.