zolder – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 3 Results  qbs.pl
  Fu Works  
Hij is een mens. Zij niet. Ondertussen komt Pap te weten dat Andreas op zolder is geweest en geeft hij zijn zoon een uitbrander. Andreas smeekt hem om te vertellen wat hij en Mam toch doen. Ze verzekeren hem dat ze alleen maar wetenschappelijk onderzoek doen, dat ze een deadline hebben en dat ze het erg, erg druk hebben.
To Kasper, it's just a coincidence. To Vero, it's hard proof. She tells Andreas he can't be his parents' son. He is human. They are not. Meanwhile, Dad finds out that Andreas has been in the attic and reprimands him. Andreas begs him to tell him what he and Mum are doing. They assure him that they're just doing research in their greenhouse and work on the data in the attic. They have a deadline and are very, very busy.
  Fu Works  
Als zijn ouders buitenaardse wezens zouden zijn, dan had hij dat wel gemerkt. Maar toch, Andreas twijfelt. Hij suggereert dat ze een antwoord kunnen vinden op zolder. Dat is waar Pa werkt. Dat is de plek in huis waar hij niet mag komen.
Serious-minded Kasper is certain that his parents' conversation shouldn't be interpreted so literally. Andreas can't really believe it either. If his parents are aliens, he would have noticed. Still, he might find some answers in the attic. That's the place where his Dad works and that's where he's not allowed to come. Vero invents an intricate scheme to lure the parents away from home. While Mum and Dad are away, the children break into the attic and are astonished to find computer screens with incomprehensible chemical data and a mysterious project called LINEA. And if you switch the order of the letters the project reads ALIEN.
  Fu Works  
Als zijn ouders buitenaardse wezens zouden zijn, dan had hij dat wel gemerkt. Maar toch, Andreas twijfelt. Hij suggereert dat ze een antwoord kunnen vinden op zolder. Dat is waar Pa werkt. Dat is de plek in huis waar hij niet mag komen.
Serious-minded Kasper is certain that his parents' conversation shouldn't be interpreted so literally. Andreas can't really believe it either. If his parents are aliens, he would have noticed. Still, he might find some answers in the attic. That's the place where his Dad works and that's where he's not allowed to come. Vero invents an intricate scheme to lure the parents away from home. While Mum and Dad are away, the children break into the attic and are astonished to find computer screens with incomprehensible chemical data and a mysterious project called LINEA. And if you switch the order of the letters the project reads ALIEN.