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Keybot 32 Results  ec.europa.eu
  Allgemeiner Überblick -...  
E-Learning Kurse im Bereich Steuern und Zoll
eLearning courses in Customs and Taxation
  Internationale Abkommen...  
Die Vertragsparteien können den Anwendungsbereich der Abkommen im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen ausweiten, um die Zusammenarbeit um spezifische Bereiche zu erweitern: Die Europäische Gemeinschaft hat das Abkommen über Zusammenarbeit im Zollbereich mit den USA durch die Einführung effizienter und wirksamer Kontrollmaßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit der transatlantischen Beförderung von Containern formell ausgeweitet.
The Contracting Parties may enlarge the scope of the Agreement by mutual consent in order to supplement the areas of cooperation on specific areas: The European Community has formally expanded the customs co-operation agreement with the United States by introducing efficient and effective control measures to improve the security of transatlantic maritime transport of containers. The expansion of the agreement on 22 April 2004 to cover co-operation on CSI and related matters, striving for the right balance between security and facilitation, shows the possibility for an expansion of the scope of the agreement is indeed necessary as the area of customs co-operation and the role of customs are constantly evolving.
Les parties contractantes peuvent étendre la portée de leur accord par consentement mutuel, afin d'élargir les domaines de coopération portant sur des points spécifiques. Ainsi, le 22 avril 2004, la Communauté européenne a officiellement étoffé un accord de coopération douanière avec les États-Unis: des mesures de contrôle renforcé ont été introduites, afin d'améliorer la sécurité du transport maritime transatlantique de conteneurs. Cette extension de l'accord à la coopération relative à l'ISC (initiative concernant la sécurité des conteneurs) vise à maintenir un équilibre approprié entre la sécurité et la facilitation des échanges commerciaux. Elle répond à la nécessité d'adapter ce type d'accords à l'évolution constante de la coopération douanière et du rôle des douanes.
  Der EU-Aktionsplan im Z...  
Im Oktober 2010 veranstalteten die französische Zollverwaltung und die Europäische Kommission im Rahmen des Programms Zoll 2013 ein Seminar. An dieser Veranstaltung beteiligten sich die EU-Länder, die Türkei, Serbien sowie Vertreter der Privatwirtschaft.
In October 2010, a seminar was organised in Paris by the French customs administration and the European Commission in the framework of the Customs 2013 Programme. EU Member States, Turkey, Serbia and representatives of the private sector participated in this event. The objectives of the seminar were to gather information on how Member States tackle this issue and to identify ways to improve the efficiency of customs controls in this area. The main outcome of the seminar was the adoption of the "Recommandations de La Villette
En octobre 2010, les douanes françaises et la Commission européenne ont organisé à Paris un séminaire dans le cadre du programme Douane 2013. Les États membres de l'Union, la Turquie, la Serbie et des représentants du secteur privé y ont participé. Ce séminaire avait pour objectifs de rassembler des informations sur les solutions envisagées par les États membres à ce problème et de déterminer les moyens de renforcer l'efficacité des contrôles douaniers dans ce domaine. Il a débouché principalement sur l'adoption des «recommandations de La Villette
  Zollkonferenz Shanghai ...  
Die Handelserleichterungsziele mit dem Bedürfnis, die Sicherheit der Bürger zu gewährleisten, geistliche Eigentumsrechte zu schützen und illegalen Handel zu bekämpfen in Einklang zu bringen: das ist ein Schwerpunkt der Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und China im Bereich Zoll.
Reconciling trade facilitation objectives with the need to safeguard the security of citizens, protect intellectual property rights and combat illicit trade is a core issue in the relationship between the European Union and China in the area of customs. A high-level International Customs Conference has explored this challenge from various geographical and sectoral angles focusing on EU-China " Modern Customs: Building bridges to facilitate legitimate trade while protecting citizens". The event took place on 1 – 2 September in Shanghai.
Concilier les objectifs de facilitation du commerce avec la nécessité d'assurer la sécurité des citoyens, de protéger les droits de propriété intellectuelle et de lutter contre le commerce illicite: voilà une question centrale dans les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Chine en matière douanière. Une conférence douanière internationale à haut niveau a analysé ce défi sous divers angles géographiques et sectoriels en portent son attention sur les "douanes modernes" dans l'UE et en Chine: "Etablir des ponts pour faciliter le commerce légitime tout en protégeant les citoyens" - " Modern Customs: Building bridges to facilitate legitimate trade while protecting citizens". Cet événement a eu lieu les 1er et 2 septembre à Shanghai.
  Energie und Verkehr - G...  
Zu diesen Sektoren gehören das Verkehrswesen (Ortung und Ermittlung der Geschwindigkeit von Fahrzeugen, Wegplanung, Navigationssysteme usw.), soziale Einrichtungen (z.B. Hilfe für Behinderte oder Senioren), die Justiz und der Zoll (Feststellung des Aufenthaltsortes von Verdächtigen, Grenzkontrollen), das Bauwesen (geografische Informationssysteme), Not- und Rettungsdienste oder der Freizeitsektor (Orientierung auf dem Meer und in den Bergen usw.).
GALILEO is based on a constellation of 30 satellites and ground stations providing information concerning the positioning of users in many sectors such as transport (vehicle location, route searching, speed control, guidance systems, etc.), social services (e.g. aid for the disabled or elderly), the justice system and customs services (location of suspects, border controls), public works (geographical information systems), search and rescue systems, or leisure (direction-finding at sea or in the mountains, etc.).
GALILEO repose sur une constellation de trente satellites et des stations terrestres permettant de fournir des informations concernant leur positionnement à des usagers de nombreux secteurs tels que le transport (localisation de véhicules, recherche d’itinéraire, contrôle de la vitesse, systèmes de guidage, etc.), les services sociaux (par exemple aide aux handicapés ou aux personnes âgées), la justice et les douanes (contrôles frontaliers), les travaux publics (systèmes d'information géographique), le sauvetage de personnes en détresse ou les loisirs (orientation en mer et en montagne, etc.).
  Einzelvorhaben - Europe...  
Das automatisierte Ausfuhrsystem soll sicherstellen, dass Ausfuhren, die in einem Mitgliedstaat begonnen wurden, in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat abgeschlossen werden können, ohne dass erneut dieselben Angaben gemacht werden müssen. Dies schließt den Austausch elektronischer Nachrichten bei den unterschiedlichen Stadien der Verfahren zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren (Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, Zoll und andere Behörden) ein.
The objective of the Automated Import System is to ensure that import operations started in one Member State can be completed in another Member State without re-submission of the same information. This includes the exchange of electronic messages related to the different stages of the operations amongst the various actors (customs, traders and other governmental administrations). The first phase of the implementation, Import Control System, is aimed to provide for the handling of pre-arrival declarations (under security and safety amendment Regulation (EC) 648/2005) and the link of the information with risk analysis.
La première phase de ce projet, à savoir la mise en oeuvre du système de contrôle des importations, vise à assurer le traitement des déclarations préalables à l'arrivée - conformément aux modifications en matière de sécurité et de sûreté introduites par le règlement (EC) 648/2005 - ainsi que la mise en relation des informations avec l'analyse des risques.
  Internationale Abkommen...  
Er lässt sämtliche, sich aus der Anwendung des Abkommens ergebende Fragen prüfen, beispielsweise Probleme bei der praktischen Anwendung der Zollvorschriften im Handel (Einreihung von Waren, Ursprungsfragen usw.) oder im Zusammenhang mit künftigen Entwicklungen der Rechtsvorschriften im Bereich Zoll (Umstellung auf EDV, Änderungen des Zollkodex).
The Joint Committee has to ensure that the agreement is correctly applied and has examined all questions arising from its application, for example all issues relating to problems concerning the application of customs rules in trade (classification of goods, origin problems etc) or concerning future developments of customs legislation (computerisation; changes to the Customs Code). It serves also as a forum to discuss and prepare meetings relating to international organisations like the WCO.
Le comité mixte doit veiller à la bonne application de l'accord et examiner toutes les questions de mise en oeuvre, portant par exemple sur l'application des règles douanières aux échanges (classement des marchandises, problèmes d'origine, etc.) ou sur l'évolution de la législation douanière (informatisation et modification du code des douanes). Il fournit aussi un espace de discussion et de préparation des réunions avec les organisations internationales telles que l'OMD.
  Allgemeiner Überblick -...  
Die Verschmelzung von E-Learning mit anderen Lernformen setzt sich innerhalb der Europäischen Union im Bereich des Steuer- und Zoll-Training zunehmend durch. Die Europäische Kommission entwickelt E-Learning Kurse zu Themen von Gemeinschaftsinteresse in Zusammenarbeit mit den Steuer- und Zollbehörden sowie Vertretern des Handels.
The blending of electronic learning with other forms of learning is becoming well established within Customs and Taxation training across the European Union. The European Commission develops eLearning courses on topics of common interest in collaboration with customs and taxation administrations and representatives of trade.
La combinaison de l'apprentissage électronique et d'autres formes d'apprentissage est désormais solidement établie dans les formations ayant trait à la douane et à la fiscalité dans toute l'Union européenne. La Commission européenne met au point des cours électroniques sur des sujets d'intérêt commun, en collaboration avec les administrations douanières et fiscales et les représentants du négoce.
  Der EU-Aktionsplan im Z...  
Der Verkauf von Rechte des geistigen Eigentums verletzenden Waren über das Internet ist eine zentrale Herausforderung für den Zoll. Das Ausmaß dieses Problems nimmt ständig zu, und die Zollbehörden sind mit einem stetig ansteigenden Strom kleiner Sendungen nachgeahmter oder unerlaubt hergestellter Waren konfrontiert.
The sale of IPR infringing goods over the Internet is a key challenge for customs. The scale of this phenomenon is growing constantly and customs are faced with increasing traffic of small consignments of counterfeit and pirated goods.
La vente sur internet de marchandises enfreignant les DPI constitue un défi majeur pour les douanes. Ce phénomène ne cesse de prendre de l'ampleur et les douanes sont confrontées à une recrudescence des petits envois de marchandises contrefaites et piratées.
  Einzelvorhaben - Europe...  
Das automatisierte Einfuhrsystem soll sicherstellen, dass Einfuhren, die in einem Mitgliedstaat gestartet wurden, in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat abgeschlossen werden können, ohne dass erneut dieselben Angaben gemacht werden müssen. Dies schließt den Austausch elektronischer Nachrichten zu den unterschiedlichen Stadien der Transaktionen zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren (Wirtschaftsbeteiligte, Zoll und andere Behörden) ein.
The objective of this application (currently in the pilot phase) is to provide full control of the European leg of TIR movements and to facilitate the termination/discharge of TIR operations within the Community by replacing the return of Voucher No 2 with the sending of NCTS messages.
  Japan - European commis...  
Die 5. Sitzung des Gemischten Ausschusses für Zusammenarbeit im Zollbereich EU-Japan wurde von Heinz Zourek, Generaldirektor für Steuern und Zollunion bei der Europäischen Kommission, und Atsuo Shibota, Generaldirektor der Abteilung für Zoll und Tarife des japanischen Finanzministeriums gemeinsam geleitet.
Le 5e CMCD a été coprésidé par Monsieur Heinz Zourek, Directeur Général de la DG fiscalité et union douanière de la Commission Européenne et par Monsieur Atsuo Shibota, Directeur Général de l'office des douanes et tarifs au ministère japonais des finances.
  40 Jahre Zollunion - Eu...  
Der Zoll schützt …
Customs protects...
Les douanes protègent...
Las aduanas protegen …
Le dogane tutelano …
A vámhatóságok védik...
Służba celna chroni...
  40 Jahre Zollunion - Eu...  
Kontakt zum Zoll in Ihrem Land
Contact your country's customs
Contacter les douanes de votre pays
Contactar con las aduanas de su país
Contattare le dogane del vostro paese
Vámhatóságok az Ön hazájában
Kontakt ze służbą celną swojego kraju
  40 Jahre Zollunion - Eu...  
die Seine - Quelle: Französischer Zoll
Seine - Source: French Customs
Seine - Source: Douane française
- Fuente de información: aduana francesa
Senna - Fonte: Dogane francesi
- Forrás: Francia Vámigazgatás
Sekwana - Źródło: Francuski Urząd Celny
  40 Jahre Zollunion - Eu...  
Zoll heute
Customs today
La aduanas, hoy
Le dogane oggi
Służba celna dziś
  40 Jahre Zollunion - Eu...  
Einige Fotos (Quelle: Französischer Zoll)
A few pictures (Source: French Customs)
Quelques photos (Source: Douane française)
Algunas fotographías (Fuente de información: aduana francesa)
Alcune fotografie (Fonte: Dogane francesi)
Néhány kép (Forrás: Francia Vámigazgatás)
Kilka fotografii (Źródło: Francuski Urząd Celny)
  40 Jahre Zollunion - Eu...  
Zoll – zu Ihren Diensten
Customs at your service
Les douanes à votre service
Las aduanas, a su servicio
Le dogane al vostro servizio
Vámhatóságok az Ön szolgálatában
Służba celna z myślą o obywatelach
  Die Europäische Beobach...  
Steuern und Zoll:
Taxation and Customs:
Fiscalité et douanes :
  Mehrwertsteuer auf elek...  
Zwischenbericht über die Auswirkungen des elektronischen Handels für Mehrwertsteuer und Zoll (1998)
Interim report on the implications of electronic commerce for VAT and customs. 1998
Rapport intérimaire sur l''impact du commerce électronique sur la TVA et les douanes
  Internationale Abkommen...  
Elektronischer Zoll
Electronic Customs
Douane électronique
  Internationale Abkommen...  
Zoll und Sicherheit
Customs and Security
Douane et sécurité
  Willkommen und Auftrags...  
wirksam internationalen Herausforderungen in Zusammenhang mit Zoll- und Steuerpolitiken zu begegnen;
Respond effectively to the international challenges associated with customs and tax policies;
répondre de manière efficace aux défis internationaux liés aux politiques douanière et fiscale;
  Internationale Abkommen...  
Customs Trade Consultations
Consultations douanes/opérateurs économiques
  Elektronische Datenbank...  
Die Kommission entwickelt und unterhält gemeinsam mit den Zoll- und Steuerbehörden der Mitgliedstaaten mehrere Datenbanken.
The Commission develops and operates several databases in conjunction with Member States' Customs and Taxation Services.
La Commission élabore et fait fonctionner plusieurs bases de données en liaison avec les services douaniers et fiscaux des Etats membres.
  Verbrauchsteuern auf Al...  
  Allgemeiner Überblick -...  
Artikel 12 des Zoll 2013
Article 12 of Customs 2013
L'article 12 du programme Douane 2013
  Zollkonferenz Shanghai ...  
Die Handelserleichterungsziele mit dem Bedürfnis, die Sicherheit der Bürger zu gewährleisten, geistliche Eigentumsrechte zu schützen und illegalen Handel zu bekämpfen in Einklang zu bringen: das ist ein Schwerpunkt der Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und China im Bereich Zoll.
Reconciling trade facilitation objectives with the need to safeguard the security of citizens, protect intellectual property rights and combat illicit trade is a core issue in the relationship between the European Union and China in the area of customs. A high-level International Customs Conference has explored this challenge from various geographical and sectoral angles focusing on EU-China " Modern Customs: Building bridges to facilitate legitimate trade while protecting citizens". The event took place on 1 – 2 September in Shanghai.
Concilier les objectifs de facilitation du commerce avec la nécessité d'assurer la sécurité des citoyens, de protéger les droits de propriété intellectuelle et de lutter contre le commerce illicite: voilà une question centrale dans les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Chine en matière douanière. Une conférence douanière internationale à haut niveau a analysé ce défi sous divers angles géographiques et sectoriels en portent son attention sur les "douanes modernes" dans l'UE et en Chine: "Etablir des ponts pour faciliter le commerce légitime tout en protégeant les citoyens" - " Modern Customs: Building bridges to facilitate legitimate trade while protecting citizens". Cet événement a eu lieu les 1er et 2 septembre à Shanghai.
  Integrierte Meeresüberw...  
Derzeit werden alle Daten in den Bereichen Grenzkontrollen, Schutz und Sicherheit, Fischereiaufsicht, Zoll, Umwelt oder Verteidigung auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene getrennt erfasst. Ein Datenaustausch zwischen den verschiedenen Behörden findet häufig nicht statt.
El objeto de la vigilancia marítima integrada es proporcionar métodos de intercambio de datos e información a las autoridades interesadas o implicadas en la vigilancia marítima. La vigilancia será más barata y más eficaz si se comparte la información.
Geïntegreerd maritiem toezicht betekent dat autoriteiten die actief zijn in of belangstelling hebben voor maritieme bewaking, middelen krijgen om informatie en gegevens uit te wisselen. Gegevens delen maakt het toezicht goedkoper en efficiënter.
В момента ЕС и националните власти, отговарящи за различни аспекти на наблюдението – например граничен контрол, безопасност и сигурност, контрол на рибарството, митници, околна среда или отбрана, събират данни отделно едни от други и често не ги обменят. В резултат на това едни и същи данни могат да бъдат събрани повече от един път.
Zintegrowany nadzór morski ma na celu umożliwienie zainteresowanym stronom i organom zajmującym się nadzorem morskim wymiany informacji i danych. Dzięki temu nadzór stanie się tańszy i skuteczniejszy.
Iniţiativa „Supraveghere maritimă integrată” îşi propune să le ofere autorităţilor responsabile sau interesate de supravegherea maritimă modalităţi de partajare a informaţiilor, pentru a reduce costurile şi pentru a eficientiza procesul.
  Europäischer Sozialfond...  
In der 40-stündigen Weiterbildung werden diverse Themen, wie Instrumente für den Export, Export-Marketing und -Forschung, Auslandsmärkte, Finanzierungsinstrumente sowie Zoll- und Steuerangelegenheiten, erörtert.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
Des dirigeants de PME de l'île de Crète participent à des séminaires sur «Comment s'extravertir», dans le but de stimuler les performances en matière d'exportation dans la région. Ces séminaires sont organisés par l'Association crétoise des exportateurs et l'Association grecque de gestion des entreprises, avec le soutien du FSE. La formation de 40 heures couvre des thèmes tels que les outils utilisés pour l'exportation, le marketing et la recherche sur l'exportation, les marchés étrangers, les instruments financiers ainsi que les questions d'ordre douanier et fiscal. D'ici la fin 2013, entre 12 et 15 séminaires auront été organisés sur l'île, pour quelque 300 PME participantes.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
Οι διοικούντες ΜμΕ στην Κρήτη παρακολουθούν σεμινάρια με θέμα«Διεθνές Εμπόριο και Εξαγωγές στην Πράξη» και με στόχο την ενίσχυση των εξαγωγών στην περιφέρεια. Τα σεμινάρια διοργανώνονται από το Σύνδεσμο Εξαγωγέων Κρήτης και την Ελληνική Εταιρία Διοικήσεως Επιχειρήσεων με την υποστήριξη του ΕΚΤ. Η κατάρτιση, διάρκειας40 ωρών, καλύπτει ενότητες όπως Εργαλεία ΕξαγωγικούMarketing, Επιλογή& Έρευνα Ξένης Αγοράς, Μέσα Χρηματοδότησης, Υγιεινή και Ασφάλεια Εργαζομένων, Τελωνειακά και Φορολογικά θέματα. Έως το τέλος του2013, θα πραγματοποιηθούν12-15 τμήματα σε ολόκληρη την Κρήτη, στα οποία θα συμμετάσχουν περίπου300 ΜμΕ.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.
SME managers on the island of Crete are attending seminars on ‘How to be an extrovert’ with the aim of boosting export performance in the region. The seminars are arranged by the Exporters Association of Crete and the Greek Management Association with ESF support. The 40 hours of training covers topics such as tools for exporting, export marketing and research, foreign markets, financial instruments as well as customs and tax issues. By the end of 2013 some 12 to 15 seminars will have been held across the island, reaching around 300 SME participants.